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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Article on News.com.au saying the group lost a large amount of money over the last year and needs to refinance to the tune of US$1billion. This could be even shorter than the Infiniti deal.
  2. $10 million pa for the next 10 years. Sign them up and I am more than happy. Carn the Jags is fine with me.
  3. My god we are majoring in minors. Better start playing games people have too much think time.
  4. Not sure that would fit a 21st century "green" community Bbo. There would probably be protests about it not being native to the area and reducing the ability of people to walk their dogs.
  5. No point giving us money Mr Leg we have nowhere to spend it.
  6. You are going to be disappointed this year bb. However 2020 is when we will take the competition by the scruff of the neck and shake lose a flag.
  7. Well there is a surprise... It is still afloat!
  8. I think they get a few days off after the trip north. How many? I don't know!
  9. Correct LDC but IMO they have a big job in front of them because the product is average. They don't get much in the way of good reviews from the Motoring Press. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but again only my view but they look average and are expensive. However they are part of the Nissan/ Mitsubishi/ Renault group that sold the most vehicles in 2018 on a world basis so who knows how committed they are to the Australian market. Like our team 2019 will be an interesting year. I doubt they will be able to say they did not get plenty of exposure. Who knows what advertisers feels is good value for money. Jeep has been a Richmond major sponsor now for years and all through the Tigers run up to the flag and beyond Jeep sales have fallen. One view from that is without the Tigers exposure they would have fallen further. My view is they should be selling a better product and the money spent at Richmond is not doing much to help them. But perhaps wisely Jeep do not agree with me.
  10. A small comment on one of our major sponsors. Lexus sold more cars in Jan. 2019 than Infiniti sold for all of 2018. It seems the Dees have the job in front of them getting Infiniti up in 2019.
  11. Just not necessary to maintain my support SWYL. It probably puts me in a very small group of members ( I doubt it is more than 2 ) but just they way I feel. If it happens I will enjoy as much as everyone else.
  12. Still don't see any need to rush with a contract for him. Like you I want the MFC as a power in the AFL long after I shuffle off. As long as that happens then wether we win a flag or not is minor to me in my years left. I appreciate that it is probably vital to younger members and necessary to build membership. If it's happens fine but I long ago gave up on it as a must have.
  13. Five years! Three is enough if he cannot win one with this list by 2022 he never will.
  14. There is no rush. He is not going anywhere he knows the list is a good one. Where would he go? Carlton, Freo, saints I don't think so. The MFC can afford to see how the early part of the 2019 season turns out. We can then negotiate from a position of strength.
  15. Some cannot see the Forrest for the trees Mr Leg!
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