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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. "Posted Today, 12:09 PM What the fark has happened to this club?" A poignant lament from Bomberblitz. It actually made me tear up. Tears of joy that is!!!! Ha HAAA haaaa hha
  2. It all has that bull shite aroma to it doesn't it?
  3. I'm simply at the risk of dying waiting for the team to come good.
  4. Don't be so precious Ethan. One's hand has neither unrealistic expectations nor the need for post coital small talk.
  5. Oh well ...break a leg James!!
  6. FMD. I'd grab that with both hands!!!
  7. That's OK! Under no circumstances mention those pensioners he's bedded from ..... (east borewood)
  8. Did it ever have any significance in your sordid life Biff?
  9. He's a bloody teacher with time on his hands!
  10. This is a really interesting scenario. Given that our fall back position is "f... you! keep him and sort it yourselves"! You would think that we have the filth at our mercy. At the very least, if the deal goes ahead, there should be no suggestion that we have paid "overs".
  11. What's your point here BB. As you are no doubt aware this, choice comes down to level of accompanying conversation one expects.
  12. I'm a strong chance to indulge in sexual activity tonight!
  13. I wonder if there is a cape involved ?
  14. Surely the predator follows the prey dc!
  15. Description: The Whitehorse Club is situated on the East Burwood Reserve at 298 – 336 Burwood Highway, East Burwood. It has occupied its present premises since 1990.It is a multicultural Club within Italian – Australian origins.Our membership is approximately 1000 individuals of which 60% are elderly citizens over the age of 65. Our members enjoy social nights on Tuesday and Friday nights. On a Thursday during the day our members have the use of all our facilities. Members enjoy playing bocce, card games, yoga session, gently exercise, tombola, billiards and quiet social interaction. Our members also enjoy, day trips, extended trips and also interstate Any guesses where Lothario might be tonight?
  16. Have to agree. Met the great man once - at training. Only time I've had to take second place for autographs.
  17. Yeah lovely story BB ... but.... did ya get a root?
  18. Cant argue with the quality of some of the shiraz from around Heathcote Clint. Trouble is, it's bloody expensive and, at the rate I swill the stuff, I'd have to start selling off the "lads". BTW mere parapraxis with your name.
  19. Meant to reply the other night BB. That was a Barossa induced spelling error. However, I do answer to graceful and elegant.
  20. My mistake clit - I was unclear. I wanted to know whether it was drinking well now or needed another one or two years. Re gargling etc. I tasted a couple recently that I would clean my teeth with.
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