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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. That's really funny Mono - now have another week off. Please.
  2. What the hell is wrong with you Clint? The best reds are from the Barossa. She's ready to eat out of my hand Moonie!
  3. BTW. For all you trolls and ignorami (eg Moonshadow) that obviously know little of the world of a gourmet like myself I am presently cooking a romantic meal for myself and my beloved - freekah pilaf.
  4. Have you no pride in your appearance Jizza? How can a fat balding bloke expect to pull sheillas?
  5. Correct OD but in moderate portions. BTW my form in the gym is progressing admirably. I am becoming quite sveldt.
  6. No doubt you will also leave this mortal coil with your falafel in hand.
  7. I listened to a brief radio interview with Danger just before the GF. He talked about how envious he was of the competing players and that playing in a GF was the ultimate aim of all footballers. Now, given that, could someone explain WTF he would even consider coming to MFC. Oh hang on ... maybe he reckons he can play on until he is about 52.
  8. I'm over the breakfast menu discussion. Bananas, fruit ...... muesli FFS! You blokes need to get onto a real Aussie mans breakfast. Tomatoes on toast - with cheese of course and lots of pepper. It's made me the man I am.
  9. That may well be part of the overall performance - he would have an extensive array of tricks - one imagines.
  10. Our resident gigolo is on another thread, perhaps he can provide some ..er .. input. Although the baubles he is used to handling may be of a somewhat different texture.
  11. Be cautious, such public mishaps may impact on your chances for "higher honours".
  12. I wonder if the good Doctor has examined those baubles?
  13. I think you may have gone back just a tad too far Earl!
  14. Pickett, Biffen and Moonshadow making cheap sexist comments. Can Demonland descend any further?
  15. Bit of SOL this morning Moonie? Missus make you sleep on the couch?
  16. Love Jake. Did good while fit. He'll stay the journey and be an honest contributor. He's neither a squealer nor a turncoat - unlike some more credentialed tall colleagues.
  17. Close BB BUT And nothing is MORE dumber than Dog Shlt than your typical Essendon SUPPORTER.
  18. Beers my arse. You've been doing business with Biffen!
  19. I fear we'll be reading about Jimmy Toump kicking goals in the SANFl in the not too distant future.
  20. Always love your work Clint but could you explain BOM?
  21. We do it every year Steve. It's a hope thing. Then by about half time in round 1 we are all shitted off again, hope is gone and we turn on each other on Dland. History repeats itself.
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