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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. If you really want mindless, wait for Moonshadow to post. Shouldn't be long if he's done the dishes and tidied up the kitchen.
  2. I hope you realize dc that that smack to fl og (which exposes his total ignorance of football) will result in him not posting for some time.. In fact ...if I was fl og , I wouldn't post for 10 years or so.
  3. Of course I'm making fun of your name clitor- that is what I do. However, to finish an evening a muscat or tokay from Rutherglen is beyond belief . Tried either of those?
  4. Whenever you post clit clunt -you know who I mean. My mind goes blank also and I reach for my (not Heathcote red)
  5. Fl og doesn't know much beyond his colouring book.
  6. Could be 50 years till the next one Red! I'm sounding like OD.
  7. Всем известно, что пошел на хуй
  8. FMD! Last time I did a deal with you my credit card went missing for three days. "just a misunderstanding" you said, but all those charges for "personal services" were never refunded.
  9. Вот действительно умных вам трахает
  10. I suppose your usual discretion and normal principles of business would not allow you to disclose any names related to BOREWOOD and the purchase of large amounts of Cialis. (AKA a gigolos best friend) Hang on you have no principles and discretion so you are simply waiting for final clearance of the funds?
  11. Listen Clint you disappear into drunken psychotic episodes and them reappear. How do you handle these gaps in reality?
  12. He was certainly hard done by!! In fact the penalty he received for drinking lolly water on the wrong day of the week was absolute bull shite of the highest order. And, along with the Essendrug fiasco shows what disarray the AFL is in regarding illicit substances. I posted some time ago that he would be a good pick up but, if we have Garlett, then no. Wish him luck though!
  13. I'm only talking about when I'm in the gym dc! I load it up with a marrow* and swagger about in the weights room. Can't get any more super hero than that. *organically grown in Romsey.
  14. It is a rare pleasure to bathe in another's misfortune dc!
  15. Not all Gorg! However, I do wear one under the spandex, on occasion.
  16. Wouldn't matter - he's illiterate and couldn't read a key or legend. Just let the little fella be creative and we'll see if he can stay inside the lines.
  17. Good question - if your and Fl ogs efforts represent the standard at this hour then I will resume my early retiring habits.
  18. Save your "humour" for the blue rinsers dc!
  19. Well, well this is too funny to be true! Fl og grows a ball and takes me off "ignore" and Moonie starts clapping his hands and making mindless gestures from the back stalls. Combined IQ - i'm guessing around 32. Now Flo gger please give an example of my "comprehension issues". You may find examples of my sexual issues, my obscene language issues, my keeping poor company issues etc but comprehension of your simplistic posts is usually achievable between too many shiraz and flicking to Redtube. "Apps" are no doubt your literature of choice Fl og because they try to water down complex issues so that the chattering classes can feel involved. Stick to your colouring books.
  20. If I could drag him out of the S bend he'd call me Pain Man!
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