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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Yeah, who wants a forward that could only average 45 goals a season (without missing a game) up until the end of 2019; the last three of those seasons each with yields of >60 goals with delivery that was not particularly special in any kind of way. Why would anyone want a player like that? It just beggars belief!
  2. In that case, my time would be better spent developing some kind of youth elixir.
  3. I was thinking "Groundhog Day" at the beginning of the week... I've since learned three classical languages as well as Japanese and Mandarin, can play most of Beethoven's catalogue and have obtained my commercial pilot's license.
  4. The main issue with her appointment is that Obama was howled down/blocked by McConnell for trying to install a new judge in the supreme court 300 days out from an election, the reason being that it was an election year. They now do the same thing 30 days out from an election simply because they have the numbers and not a peep out of McConnell. Reeks of hypocrisy.
  5. All Presidents from Bush Snr onwards have appointed 2 justices each to the Supreme Court, but Trump is about to eclipse that with this latest appointment. As for the rest such as the Appeals Court etc...
  6. So sad... https://www.smh.com.au/sport/afl/gws-player-jacinda-barclay-dies-suddenly-20201013-p564s9.html
  7. What a shocker of a comment... "a lying little PIECE"?? Really?? Putting aside that the misogynistic phrasing, I watched the debate in its entirety live, and there is no way that Pence took Harris to the cleaners. He continually ignored the the rules of the debate, revisited earlier questions rather than address the current question and continually resorted to "apple pie and motherhood" responses in an effort to somehow convince the public that he's worth voting for because he's a nice guy; he was ducking and weaving like a fighter on his last legs. Harris on the other hand, addressed each question directly, rarely returning to the previous question, rarely running over the allocated time, generally following the rules. Apart from the fracking claims (which their policy remains very unclear), what else did she say that deserves her being labelled a snake? "He is now stuffing up the supreme court packing and being a total hypocrite on taxes and fracking." I don't know enough about their stance on fracking (do you? There's so much misinformation from both sides that the truth often gets lost), but with regards to the stacking of the supreme court, you have to be kidding me! It was McConnell who blocked Obama's attempt to install a new judge because "it was an election year" and that was 300 days out from an election... yet McConnell is happy for Trump to install a new judge while the corpse is still warm, just a couple of months out from an election?? Give me a break! As for being a hypocrite on taxes, Biden has been entirely transparent with his taxes and business dealings while Trump has continually, for four years, refused to reveal his. He claims to have donated his presidential salary ($400k approx), but in effect, he his giving it to governmental departments, not all of which would benefit those in need; all while he is earning $1m per day from allowing Mar a Lago to be used for government business and his golfing activities. He claims to be introducing a better healthcare system than Obamacare, yet in 4 years has produced nothing and, despite his claims to the contrary now that an election is on the horizon, he intended to remove eligibility due to underlying conditions at a time when no American can afford that. And all of that is just for starters.
  8. Not really... on a per capita basis, the US is currently sitting at 666 per million (somewhat symbolic number) while Victoria is currently sitting at 127 per million. If you compare states in the US with similar populations to Victoria, I think you'll find that Victoria is barely a blip on the radar... in fact only one, Wisconsin comes anywhere near being close with 259 per million. That doesn't excuse him for the negligence (although I'd say no one at the time expected the use of private security to be the disaster it was), but let's not overstate things to make a point.
  9. Yeah... god forbid that our players display any form of individuality!! I'm also with you in petitioning the club, insisting that Gawn shave off that embarrassing beard.
  10. How did a post from the 1970's get into this topic? Is this a quirk of the new Demonland interface?
  11. One of the best sport related headlines I've seen in a long time: Dangerfield leads old Cats in mincing the Pies at the Gabbatoir.
  12. A reminder of just how good he was...
  13. He had a calf strain in the 2020 pre season and a knee injury late in the season. Other than that he played 11 matches in his first season (2014) and in every subsequent season bar this year, played 22 games. I’d hardly be writing him off as someone who has injury issues.
  14. It just gets better... the pond scum that is the POTUS, took photos and had a roundtable with donors at a Bedminster fundraiser Just hours before announcing his Covid diagnosis; he did this despite the fact that he was already fully aware at that time, that he had Covid. and just for a bit of levity...
  15. Correction... in three out of the past four seasons, with an average of 45 for his career up until the end of 2019. For anyone to dismiss him on the strength of this one season, is madness.
  16. Sounds like he should be running a country; or captain of the side, at the very least. OMac has a reasonably good record of holding highly regarded opponents to limited scoring opportunities. It isn’t always the stats that define a player. I immediately thought that the Hawks would go for him... but wherever he ends up, I wish him well.
  17. My guess is that he got lost on his way to one of those demons supporters’ Facebook pages.
  18. Agree 100%... my son and I still have great memories of sitting behind the goals and watching him storm down the flank to wrap up the QB game a few years back.
  19. Many on here have been saying that TMac's year in 2018 was an aberration and that 2019/2020 are more representative of his worth... well, working by the same principle, Brown's 2020 should probably be considered an aberration, while his previous three seasons saw him netting >60 goals in each, while his average for his career up until 2019 had been 46.5 goals. Going by those sorts of figures, I wouldn't be averse to him coming to the Dees, although I would probably prefer to see us get Jeremy Cameron who has a few more strings to his bow and is much harder at the ball.
  20. I just have a feeling his body will be telling him to call it a day... it's been through a lot and it's starting to show. As the lawyer in the Castle said, "it's just... the vibe, your honour."
  21. Two weeks ago... they just forgot to let us supporters know.
  22. Fair point... but I have Jetta as a retirement (I'm assuming it will be his choice), so wouldn't that break any contract arrangements pertaining to his being paid out?
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