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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I just have a feeling his body will be telling him to call it a day... it's been through a lot and it's starting to show. As the lawyer in the Castle said, "it's just... the vibe, your honour."
  2. Two weeks ago... they just forgot to let us supporters know.
  3. Fair point... but I have Jetta as a retirement (I'm assuming it will be his choice), so wouldn't that break any contract arrangements pertaining to his being paid out?
  4. No need DC (but thanks for caring)... but I do think my sense of humour does tend to go off into left field every now and then ?.
  5. I'm thinking Jetta and Jones, will be retirements and that KK, Bennell, both Wagners, O McDonald, Bradtke and Dunkley will be delisted. Bedford must also be in the firing line, simply because Spargo has been starting to show a bit. It's also possible that Viney may go as a free agent and that T McDonald (and possibly Smith, if he's not delisted) could be traded. Preuss could be another up for trade, giving him the chance to be the #1 ruckman at another club. If Viney does go as a free agent, then there's no way we would consider getting rid of Sparrow who was starting to show something until he did his shoulder. As for Nietscke, I hope that he's given a chance to prove himself... let's not forget we have another player who had two knee reconstructions and he has since been All Australian ruckman. Chandler is another I'd like to see persevered with, as, if I recall correctly, he showed a bit in the couple of games he did play. There's no way Petty goes anywhere... he was looking very very good before being cruelled by injury. Oops! I think I might have just gotten rid of half of our list.
  6. I think you might be the first person to ever accuse me of that DC ?
  7. The thing I find intriguing is that it's almost the same as the relationship between Stoinis and Zampa in the cricket (which draws little to no attention), and the weird fact that they even look similar. I always thought that close contact male oriented sports were originally a homo-erotic concept anyway (look at greco roman wrestling - you don't need to be a genius to see where they got the idea for the "squeal like a pig" scene in Deliverance)... I would love to have gotten Sigmund's thoughts on rugby league.
  8. I bet you never photocopied your arsse at work.
  9. At least they're generally a few rungs up the ladder from the NRL guys.
  10. Sydney... it’s limited re audience size (max 25 in today’s venue), and people must remain in their seats, but it is great to be able to perform, yes. When the shutdown happened in March, we lost a lot of work.
  11. My band was playing this afternoon (I’m the vocalist) and so I had my phone on my music stand with Foxtel Go... I don’t think there’s been a time in the past where I’ve got the lyrics wrong in so many songs.
  12. That's a brilliant idea OD... you really should suggest that to the club.
  13. Well, I'm none of those; I have a standard interstate membership.
  14. If I were you I'd be contacting them ASAP regarding the GF Guarantee portion of your payment. They explicitly stated to me that it would be credited to next year... but it is definitely included in the amount they are saying will be taken for my auto renewal...
  15. The thing that concerns me the most is that I was told by the club (via email) that this year’s GF Guarantee payment would be carried over to next year, but it now appears I’m being charged for it. If I could actually get through to the membership dept by phone, I could at least discuss it with them... I left a message for them to call me back, but so far, nothing.
  16. I received my MFC membership renewal advance notification emails yesterday, but instead of one email for each membership (mine and my son's), they have sent two for each, and the renewal amount stated in each email, appears to include the cost of the GF guarantee (although it doesn't state that in the email). A couple of things that are concerning me are: If the system is sending out two emails for each membership, is it possible it could also take two payments for each membership; and I had received an email in June from Tracy responding to my query about the GF Guarantee payment and whether it would be applied to next season (instead of this season), due to the [censored] that has been season 2020 (I was concerned they might consider it a 'donation', which is something we couldn't really afford). The response in that email was: "It appears that those with a Grand Final Guarantee this year will have one credited for 2021. This information will be confirmed with renewals for 2021 when that information is sent out." My concern is that the dollar amounts in the renewal emails I have just received are exactly the same as last year's, which included the GF Guarantee amount. I have been trying to contact the club by phone, but with no success. As this is a bit frustrating, I thought I'd put this here in the hope that anyone else who may have had the same issue and may have had more success in contacting the club, could throw some light on my issue. Thanks in advance.
  17. By my calculations (courtesy of the ladder predictor), if the Saints lose to GWS by 15 points and we can beat the Bummers by 25 points (optimistic, I know), we sneak in by 0.3%.
  18. I’ve put in a request with the Suns to do the Pies tomorrow.
  19. One of the worst spectacles I’ve had the displeasure to watch in many a long year!!
  20. I honestly cannot understand why so many are nonplussed by Bennell’s non selection. Even Blind Freddy’s dog could see that he is well below par, running at half pace and playing pretty much bruise free football. He was given a handful of runs to test his calves and give him a taste, but I’d think the plan was always for him to get in a full preseason next year before letting him loose.
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