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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I hope his main detractors in the Smith thread, will now see fit to sing @Dr evil's praises in this thread.
  2. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "the procedural capacity". From the Wiki page, "Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination" (link below): "This vacancy arose during Obama's final year as president. Hours after Scalia's death was announced, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would consider any appointment by the sitting president to be null and void. He said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the next president—to be elected later that year." "Attention returned to the nomination in fall 2020 after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, when many Democrats and some commentators contended that Republicans violated the precedent they had established for Garland by voting to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the court." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merrick_Garland_Supreme_Court_nomination And from Time Magazine (link below): "For the GOP, it’s a sharp departure from the precedent they set in 2016. Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia died in February of that year, nearly nine months before that year’s election. With President Barack Obama set to nominate a replacement who would pull the court to the left, Senate Republicans said that the seat should not be filled in an election year, and refused to hold hearings to consider Obama’s eventual nominee, Judge Merrick Garland. McConnell argued that not since 1888 had the Senate confirmed a Supreme Court nominee by an opposing party’s President to fill a vacancy that arose in an election year." https://time.com/5892574/senate-republicans-supreme-court-vote/ So no, not rewriting history... simply stating what was being said at the time.
  3. I bet you're the person who sits in their car at the KFC drive thru, honking their horn because you've had to wait more than 5 minutes.
  4. Not to mention that with a Brown in the side to take the first defender, Weideman will have a lot more freedom (his best this year was before Jackson went down injured and they were working in tandem).
  5. Hopefully not also related in some way to Judd's grandmother.
  6. My son mentioned earlier today (a couple of hours ago) that he heard (or read?) something which I think he said was from Fox Sports, that he has already nominated a club, but which club that is, is yet to be announced.
  7. I'm assuming he has too, but I'm also guessing that both clubs are ironing out the fine details; possibly pick 23 and a player?
  8. And this is why I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see us giving Ronke some consideration.
  9. From the onset, you have by far been the most abusive person in this discussion. Anyone who disagrees with you was given a serve for absolutely no good reason.
  10. I think it must be a side effect of dealing with HFF. Apologies.
  11. And here I was thinking maybe he was on the verge of having a stroke. ?
  12. And who might those proven finals players be, that are available and affordable? And how are you going to recognise young talent in a draft year in which there has been very little opportunity for young talent to reveal itself?
  13. WTF does that have to do with his being taken on or not?? What century/decade are you even living in?? How about we get Max to rid himself of that hipster beard as well! Sure, it's reasonable to comment on the excessively long run up (but if it helps him to kick accurately, then I certainly don't have a problem with it), or to comment on his staging (not that I've really noticed it so much), but sorry, I find those concerns about a person's appearance (which has no bearing on their footballing ability) to be so out of step with reality.
  14. If there was ever any doubt about the NS medalist...
  15. Well yeah, but you can’t have quality acts like Meatloaf and Angry Anderson every year.
  16. I may be jumping the gun, but why can’t we have pre game entertainment this good every year?
  17. I tried to resist, but no... it was NOT Soloman, it was Sampson, Homer Sampson!!
  18. As it looks like we are likely to bag both Brown and Smith, any further trades will likely have to be for budget priced players. And as one of our needs (at least in my opinion) is a good crumbing forward, I'm hoping that the club will take a good look at Ronke. He wouldn't use up much of the salary cap and if he is able to discover the kind of form he showed early in his time at the Swans, he's a very worthwhile investment.
  19. I actually love it because I can watch without the added stress of having a vested interest in the game. Of course I want to see us make the GF, but if the stress I felt in 2018 for just a Prelim final was anything to go by, I'm not sure how much I could enjoy sitting through the big one. I never got to 'see' any of our wins (just heard them on the radio - no live TV coverage back then) as my parents were not really into footy, so we didn't get to go to games, and I was too young to travel from Croydon to the 'G' solo. Fortunately the club saw fit to transfer this year's GF Guarantee payment to cover 2021, so all extremities are crossed for next year.
  20. In other words, you invented an issue to support your own bias. No worries.
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