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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. The problem is that no matter what the MFC does, there will always be supporters (and I use that term very loosely) on this site that will find something to [censored] and moan about.
  2. I'm dreaming of a repeat of the opening rounds of 2010... please don't wake me up.
  3. Neeld hasn't considered taking action: http://www.afl.com.a...42/default.aspx
  4. Haha... I knew who you meant OD, but in this case I really hope he is picked. After seeing the way our forwards were crashing and bashing (each other mainly) and the amount of ball that was going to ground with no-one there to take advantage of it, I believe Bennell with his great ball handling skills, pace and agility could have something to offer; he is definitely a big step up from what Green and Davey are currently offering in the crumbing department
  5. Robbo was just restating what Caro had said obviously, so I'm not sure why you are having a go at him here. And I don't think we should move on in this case... justice should not just be seen to be done, it MUST be done... heads must roll... Misfud and Thomas must pay and our club must be completely exonerated of any involvement.
  6. I suppose to some extent, this could have had an affect on Davey's performance on Saturday evening if this was already coming to light at that time... if he was the alleged source, then I expect he would have known what was coming. You have to wonder how much pressure these guys can take when all they really want to do is play footy.
  7. I'm sure I just heard Robbo saying on AFL360, that the rumoured source was a senior indigenous player at the Dees... how many senior indigenous players do we have? The alleged player apparently denies saying any such thing.
  8. Please remind me, how was Jamar rated until his breakout season a couple of years back?
  9. I like to think he will be good value. 2 goals in that farcical effort last weekend was a good return considering how little he had of the ball, and with better delivery and more input from him, we could see Clark easily returning in excess of 50 goals this season. I would prefer to see them persevering with the Spencil (who is due back on track very soon) in the ruck, as like Jamar, he could be a late starter (I seem to recall he was starting to look a lot better just prior to his injury).
  10. In that case I am a stakeholder and I am perfectly happy with the way things are traveling, thank you very much! You say, and I quote: "Also. Not wanting to devalue the clubs brand with low $$$ sponsors on the jumper, I agree with totally. But not having any sponsor devalues the brand too. No one is willing to pay for it at the clubs market value.", so I am wondering whether you are actually aware of the fact, as DC so rightly pointed out, that we have our biggest sponsorship yet (eclipsing previous BOJ and FOJ sponsors combined) on the BOJ. This means the chances of finding a bigger sponsor for the FOJ are exponentially limited due to the fact that no BOJ sponsor is ever going to want to be paying more than the FOJ sponsor (and please don't use Reach as an example, as that is a very unique situation that I would be sure has EnergyWatch's full approval). I would much rather give them time to seal a solid deal with a long term sponsor than rush into something that will leave us in the same position possibly, come next season.
  11. I think we might be in for a surprise this weekend... I'm hoping we can emulate (or improve on) our round 2 in 2010. A big ask I know, but footy can be a funny game.
  12. I'm waiting for my signed #24 St Pats Day jumper won in the auction to arrive... suppose that means I've bought in too :-)
  13. You will get no argument from me on those points.
  14. I notice you said "and yes, i did question col's motivation when last speaking to him and also asked why he hasn't been in the leadership group" - out of interest, what was his response? ...and on the running dispute with SmcF... nyuk! nyuk! nyuk! :-)
  15. I would think that the "issue" Thomo has with CS's professionalism, is the fact that he clearly was one of the people CS was referring to with his comment about being happy that some of those on this site aren't responsible for seeking out sponsors; Thomo has simply taken umbridge at that.
  16. I think that as Dees supporters we have been down so long we are all so well balanced that we have a chip on each shoulder. When the media get stuck into us, it is generally warranted (not always, but generally) and I would argue that they also rally behind us from time to time... for example, the debt demolition got a lot of positive coverage, Trengove's sling tackle got a lot of supportive coverage as did the Jurrah case. I would say that all in all, the media coverage tends to balance out in terms of unnecessary hammerings and supportive articles.
  17. Could that possibly relate to the Grant Thomas comments? Neeld stated on On The Couch that he had referred the matter of comments relating to his interviewing of the indigenous players as a group rather than individually, to the AFL... he was pretty cut up about that to say the least. Edit: err yes, what Bonkers said :-) Now, back onto this topic, why is it that people inevitably use this forum as an opportunity to sink the boot into players over their levels of intelligence etc etc... we saw it with Colin Sylvia the other day and here it is, happening again with Moloney. They are footballers, not Rhodes scholars, so how about cutting them a bit of slack. Is it possible that Moloney referred to him as "The Coach" out of respect (or fear) or just simply because it came out that way without any intent behind it... it's not like they are best buddies who hang out together after all.
  18. Possible that they got the Gys and Magner confused, I suppose.
  19. Quite the contrary... I thought he looked very comfortable considering that he must have known what kind of grilling was coming. I particularly liked the way he was eyeballing his interrogators and refused to be intimidated. Handled himself very well indeed and was very forthright with his comments.
  20. Jones was one example among several.
  21. Very well said! I think you are correct and that this is something most of us seem to have lost sight of in our disappointment with Saturday's performance. Thanks.
  22. You cite 3 games out of a season... I like Moloney as a player when he is on song, but regardless of what any of us would like to think, he did go missing quite regularly and after Saturday's performance, he probably needs to be given a reality check... hopefully it might have a similar effect as his demotion which saw him lift his game. It doesn't mean it's the end of his career... and if he is "sent down", he certainly won't be running around with Casey on his lonesome and Neeld will have made a definitive statement that will hopefully wake a few players up.
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