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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I'm wondering if any penalties will be handed down over the Boxing Day Test incident... if nothing happens today, I assume it is done with?
  2. 1 to 5 embody the spirit that the current crop need to summon if they are to go on to the ultimate success. The banner is entirely relevant as far as I'm concerned (and I'm also old enough to have been around to see 1 to 5 representing our club).
  3. ?... that question could apply to 99.999% of those who post on here... not just ABC employees. I have never understood the animosity directed at the ABC myself... especially when you consider the ownership of commercial networks/press and their often unabashed political leanings. And before anyone jumps on the taxpayer funded bus, we all pay for the other networks in one way or another.
  4. Are we talking Bolt or Akerman? After reading Kinky Friedman novels, I seriously wonder about Akerman's conservatism.
  5. Yes Smithy, I don't doubt that...but of course those of us familiar with Dobie Gillis will know the reference ;-)
  6. Maybe we should have gone for Rodin...I hear he's a bit of a thinker.
  7. Rooster Cogburn...the bounty hunter in True Grit.
  8. So, now we are awaiting the year of the Rooster?
  9. It's the year of the Snake as of early February, and if we disect Neeld, we can find an eel (snake like) finally breaking out of the clutches of ND - a portent perhaps? Or have I gone stark raving mad (likely)?
  10. Yes...I'm another fan, having the complete Thunderbirds collection on DVD as well as the complete Stingray, Fireball XL5, Joe 90, Captain Scarlett and Supercar DVD sets. It's nice to be able to step back into your childhood every now and then. Thanks Gerry!
  11. Removing easy access to guns reduces the likelihood of these events occurring. Since the PA massacre, there have been zero (yes, count them...zero) mass killings in Australia (in the decade prior to PA there had been something like 6 or 8). In the US since the Columbine spree, there have been a further 16 or 18 such mass killings - guess which country enacted tougher gun laws? A perfect example of the limitations on access to guns/semi auto weapons, was played out on the same day as this latest event took place in the US... in China where access to guns is very very strictly controlled, a nutjob attacked 22 primary school children with a knife... no one was killed and no one was seriously wounded. The other thing that was brought to my attention and that I think speaks volumes for the double standards that exist in this debate... Kinda Surprise are banned from import and sale in the US because they present a choking hazard for small children... guns however...
  12. I'm an iPad proponent. I have had two now (original and now iPad '3') and have nothing but praise for them. I am able to create/edit Word documents Excel spreadsheets etc, able to load and edit my photographs, able to print (I have a wireless printer), able to access email from multiple accounts, able to communicate with my kids via Skype when I'm overseas; all of this gives it a big thumbs up from me, not to mention the fact that while I'm traveling, I'm able to enjoy the odd movie, listen to my music, and carry my entire book library. I know all of these things are no doubt possible on other tablets, but I am not convinced that Android is or will ever be, as stable as iOS. As for the issue of being tied into iTunes, I regard that as the price you pay for getting apps that have undergone pretty stringent security checks and that must reach a predetermined standard before they are accepted for sale/distribution. I admittedly don't know what standards are set by the Android app store, but I seem to recall it is pretty haphazard; not to mention the fact that the app store (Play Store?) is the most user unfriendly place I have visited (I got an HTC Desire phone a year and a half ago and have been regretting the move to Android ever since). I get the feeling that Android has taken the lead in the OS stakes more through the attraction/huge sales of phones like the Samsung Galaxy 3, than on its own merits. Regardless, nothing will convince me that Android is a superior OS.
  13. Hmmm... I'm certainly not. Such things are usually nothing more than "squirmworthy", last years effort being right up there with the best (read, worst).
  14. Different regime in place now. The mistakes of the past are unlikely to be repeated. We can't go back in time to have that choice over again...so what's the point in beating ourselves up over that selection?
  15. I refuse to get excited this time around... last year at this time we were all getting excited about the new coaching regime and the "harderst team to play" catch cry, and our new recruits and the promise of improved youngsters following a full pre-season, and by the end of round one we were all lamenting what was going to be the season from hell as we went down to the supposed easybeats, the Lions. In 2013, I will wait until after the Port game before I start to get emotionally involved... even though I believe we should wipe the floor with them! ;-)
  16. I wouldn't mind a beanee... an el cheapo wrist watch (Dees logo on face, blue and red band) or some such thing in the kids' member pack wouldn't be bad either - as long as it's analog and not digital..
  17. It's a two way street... if the team doesn't perform, the supporters are loathe to go to games, but if the supporters aren't there to build an atmosphere that has both the intent of lifting the team and intimidating the opposition, then the team is likely to be flat and not perform well. And here's a nice piece of light reading on the issue: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201112/the-psychology-sports-fans
  18. Sorry Deb, I completely missed your response. Yes, that Sydney game was indeed a dud, and to make matters worse, it was my 10 year old son's first chance to see the Dees live; as a result, I had to drive him down to Canberra so that he had the chance to see us have a win (and am now considering taking him to the MCG to see us take on Port in round 1). Next year is just one game again and it's in Lilliput (Skoda Stadium), but you are right, it should be a much improved performance and hopefully the Sheedy Shankers will be ground into the astro-turf.
  19. A "Get out of Jail Free" card - will cost around $10 to get it printed and the pay-off would be watching him try to use it.
  20. This whole Sheldon motif is getting very tiresome. rpfc gave you a very reasonable response that he clearly stated was his own opinion and you lay the boots in?...all this after you gave a curt response to someone else (was it Hells Gate?) for expressing their opinion. Go play under the bridge with the other trolls.
  21. Hey, as I said in another post in this thread, we have had the Dees play in Sydney just once (this year) in 5 or 6 years and they will play here just once next year, and we don't have the option to go along to training where you can get up close and personal with the players and officials... my kids would love that opportunity I'm sure. And we don't get to exercise the option of free admission to home games unless we want to spend a small fortune in travel and accommodation in Melbourne... so please don't give me this "good value" line; you are very well off, comparatively.
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