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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Correct...what I'm saying is that no one seems to be able to categorically prove that what we did is wrong and nor are they able to say it wasn't wrong...this is why I think he used the word "amnesty", because that means the AFL would just cease pursuing the matter without saying no-one did anything wrong; ie, they put it in the too hard basket.
  2. I took that to mean that the AFL would cease from any and all further investigation regarding any club. Prior to saying that, the article had said that we had taken a lick of the same cream that every other tom cat had been at...so in effect, he did say that if what we had done was wrong, so had a number of other clubs done the wrong thing - but as there doesn't appear to be a universally accepted definition/understanding of what tanking is, then it would be an amnesty I suppose.
  3. Only if we can have the entire team drive up the players ramp in that car!
  4. Ok, I think I might have at last found something that will please a big selection of supporters, encompassing the classical muse in Strauss, the visual arts in Kubrick's 2001 a Space Odessy, and those who just like a good tune...and the beauty of this is that the bugler doesn't have to step aside; he can play along karaoke style.
  5. It was probably nothing more than a comment between friends and probably should have remained so rather than posting it on here where it should be patently obvious it would create a raft of posts expressing concern. I can only hope Fitz doesn't read these forums.
  6. Hey, at least it's not the Basketball with the Tommy Hanlon "It Could be You" organ blasting away everytime a play is made! As for the Grand Old Flag, I wish they could find some way of incorporating the David Bridie/My Friend the Chocolate Cake version.
  7. Where's the "hate" button when you need it ;-)
  8. I would argue that it 'aint exactly modern either... this old man thinks it sounds a little like the love child that might result from Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath and Joan Jett spending a night together.
  9. Then how about this little beauty? ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULmC8JTTVy0
  10. Maybe after all of our woes of recent times, it should be "Sympathy for the Devil"?
  11. I offered up three suggestions: one of "Kick Out the Jams" MC5, "Pump it Up" Elvis Costello or "No More Mr Nice Guy" Alice Cooper
  12. Thanks for sharing... I enjoyed watching Morabito playing in his first season and thought he could be one of the genuine greats in the game if he continued to improve; regardless of which team he plays for, he was one of those players that you would want to watch going around purely for his exquisite skills.
  13. Agree that Neitz probably deserves a place more than Lyon, but who/what would you suggest to represent the future? The future as far as the current playing group is concerned, is unknown... but by acknowledging our past, the future can only get better. Perhaps the images in the banner can be hyperlinked to wiki articles relating to each player, so that those young supporters you speak of, can be educated in the history of the club? Oh and Rhino... is it possible for you to invoke your Moderator powers for good, and ban/obliterate the two accounts posting spam in the General Discussion forum?
  14. Possibly, but this is the first time I can recall the MFC tweeting live.
  15. As it doesn't really relate to the Tanking case, here are the tweets: - Neil: the way the players have attacked training has been up another level. - Neil: Next Monday, the majority of rehab players will be back on the track excluding Clark and Trengove. - Neil: re Boxing Day incident there won't be any penalty applied to players and clarifies they weren't evicted. - Neil says the speculation about tanking has had minimal effect on training and elite preparation. - Neil says whilst there is a sense of urgency to resolve the tanking issues, it won't be rushed. - Re: new leadership group. Neil says all members will need to lead by example and provide leadership in decision making. - Neil says the last 12 months has partially been about educating players about what is required to achieve the ultimate success in AFL. - Neil Craig's press conference has now finished and will be on http://melbournefc.com.au shortly
  16. If only i knew what it was :-)
  17. Hey PuntKick, I know it was hotter than hell here in NSW yesterday, so should I consider the above heat affected, or were you actually trying to say something? ;-)
  18. Well, getting back to the Neil Craig press conference, MelbourneFC are tweeting live from 9:30.
  19. In my experience as a writer of documentation, I would say that as far as door stops go, they now have enough there to keep a good sized door open... case closed.
  20. Well, as you rightly pointed out, it may be a bit over the top to hold a presser for the Boxing Day thing... so perhaps it could be a general "what's going on at the club" meet the press type of thing that is designed to dilute/divert some of the nastier reporting of late; or it might even be a leadership group announcement... who knows. I would be very surprised though if it relates to the tanking issue...the club's stance has been pretty well covered lately and there can be nothing new to announce with regards to that until the end of the month.
  21. I would have thought if anything, it might relate to any disciplinary action they might be taking against the Boxing Day Test transgressors.
  22. Not at all... the banner is not about showing off individuals or the team and is not just about the past; to my mind, it is symbolic of the MFC spirit through the most successful period in the club's history (1 - 5), and represents the future of the club by displaying the current coach and captain(s) - the past is what shapes our future and should not be so readily dismissed.. I know it [probably wasn't intended, but I actually find that "thermos and rugs" term a little offensive. That was a time when they played hard uncompromising footy and they played with integrity... these are values that it would not hurt the club to re-instil into the playing group - not everything that is old is old fashioned. if I was to make any suggestion about changing the banner (and I have made this suggestion in the past), I would suggest that the incumbent Bluey holder should be included (currently Nathan Jones).
  23. I may be wrong, but I seem to recall Neitz started up forward, didn't achieve much and was moved into the backline... he was then moved forward again out of necessity when we were lacking a strong forward line-up.
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