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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. i wish we could get just one goal gfted against us every week.. last week for example the Saints got 4-5 total gifts
  2. skills brains guts athleticism that's all its about he has 3 of the 4 so far
  3. he's the best runner at the club according to Garlo, combine that with his size and you've got a very good basis for an AFL career, I also think he has quite good footy smarts.. still just 20 y.o. with 29 games, there is every reason to be confident in this kid. If we have he, Garland and Frawley down back with Dawes, Clark, Hogan, Watts and Howe up forward how can we possibly be so bad as we are now
  4. of course I could see that what I said is that the club has never before told us truth as awful as that
  5. yes it does Buddy, not to exactly 100%, but if you are at 51.00 that means less than 2%.. add those 15 coaches up it is around 28% and check it again Craig is at 10.00
  6. I want to slap your maths teacher. How does that market say 'no chance' for Roos? Mark Williams 3.25 Rodney Eade 4.25 Paul Roos 6.00 translated to percentages that's: Williams 31% Eade 24% Roos 17% someone else - 28%
  7. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/im-staying-insists-watts-20130622-2opqt.html "I do want to stay," Watts said. "It's a great group of blokes that I've spent the last five years with. Obviously it's been tough, and at the moment, as 'Craigy' says, we're non-competitive, and it's frustrating. But I think the things that are going on behind closed doors, the way we're training, I want to be there for when things turn around. Hopefully that's sooner rather than later."
  8. 22 years old and 26 games is too early to be so certain
  9. Well that's precisely our problem. All year we have played good footy for 1 or 2 quarters, a couple of times, like tonight, we played 3-4 good quarters. I honestly feel that we arent far away from it all clicking together, if we get roos hopefully that will be the missing ingredientI know it's an easy response, but tonight there's no Frawley, Clark or Jamar, plus pickles, jorde, grimesy and viney, throw some PATHETIC decisions that went against us, i left the ground with my chin up. Garland and Watts were brilliant
  10. oh HAHAHAH hardy har effing har do you think youre the first guy to come up with that one? No, youre not, and the first guy that did it back in the middle ages was equally as much as a [censored] as you are. If you weren't happy with the performance tonight go elsewhere with your garbage, the point of this thread is to give some recognition to those who played well, and some of them deserve it. Yes we lost the game, nobody likes that.. but that doesn't mean everything that happened out there is worthy of criticism. A couple of umpiring decisions and you would be singing a different douchesong you douchebird. Harden up
  11. that's carp we havent been told before that our players dont want to be at the club
  12. lol i was just praising him in another thread as you wrote this did a number of jaw-droppingly good things tonight, as he has done the last few, is also representing the club well at press conferences, love this guy
  13. i was fairly scathing of Garlo early in the year, but the last few weeks he has been absolutely superb, you can really see the years of development/maturityy how they have informed the way he goes about gaurding that defensive inside 50. I've also gained a lot of respect for him in the way he has handled being thrown into the media spotlight of late. absolute gun
  14. you must be kidding, 2 goals witja couple of misses, and a couple of very didgy frees that didn'yt go his way.. in a side that battled all night.. what do you want from a key forward? he has size, pace, fantastic ability to read the play, brilliant when the ball goes to ground, immaculate skills.. i just feel like tarring and feathering both Bailey and Neeld for taking a kid away from his natural position for 4.5 years
  15. give him whatever he wants. In order to be a premiership side you need all-australian type talent, at the MFC at present we have about 5 players capable of that and he is one of them he showed in one game today what he is capable of as an inside 50 target ive always backed the judgement of our coaches, but based on today they seem like a pack of cretins for ever taking watts out of the Inside 50 arc he's just spent 62 games on the half back flank and now he's where he was always supposed to be, at the position he was drafted at... staggering I know its biased, wishful thinking.. but Clark, Dawes, Hogan, Watts and Howe isn't that the friggin dreamteam of forward setups or what?
  16. I must have had too many at the ground, because when I logged on here I expected to see a wave of appreciation for Watts as a key forward. He only kicked 2, but it could have easily been 5. Put big mitch up there with him and a bit of extra performance from the midfield and JW is a complete weapon
  17. as succinctly as possible we had no spine and deserved to win some of the worst umpiring i've seen
  18. exactly there's about 7 out injured for starters, what were people expecting to see on the team sheet
  19. 'we need your help' and also 'take a look at this dump truck full of cash with ROOS on the number plate' yes family and all that.. so important
  20. just watched QB qtr1 again, it's pretty exciting really, 4 quarters like that and we take it up to most sides, no doubt. Trengove, Watts, Toumpas and Blease wre all fantastic, as was Dawes. We were missing Grimes, Clark, Frawley. I really think it is possible for us to turn things around very quickly. I cannot wait to see them Saturday. It would be handy to not have so many injured: Jamar, McKenzie, Evans, Clark, Grimes, Frawley, Viney, MacDonald sportsbet is paying 7.00 for us if you don't mind
  21. mate I'm not necessarily disagreeing with that, but it is a rearviewmirror POV that absolutely NOBODY, and I mean Nobody was saying in the wake of 186. You could tell everybody they should have gotten out of the world trade centre on 9-11 but it means ziltch now desn't it? In any case, I don't know what purpose any of us are serving by looking to the past and allocating blame to individuals for their role in getting us where we are now. New CEO, new president, new coach, we try again.
  22. As painful as it is to recognise, the playing field is not even. Clubs like Collingwood and WCE have so many advantages over us, the dogs, roos and the saints etc.. the 'big' Vic clubs can compete, but everything that happens at the MFC is compromised due to our financial position. Do you think we have the best doctors and physios in Melbourne? Of course we don't! They are at Collingwood, Hawthorn and Essendon because they have the financial clout to headhunt the best in every aspect of running a football club. I don't care it what it is, from the website geek to the pretty girl at reception to the grizzly old boot studder. Are you aware that the Eagles membership base has a waiting list to get on it? In other words, they couldn't possibly be making more revenue from that point of view. You know how the basic principle of 'supply and demand' means that that he who has the in-demand product can capitilise? Look at us, we are, as a business, in the red, and we have been for a long time. Is it any wonder that with this situation in place we get high draft picks that end up being 'also-rans'? This is why it is difficult to attract any player or coach of high quality because we are viewed, and rightly so, as a sinking ship, amateur hour, diet-coke football club. I'm not interested in whose fault it is, or what has happened in the past - it's just the way it us. It obviously has a LOT to do with the fact that for the last 50 years we have been easybeats, punctuated only by some brief moments where we looked like we might challenge somebody. In that time our momentum, our swagger, and our status in the competition has gradually eroded. The last 6 years has hit us very hard, harder now than we realised at the time.. at least part of Bailey's tenure gave everyone a bit of hope and stopped the flame from burning out (think smashing Sydney, draw/1 point loss to Coll), but that glimmer of hope has now been extinguished in spectacular fashion by the ball-hurtingly bad results that have occurred in the Neeld era. Although weak in the knees and staggering, we are still standing. The fact that we basically started this game of football gives us a heritage value which is the only reason we haven't folded by now. I am dubious as to how much that means to supporters of other clubs but clearly it means a lot to us and the AFL. That's why the AFL have backed us and are continuing to back us despite our repeated failure over and over again. Who remembers a few years back where Stynesy had a meeting with Demetriou and was told basically that our brand stands for nothing? Hearing that interview, at that point, I thought we were stuffed, I really thought 'gee this might be the end'. Somehow, despite things only getting worse since then, the AFL seems to be still going in to bat for us, something we should all be grateful of because we certainly have not earned it, either by our on-field play or by the way have managed the administration of the football club. Why do you think there is such thing as the CBF? The 'competitive balance fund'? It's because the AFL realises the inequity. They accept the fact that playing us on Sunday at 4.40 against Freo on Mother's day is unfair vs putting us against Collingwood on Friday night. The problem is that the CBF is a joke compared to the real disadvantage we are at. Why do you think the reverend Neale Daniher came out talking about a cap on football department expenditure in the same way there is a salary cap? Because he understood that the salary cap is in place to try to give a 'fair go' to every club regardless of their financial status, but unbridled expenditure in the footy department brings that supposed equality down a number of pegs. Apart from the financial side, look at the fact that a two horse town means 50% share instead of 10% in marketing revenue and support, and when you go there to play them it is a vastly different proposition than what a 'home' game means to us. Playing or Coaching at WCE is like wearing silk slippers and a nice dressing gown while at the MFC and other smaller vic clubs it's like sleeping on the street and getting your hands dirty to claw at whatever advantage you can get. This is the way it has been for a long time and it will stay that way until we can ever get to the point that we have enough on-field success, enough members and enough gate receipts to create adequate sponsorship and media support, advantageous fixturing etc. It's not impossible, both Hawthorn and Geelong were able to raise themselves from the lower regarded clubs to powerhouses, they did on the back of (unsurprisingly) high quality performance on field. I don't think there is any doubt that our supporter base in particular will explode positively with any on-field success, you only need to look at the numbers for memberships and attendances from 2006 or so when we were a football side worth going to see, we only marginally dragged behind these 'big' clubs. Make no mistake that we, even more than most clubs, will see a swell of support if we start winning games. This is why it is unfathomable to me that any supporter could question the (admittedly, probably-inflated) cost of getting the coach (and player(s) for the matter) that we need. In the context of the above, there is no way in hell we can ever reverse the cycle of failure we are on unless we invest right now on the correct people to make it happen. I know nobody rates Dermie, but he was spot-on the other day when he said that we always seem to look for a 'bargain' coach, somebody that will come cheap and easy and turn out to be a success. Bailey and Neeld have shown us, in the hardest possible way, that it doesn't work like that. The proposition that is now on offer for senior coach includes: an understanding that you are going to have to try to compete with the big boys using half the expenditure of most of your competitors, and youre going to have rubbish crowds, and half your players are thinking about taking more money elsewhere, and your supporter base is about as irate and devoid of patience as you can possibly imagine, your crowds are tiny, and your general respect in the league is laughable and the media takes delight in stomping you at every opportunity. Somebody like Worsfold (or any other silver-spoon alumni) has no idea what it means to do it tough, like so many (ie Daniher, Bailey, Neeld) have found out the hard way. We need the absolute best, indomitable, unshakeable old war horse we can get this time.
  23. Eff him it's one thing to be at the helm of a club that is in the top 2-3 in terms of wealth, having clubs go half the country to play in to a sold-out, one-sided home crowd.. it is quite another to try and salvage the MFC ship that is so much more compromised than the WCE have it. Worsfold doesn't have the time in the real trenches
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