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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. A great insight even if it is a dribble. Great insight for supporters and enough to tease us. But no doubt they will only give us lip service due to opposition interests.
  2. Thanks for your effort for making the start of my 2011 so great.GO DEES.
  4. A very sad state of affairs for the Fev but as the song goes/ hit the road Jack, don't you come back for more... sadly I think will be the conclusion. How many chances does a person deserve?
  5. Like most talls,Cale will take a while especially with his build. I saw Goodes as an Under 18 or 19 player kick I think 5 goals in a Grand final win for North Ballarat.He was picked up in the 50's by the Swans in that year's draught.Recriters thought he was to slow. Still time for Cale to develop to an elite player.
  6. He couldn't get the coaching job at theDees- therefore may have a vendetta.Maybe he will try to gain an outstanding young player from us- but by gee wehave plenty and more to come..
  7. Jamar is now a power ruckman which is a major requirement in developing a premiership team.It is in the guts that the need to dominate takes place. Jamar will play havoc more reguarly playing(whilst resting on the forward line).Campbell, I agree will be a beauty. The right person at the right time enabling Gawn(2nd tallest ruckman whom may become the tallest) to develop along with Spencer and Fitzpatrick. I can tell you Fitzpatrick really came on last year when given the role of No1 ruckman at Casey. Back to the thread- we would be robbing Peter to pay Paul in this proposal. However, any thing is possible.
  8. But obvious as all players are running to get fit.
  9. I think your point is very valid however don't forget GC only picked up 8 out of contract players. I think we will be lucky and none will be picked up.I can see some Sydney players being targetted due to being already settled there.
  10. No doubt you are correct as well.
  11. YEP- but as you know at training- he is doing a hell of a lot more running and I feel they will play up up the field more as time goes by as well as a forward.Don't forget Davey was a only forward pocket going back a couple of seasons ago.Nothing is new,all I am saying is the team will be more flexible this year.LJ spent alot of time on the bench this year and last- I see him on the ground alot more in 2011. .Garland played on the forward line in his first few games, I think he kicked a goal with his first kick my memory.
  12. You are welcome anytime- but bygee I'll take your offer up- I hope he does play there (at least on occassions)for the best interest of the team.Believe me- there will be some positional changes this year due to the sub situation.Many players will have to be flexible and play in all types of roles.He may even play at CHB or Full back(my tongue is in my cheek whilst I type this).I see several others playing other roles too- such as Grimes in the guts. Bails has tried many things over the last few years- Newton on a wing,Warnock at CHF, PJ in a back pocket- whilst he was accussed of tanking,and I don't want to get into that argument - he has tried players in different roles.Jones as a tagger last year -will do him well in future years.It is a part of development. Furhermore Neita played CHB before FF,Lyon on a wing before CHF, FF .That is why I think Garland could and at times play there.However, I respect all other views but definately wanted to protect mine. HT said I could not keep of this thread-I should have listened to him before now .Anyhow it was getting to personal and out of control just for a view. Keyser your on..see you soon at training - prepare for March/April after he lines up in the NAB cup.Will you also meet me at training if LJ plays occassionally on the wing also. Flexibilty will be the name of the game in 2011. And we have the players to suit..I feel it is the best up & coming list in the comp.
  13. It's a bit old for me - I look nine here and not mean enough.
  14. 8 is a lucky number in Chinese.
  15. I should buy a horse and call it-- Garlandonawing. Also offer it to RpfC & Keyser Sole as a partnership.But I'll keep the controlling rights .
  16. So true and furthermore we would gain good picks and allow others to play at thetop level.
  17. I am deeply hurt that you took my post like this- I referred to you as a looser- definition states: Free from constraint or obligation; not bound by duty, habit, etc.; -- with from or of. I was saying you are one that does not keep being restrained. You classified yourself as a loser- which incidently I agree with you.However we will all see in just a few weeks time what is going to happen with the team. I can cope with insults but to classify one self as a loser is just a ruddy fool.I won't be back o this thread again-loser
  18. A good story but a great matured attitude on a young man's head.
  19. A good yarn- have a great New Year Eve and the best for 2011.
  20. Very sad Dorothy and only offered you to pick you up to take you to training as a goodwill.Just shows me what a looser you are and you offered to fight Deeluded - your a joke
  21. Then you are doubting Ron Burgundy's credability on what he stated. I don't.However,I again accept your point that he doesn't look like it. The MFC site would not have been updated for 12 months -and I can tell you that Frawley put on heaps last year during pre season but he looked like he had.Frawley's weight increase was not tabled on the site till March 2010.Morton does not look like he has but I would not dispute Ron.Again, it was not me that dreamed up his weight like you accussed me of.
  22. Glad you call Warnock a runner.Shows me why your judgment is pathetic..I now rest my case till round 1 where I'll bet you what ever you want..that Garland does not play CHB against the Swans.
  23. If only you guys would read the posts- I only stated this information gained from the opening thread by Ron Burgundy-Cale Morton - our forgotten future (potential) superstar whom states that Morton has put on 7kls..if you disagree with this then state it on the appropriate site..and by the way-why are you so arrogant to say Ron is incorrect.If you go to training, which I believe you do- you would notice he seems to have grown-if this is the case he would instantly be heavier.But by his frame-I agree re questioning his increase.What do you believe he weighs now?
  24. Again I respect your point however many of us have spelling mistakes in our posts- I make many, but if someone had a go at me for a spelling mistake- I'd take their guts for garters, that is, if our Mods didn't pick that up earlier - we all should read the terms & conditions again before we steep that low to each other..Andy & WJ would not like a poster to be insulted like that.. IMO-even HT or RR would not allow that..And by the way, I regard you as a very fair poster-most times kind and articulate.
  25. I think this post is just down right rude, unacceptable in which the mods should get involved.Just because another poster has an opinion and express's it accordingly I don't believe anyone should steep this low in response.We are not all as good as you Geiser Sauce or Keyser Suze whatever that means..again, if you were not so lazy and looked up the poster you were replying to - you would have noted he was 19.As your poster name refers to or means--Söze" is Turkish for "talks too much," or "verbal." "Keyser" sounds like the German word "Kaiser," meaning "emperor," while "Kint" sounds ...shoe fits -I say..the person who thinks his King D--k,whom talks too much.
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