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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. Buckley has been getting smarter and more confident over the season. Uses his pace better, not quite as predictable, not using at his first and only option. Disposal improving, decisions getting better. and for those commenting on his odd running posture, some TV commentators have decided it reminds them of Gerard Healy, for what it's worth.
  2. We were very poor today. But these three word analysis things have degenerated into nothing more than a weekly slagging, with very poor aim. I'm not going to bother trying to start arguments about particular ones, these threads are just about a write off now.
  3. How is it that the 'media community' can mouth off endlessly about players being bad role models, doing stupid and anti-social things, and yet not one has ever bothered suggesting that maybe one of the worst behaved players over the last few years should not be constantly up in front of the camera getting endless attention and praise? Meh. I see it as an illustration of excitable but superficial media. Personally I don't really give a stuff about player behaviour beyond the basic expectations I have of any person in the community. Like, not pissing on windows... or headlocking bartenders... or being really, really ugly. Oh, it's all so complicated.
  4. ANZAC day in Canberra is a very good idea. War Memorial is, easily, Canberra's biggest attraction, and it would be quite approriate to have the demon players visit, attend a seminar (WM is really good for seminars, beleive it or not, they have a whole series of presentation rooms for school groups and smaller, more formal rooms for academic and research presentations) on the 21 Melbourne past players lost during the wars. They could also individually look up family history of war service - another excellent facility the Memorial provides both through self-directed research terminals and experts who can help people find what they are after. This would be a highly appropriate and respectful activity for the club, would help to promote the quite in-depth services offered by the memorial, and would 'add value' to the MFC Manuka game in the eyes of the ACT government. I also think there's just something 'right' about playing at a smallish suburban ground on ANZAC day. We should also invite the NZ high commission to attend the game. They are half of 'ANZAC', after all, not that anyone would notice, what with the way some people promote the day as some boorish 'Aussie Aussie Aussie' event.
  5. I spotted an article on Strudwick not so long ago that had him winning some kind of NSW rising star of some sort. Can't remember the details but I did post it on Demonland somewhere. I may even have made a topic for it. I'll search around and get back to you.
  6. Ok, six months ago maybe we could've talked about trading CJ to Freo, to give him a fresh start as much as anything else. BUT, he's stepped up, is a real contributor and surely part of our youth program. Would be way down the list of priorities to move on. And at the emotional level, with the idea of 'doing it for his own good' removed there's only the simple fact that he is the son of a Demon's champion who grew up as a Demon. Anyway, back to next week's game. Wonaeamirri is out of form and does not seem to be having much impact. As much as he's loved we must not forget he's a teenager and will have trouble sometimes with the week-in week-out wear and tear. I can see Yze coming in, based on Sandy form. Obviously PJ is out, with either White if available or Meesen... Meesen in... I'll be darned. Possibly Garland in for Frawley. A side note, has anyone else noticed that Cale Morton is a bit of a travel specialist? Last week over WC was great, no doubt there, but... Geelong at SS - 22 disposals, 2 goals Adelaide at AAMI - 18 disposals, 3 goals Fremantle at Subiaco - 20 Disposals, 2 goals He didn't kick a goal at the 'G until round 17! Good signs for saturday. C'mon Cale, get that Rising Star!
  7. I like Martin's development in the backline. Good signs. I haven't seen him in the forward line myself. Our backline has been cursed for many years. Backlines are (in my opinion) vital and it's harder to find a true quality defender than it is to put together a forward line (putting aside our bizarre taste for trying out 5-foot-full-forwards this season in Valenti and Wonaeamirri) Stefan Martin can stay back there and do a tough job which he seems to have the calm determination to do.
  8. I'd say Buckley and Garland have both been the notables, but it's so early they mightn't reall 'qualify'. In terms of comparing someone to where they were and the stage they were at in their career, and what we expected to see from them, Chris Johnson is a possible. Paul Johnson has become a consistent performer at that level we saw tantalising glimpses of over previous years. Dunn has built in some consistency but hasn't had much flair - which is of course tough in a mostly taggin role. Nods to Wheatley and Green among the veterans. But for me it goes to Brad Miller. If not for a couple of games missed through injury, he'd be well on target to kick more goals this season than in the rest of his career combined. He has also increased disposals by 20% and marks by 50%, and is using it better than previously (someone told him it was now ok to face towards the goals... nice one Mr. Bailey)
  9. People will sit up and listen when we become the only club to have THREE triple premierships. Looking forward to it. For now, they'se c'n all git stuffd.
  10. North are good at getting decent performances from theirn 'ordinary' players but don't doubt it - they are star dependent when it comes to getting wins on the board and pushing into finals, and some of those stars are getting on a bit. Adam Simpson - 32 and 5 months - 13 Brownlow votes last year, similar numbers and effectiveness this year. Brent Harvey - 30 and 3 months - 22 Brownlow votes last year, doing better in most stats this year! Shannon Grant - 31 and 3 months - 8 Brownlow votes last year, similar deal this year. 43 brownlow votes for three guys over 30... More than the rest of the team combined, with only Daniel Wells (3rd with 8) stopping the veterans from going 1,2,3 in the team's browlonw count. It's an engine room many a club would kill for, and I for one don't think they can replace it. Note that these three guys have barely been scratched in the last ten years, with only two under-20-game seasons between the lot of them since 1999! In fact, in many respects North Melbourne have had an amazing run with injuries for some years, as far as top players are concerned. North might be in trouble during the Gold Coast/West Sydney drafts. It'll be tough finding a new engine room in a hurry in that environment. Almost makes me glad we're already playing without the contribution of most of our veteran stars. At least we know we're at our low now and will move up in time to come. (touching wood prolifically right now)
  11. You'll probably get a laught then that in the Age's match report votes, aside from Morton topping the list, Armstrong was WC's best... listed as 7 Armstrong (Melb)
  12. Yeah, I'll give him that. In all honesty, he had a pile of luck against him today. But it seems to keep happening that way. Just so it's out there - I have no doubt he'll get his touch back and be a good or very good player for many years.
  13. Bate was poor and seems to have been down on form for an extended period now. Bartram is coming back into some form. Very good news. Bruce has cut back on his hospital passing, but still has trouble with set shots. Buckley, as you say, used the ball better today. Also getting smarter with his pace. I though Green was good but 'years best game'? He's had quite a few at this level. B&F bankable. McDonald looked like 2006 McDonald, but with more open play. Miller worked hard but his set shot kicking was off today. MORTON - Surely this weeks rising star, we've all said that before but seriously, what has a guy got to do? 17 Marks! Newton - Good I thought. Was a real forward. Sylvia - Also good. Whelan - looks like he's back. No doubts on decision to keep him on another year. P. Johnson - I just love this guy.
  14. Chillax dude. Unless you reckon we'll win both of Port at Aami and Richmond at the 'G, the Priority pick is safe. And I for one can cope with the idea of finishing the season with three wins, even if it costs us pick 17. And the idea of finishing the season with more wins in a row than we won over the rest of the year kind of illustrates how likely that is.
  15. Why on earth would we be trying to lose this week? Let's say West coast lose both their last two games by 100 points - 150 to 50. That would be enough to bring their percentage down to 65.0%. If our two remaining games averaged at 75-all draws, our percentage would climb to 65.4% That is roughly what it would take. If West Coast is even remotely competitive (by which I still mean 10 goal losses!) in either remaining game, we won't pass them on percentage. Meanwhile, we would need to win today, win another game, and take it to the wire in a third in order to hold up our part of the bargain. Fear not. We have the electric spoon (Watts) within our grasp. (Unless we win all three, that would really root us.)
  16. Based only on what I've read, I'm leaning to Watts O'keefe Robinson Blease Lucas All four of the later options are chosen for skill, decision making and often pace. All are mids. Obviously some ruck options later (ie with our horde of rookie picks) are a good idea. We'll see how they go at Casey. Also, a big element of my thinking is the lack of 'cons' mentioned in these profiles. I'd like to see players who can focus on developing strengths rather than having to worry too much about eliminating weaknesses at the same time.
  17. A few people are gonna be pretty upset when Watts spends most of the coming year in the VFL and at school finishing year 12. But frankly, it's best for him and for the future. If he gets a few games in 09 to acclimatise, does another preseason and comes in and wins the Rising Star in 2010, I'll be happy enough (assuming we grab him). Hmmm... a few people have talked this draft up as being on a level with the 2001 super-draft. It might be worth noting that 2001 was the draft that made Geelong. In fact, it will go down in history as the best drafting effort ever. Consider - pick 8 - J. Bartel pick 17 - J. Kelly pick 23 - C. Gardiner pick 24 - S. Johnson pick 40 (f/s) - Gary Ablett Jr. pick 41- H. Playfair pick 69 - M. Mcarthy pick 81 - D. Johnson bizarrely enough, they also picked up Andrew Carazzo in the rookie draft. Melbourne picked up Molan, Armstrong, Rogers and Miller, for the record. And thus we fell short in '04-'06 Chances are we'll only have four picks in the 2008 National Draft (plus PSD Pick 1) but they'll be pretty good picks (1-17-19-35).
  18. For HAWKINS???!!!! Tom Hawkins is as over-rated as Jennifer Hawkins. He's alright, and I'd certainly not complain about having him on my team, but for a number 1 pick? Pass.
  19. Not sure exaclty where I'll be sitting. I'll be the one with the part hats and the 'Happy Birthday' decorations. Anyone for singign happy birthday just after the siren for returning after the 3qtr time break?
  20. That's what I mean - I went there with my girlfriend to get some stuff in the end of year sale, when I came down for round 22 last year. Long story short, at first she thought it was some kind of joke when we struck off from Richmond station to nowhere in particular, then she was starting to think I was taking her to a dark alley to strangle her by the time we got down to the street-level underbelly of the 'G. I'd been there before a number of times, but even I was starting to feel like I was somewhere I shouldn't be by the time we passed the loading dock with the garbage trucks. And inside, totally silent, as anywhere would be under 1000 tons of concrete and steel. I personally hate that it's stuck under there. Can you tell?
  21. The club made a commitment to not compromise on the football department. We're not throwing money away, but we are putting up the cash to give ourselves every chance - most visibly the two development coaches, a big step up on the resources we committed during the Daniher era. Two development coaches is a big investment. But it could reap huge rewards too. Who knows, it may already be responsible for helping Garland, Warnock and Chris Johnson into regular AFL appearances. Jamar's improvement, Sylvia's improvement, Paul Johnson, Buckley, Valenti, Martin, Dunn - how many of these might not have made the progress they made this year if they hadn't had that dedicated support? It's the right call, for sure. Can you imagine if the club had all these draft picks and young players but wasn't making big investments in development? We'd be a dead club walking.
  22. There is definately another event planned for $500-plus donators. Info to come out shortly.
  23. Any thoughts people have on whether they'd get there more often if there was a Demons outlet in the city? Do you think less full-on supporters might be more inclined to drop in? It's a bit of a hike a the moment, I think.
  24. I'm recruiting for position... Though I repect your 'best available talent' approach!
  25. My count keeps both Zomer and Spencer - because of the changes we will be able to have a total of eight rookie selections, six of them being new. Prendergast will have a ball with the speculative picks.
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