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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Source, DD? Is this now a done thing as of last night and merely yet to be announced?
  2. So does that mean you see a Head of Footy Ops and a Director of Coaching role in the future FD, M?
  3. I think that's where Howe should be put. On the trade table.
  4. I reckon the best bet of quick improvement is offering Adams $400,000-450,000 over three to four years and convincing him into the PSD. Then use pick #2 on Swallow, plus a first rounder back. Use this pick back to nab a Crouch. Sounds fanciful, but pretty darn good to me. Viney, Jones, Adams, Swallow, Crouch, Toumpas, Trengove. There's a good mixture of good disposal, ball-winning ability and hardness. Inject a little bit of pace (will Blease ever become anything?) and a certain J Watts on the wing and who knows.
  5. This caught my eye... "Roos will also report to Jackson and be responsible for the coaching panel and player development." http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/josh-mahoney-is-melbournes-nw-football-operations-boss/story-fni5f91a-1226726391782?from=herald+sun_rss I wonder whether Roos and/or Senior Assistant will still report to the next CEO. And congrats, Josh.
  6. This is good news. Congrats to PJ, Roos and Jack. An important piece of the puzzle to help us get out of this mire.
  7. Celebrities can get away with murder. Matthew Broderick, Brandy and Ted Kennedy to name a small sample have all killed people, but no action has been taken against them. You're right. It's disgusting. The same can be said with sexual assault committed by sporting stars. They receive different treatment to the average person.
  8. Exactly. Why have the system if you're not going to use it in such a clear cut case? Seven years of ineptness should equate to an equalisation package/PP.
  9. I don't give a toss about what other clubs think, D. The AFL have confirmed that they're a farcical, spineless organisation. Bunch of bureaucrats. Why carp on about equalisation if you're going to do stuff all about it?
  10. You're really going to compare Zak Jones to a top 5 draft pick? Late first round picks will only be trade sweeteners. There's a reason high picks are coveted. RE: Redleg, I agree pick 10 is a bit better. But the end of the first round is a cop out.
  11. Anything but pick 1 is pointless. Let's see how spineless the AFL are. As a couple of posters have mentioned lately, they go on this equalisation trip to the US and it seemingly makes not one iota of difference. Pick 1 is the only pick that either gets us A grade potential or the ability to trade in a B grade cusp/A grade potential and improve our list. Equalisation, AFL. There should be absolutely no consideration given to any other AFL club. It isn't their call. It is the AFL's and an apparently independent commission.
  12. 2008's win helps him, but who knows? They may well say, let's go with someone else. The only problem is, who's better than Clarkson? Lyon, Roos (maybe)? They're all tied up. I reckon they'll stick with him due to a dearth of options.
  13. I mentioned Savage as well a few months back. I reckon he'd be a good addition. Can play at the feet of Clark, Hogan and Dawes, as well as providing an extra midfield rotation. If we can get him with a third or fourth rounder, it's a win.
  14. My love for cinema began with James Bond as a young fella, so I certainly love a spectacle film. Obviously, Nolan's Batman trilogy fits that nicely too. Haven't seen any of the X-Men films. Heard he was great in that though. Never ended up seeing the second or third Matrix films. I didn't mind the tv-series. Prefer MacGyver though. The film was scored by James Bond composer David Arnold, so that gives it an edge too. I'll give the trilogy a go, I'm sure.
  15. I'd put 'The Shield' before 'The Wire'.
  16. It might just be the player I heard it from, but apparently the playing group found Gysberts quite the arrogant fella.
  17. Richmond could be very scary if they landed Boyd through a Martin trade. I hope you're right, M and they push him into the PSD.
  18. That's what I do. My girlfriend can't binge watch like I can. I prefer having shows that I watch just with her and then the shows that I can steam through. You gotta do 'Breaking Bad'. It's certainly one of the greatest shows ever made. I watched the first season of 'The Walking Dead' when it first came out. I was kind of meh on it. Still am. Haven't bothered to jump back into it, although the girlfriend loves it. If you haven't seen the following, highly recommended: 'The Shield', 'Damages', 'Mad Men', 'Sons of Anarchy' (created by one of the co-writers of 'The Shield'), 'Oz', 'The Wire' & 'The Sopranos' (both are good, but overrated), 'Justified' and then the classic that started it all, 'Twin Peaks'.
  19. My feeling RE: 'Dark City' and what I know about it is its influence. It beat 'The Matrix' to the punch and seems to have even more style than that film, which is hard to believe. I might watch it tomorrow night and back that up. I can't remember which cut of 'Blade Runner' I've seen. I have a feeling it was the Director's Cut, but the film hasn't stayed with me. Fassbender's awesome, but I quite enjoyed 'Prometheus'. I guess I enjoyed it in a similar way you enjoyed 'The Fifth Element', Choke. It was a bit of a spectacle, which I'm fine with once in a while.
  20. Clark's on $800 isn't he? Dawes would be near that too.
  21. It could also be defence mechanism. When Scully left, all of a sudden he wasn't a saviour, he was just a footballer, who left for cash.
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