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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I haven't HT. But I was intending to start with Allen's noirs and then watch his comedic stuff. It hasn't worked that way, but I shall add it to the immediate list. Some of the stills from it look stunning.
  2. IMO it has to be pick 1. It's pick 1 or bust really. There's no point in getting help if it isn't really going to help. The top five picks are where it's at. Yes, Selwood will say hello, but it really won't help us getting a mid first round pick.
  3. I have a copy of 'Raising Arizona' that my writing partner gave me, but I've never had the urge to watch it. It sounds like I should. 'Blood Simple' is a masterpiece. Absolutely love it. One of the best noirs I've ever seen (what a nerd). 'Burn After Reading' is terrific too, along with 'Fargo', 'Barton Fink' and 'No Country For Old Men'. 'Miller's Crossing' has its moments too. Haven't seen their take on 'True Grit' yet. I prefer spaghetti Westerns myself. That said, they do have an eye for wonderful shot making, so I'd probably love it. In other news, I watched Woody Allen's 'Interiors' last night. I adored it. I am a massive Bergman fan though, so it makes sense that I'd like Allen's dramatic stuff.
  4. Never been a big fan of 'The Big Lebowski'. I've seen it a couple of times.
  5. Even if he knew Roos was coming, it's still a ridiculous statement. Even with Roos, we're not going to jump above the bottom six teams next year. Covert sensationalism from Whatley. I know it'd be nice to think the pain is all over, but we're still looking at a bottom six finish next year. That's must surely be considered part of a dismal era. Unless we have a simply outstanding FA and trading period, I really can't see our D grade midfield improving enough in the space of six months to mount any sort of challenge to the top eight teams next year. Wow. Listen to me. Talk about cynical. I'd also call it realistic.
  6. I watched 'Hannah and Her Sisters' earlier today. First Woody Allen film I've "got". It's amazing. It might make 'Annie Hall' more accessible on re-watch. Allen might be one of those directors that I eventually love more with age. I didn't "get" Tarantino until seeing 'Jackie Brown' and didn't get the Cohen's until seeing 'Barton Fink' and the third viewing of 'Fargo'. I watched 'O Brother Where Art Thou' tonight too. Loved it. Is anyone a fan of giallos (the Italian precursor to 1980s Hollywood slashers)? I caught 'House With The Laughing Windows' at MIFF this year. Hilarious and intriguing film. Argento is probably the master, but Mario Bava, Lucio Fulci and Sergio Martino are amazing too.
  7. And I take it you probably work in the industry. Yeah, great little nod from Tarantino there. Love the Shaw logo. They weren't even trying with that one.
  8. I'm yet to see any Russ Meyer films. Somehow I've always skipped over 'Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!' Should probably watch that at some point too. Your display pic is the John Waters giveaway, HT. Gathered you liked him or at least 'Pink Flamingos'. Have you seen Miike's latest film? I'm yet to catch it. Not a big fan, but heard it's reasonably predictable and dull. Some talented directors in that lot though.
  9. Probably because time and again we've said we're going after an experienced candidate with proven success. He doesn't tick those boxes IMO.
  10. Basil has to have received that job through nepotism. There's just no other way I can understand him getting the job. Absolute [censored].
  11. Jack Grimes - not AFL standard. Terlich is unaccountable and an ordinary decision maker. Matt Jones runs backwards the entire time. Dunn hit one target today. Thankfully only one week left.
  12. Trenners was good today. Get off his case. Becoming very underrated around these parts. Grimes isn't AFL standard though.
  13. Yep, I got one. So it sounds like we go on Faceyb and like?
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if Brisbane claimed Craig was their second choice, in order to make us want to sign him up as coach quick smart.
  15. Yeah, I reckon I'd just about take Eade over Craig and that's saying something. That said, I wouldn't be against Craig staying out his contract.
  16. Been getting into the exploitation stuff lately. Watched 'Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song' (1971) and the original 'Shaft' for the first time. I also have 'Beyond the Valley of the Dolls' on my list, which I've never seen. 'Ilsa She Wolf of the SS', 'The Night Porter', 'Gone in 60 Seconds' (the original), 'Coffy' and 'Foxy Brown'. Then there's my reasonably recent obsession with wuxia films (Chinese martial arts) made by the Shaw Brothers during the '60s and '70s. The best ones I've seen are 'The 36th Chamber of Shaolin', 'Five Deadly Venoms' and 'Executioners from Shaolin'. I also just watched 'Killer's Kiss' (Kubrick's second film), which had some nice shot making (as you'd expect from a Kubrick film), but a dull noir really. Do Demonlanders go after directors or actors? Anyone have a few favourite directors?
  17. You reckon? Each to their own, I guess. He's playing for a contract.
  18. One of my favourites. Congrats on 100, Col. One of the few that does the jumper proud.
  19. One of the greatest, most wonderfully directed episodes of television I've ever watched.
  20. You don't like waiting each week, mate? I've been having weekly Breaking Bad parties with a group of mates. Still wonderful writing. I promise I won't spoil it. And so as to stay on topic, I have maintained all along that Roos will coach us. He'll certainly coach somewhere next year.
  21. Well done, Aaron. Thanks for your service.
  22. That's when we get in and go for Prestia. We should stay in his ear and ensure he comes to us for his next contract. Sorry. Back to Viney. He was pretty much the only one I was clapping yesterday.
  23. Craig sits on his hands. Doesn't do enough on gameday and some of his selections are baffling. I'll point to his selection of Gawn and Fitzpatrick as our stay at home forwards against GWS.
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