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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Thought it was a fair post actually.
  2. If he wasn't an experienced, hard bodied midfielder, I wouldn't care.
  3. This is exactly what I took it to be, M. An opportunity to flush out any other potential candidates by pimping the pick.
  4. We haven't had trouble developing key defenders. It's a good point, tatu.
  5. See, I didn't get the feeling we were far along with anyone. I reckon the club is still pimping its pick #2 around and hoping someone bites. Meanwhile, the 20-30 game quote was merely a throw away line from Mahoney, but I reckon at least one of the players on our short list fits into this bracket.
  6. I reckon we'd be laughing at that deal, M. Would love it to happen, but don't hold much hope for it.
  7. I'd just like to see him sign that extension now though, M.
  8. Would be a good pick up. #2 is overs though and our second round pick is probably unders. Unless we can package a player and a pick, I can't see us being able to satisfy a trade. Be nice to have a bloke from my old school in the red and the blue though.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if one or more Swans walk in the next two or three years. There's bound to be a few that are unhappy being on less coin than Tippett and Franklin. They may have a great culture, but this may well backfire in the long run. Particularly if they don't get a flag out of it in '14 or '15.
  10. I'd say it's more likely we're after fringe players. I just hope we're into Swallow.
  11. Thanks to everyone who keeps this site going. Really love reading it and contributing. Let's hope we have more to cheer about in 2014. Go you red legs!
  12. Ah. Well. My post still stands, but substitute Jeremy for Jack. Can't see it happening, but I'll tow the party line and back Roos' decision on him.
  13. If Adams becomes an extra contributor along with Jones that does take a load off the younger players. Viney will contribute, as will hopefully Trengove, Grimes and Toumpas. With Paul Roos, we'll see a lot of role players. There will be a number of players that share the load. I'd say Adams would certainly be in our top 3 or 4 targets, but we'd be having a serious look at others too.
  14. Jack is certainly great below his knees and smooth in traffic, but a good tackler he is not.
  15. Scharenberg and Crouch are the only two guys I'd be happy with. Aish looks like a player, on admittedly little viewing, but I reckon we're going to try our darndest to trade pick #2 for an established mid and look to get a harder bodied player (ie. Crouch) later on.
  16. You don't have to have played the game to cover it. I really hate this attitude. There'd be significantly fewer people that could be journalists otherwise and places like Demonland would cease to exist.
  17. Yeah, he criticised Terlich's game OTC, against the Swans in particular, where first gamer Brandon Jack kicked four on him. I agree/agreed with Roos' comments wholeheartedly, but was interested to note that Terlich received two votes for that game.
  18. Midfielders going into their third year (Adams) can compete straight away. It's not about being elite or at their peak instantly, but generally midfielders take less time than other types of players, once they have bulk and are up with the speed of the game. If Adams continues at his current trajectory, he'll be an important contributor in 2014. It will not take him another four to five years to impact games the way we'd want him to.
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