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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Exactly. I hope there are still 17 other clubs lining up for his services. See what we can get for him. I just wonder if his ordinary performances during the second half of this season have damaged his stocks. He certainly doesn't have a physical presence. In fact, clubs worked him out this year. It's that lack of physicality that makes it easy for opposition players to keep him quiet. They took to blocking his run at the ball in the second half of the season and he struggled as a result. This led to low confidence levels, but combine this with his ordinary work rate around the ground and it wasn't pretty. A swap for 'a two-way running, ball winning mid' is no brainer, IMO.
  2. Thanks GTB. I thought it was a Shark reference.
  3. Surely Cross is a FA. I must have missed this, because I would have thought we could pick him up in the delisted FA period. Sylvia will stay and therefore there's little need to worry about adequate FA compensation.
  4. He doesn't bring me to the footy. His half-hearted chasing efforts are enough to make me look away. Winning games is the only sure way of getting kids along and bandwagoners.
  5. I'd say it's more likely than unlikely, OD. I know I'm not putting a lot on the line with that statement, but the naming of co-captains at Sydney was probably enacted for a multitude of reasons, rather than the club being undecided on who to pick.
  6. It might mean a lot or very little, BB. Rawlings is contracted for an extra year.
  7. I concur with BH on lawn bowls. Also a great game. But I side with you on the soccer comments, Paul. It's a game of patience in the same way that test cricket is. The atmosphere in England far outweighs anything that the AFL could dish up and with about half the spectators. Rugby League is one of the dullest sporting codes in the world. Union is marginally better, but not by much. I appear to gravitate towards sporting clubs with rich, successful histories, who have then slumped to mediocrity for decades. MFC and Liverpool FC have left my heart broken for 26 years. And what am I to take from your comments RE: getting your heart broken for 20 years golfing? Is that cryptic or have I just had a long week?
  8. Lol, love the amazing digression in this thread.
  9. Since we're digressing, you find football/soccer boring, yet you find tennis or golf interesting spectator sports? Two of the worst around. I love playing both tennis and golf, but the latter may as well be watching grass grow. I've never really connected with basketball, despite being 6 foot 6. I find I lose interest after about ten minutes. However, I can cope with the occasional Australian olympic game. Netball is a great game though. I coach it in junior APS and played mixed in Uni. I understand you probably have other motives for enjoying it as a spectator sport, but it's fast moving and highly skilled. Meanwhile, I may as well ask DL a question that was proffered earlier, but left unanswered. Does anyone have any inside info on contract size in dollars for Jack's agreement? I'm intrigued. Would be surprised if it's under $400,000.
  10. Fair enough. I concur RE: we could land either of the aforementioned players without giving up Howe.
  11. He's obviously not alone in the following respect, but he rarely chases. If his tank is such a weapon for him (something that is consistently sprouted on DL), where are his high tackle counts? You don't have to have a set position to be able to lay tackles. I'm not saying this sort of flaw cannot be worked on, but he will be starved out of the forwardline. He'll have to play midfield or lift his workrate in the forwardline. I know trading Howe is not ideal, but we need tradables. Our midfield awaits. He is about the only one that may have some currency that we don't lose big with on the flip side. Given he's a must keep, I take it you'd prefer to keep him rather than wrangle a trade for say Adams or Swallow? I'd prefer to see Adams or Swallow running run in the red and blue.
  12. I reckon she'll romp it home. Allen's leading ladies usually do alright come nomination time anyway.
  13. And hopefully it's a better conclusion than bloody Dexter's plot device riddled, contrived ending.
  14. I've watched a little bit of 'Talking Bad', hadn't caught the podcast. One episode left! Cannot wait.
  15. I can see Blease being put up for trade, but no point with Tapscott. Equally, Blease is about the only line-breaker we have, he just consistently proves he has no tank. It's Roos' call whether he can turn that around with some solid application.
  16. Let's stir the pot a little bit. What would people say if it was Howe? Surely it has to be Howe. He's one of the only players that has any trade currency and even then it's minimal. Some absolute spuds have found homes though, post MFC over the last few seasons.
  17. Whereas I constantly find myself saying "ROOSY!" to no one in particular. It's also become useful to counter any arrogance from the girlfriend (a Hawks supporter). Their current success no longer matters. Any Hawthorn talk is immediately extinguished with "ROOSY"!
  18. It's a club fabric thing. We don't want another Junior situation on our hands. He seems to be entrenched within the club. For mine though, I'd be ecstatic with that deal. There will be some though that can't see past his high leaping and admittedly elite hands. Perhaps he could play an O'Keefe role, but I just don't see it. We have Hogan coming in, Clark and Dawes down there too. He appears to have value and as rpfc keeps saying (and I concur), we need assets to trade. He's one of them. Float him and see what clubs are offering. If nothing comes of it, at least we'll see if he has a second or third gear to push, with a thing or two to prove next year.
  19. Personally, every day of the week.
  20. And perhaps, as you speculate, the current HC moves into the DOC position. I'd certainly go for that. Anything to keep Roos around for as long as possible.
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