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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Got it a lot more tonight too, so it makes sense there'd be a few more errors.
  2. The quality fell away in the third quarter. That's hardly late in the game. I found it an incredibly frustrating game, but I understand there were some circumstances that led to this. I think given how taxing tonight's game looked, we will get absolutely flogged by the Saints.
  3. You could equally argue whether they would have picked him then.
  4. Yeah, maybe, but I think an article that you're paying to read (if you buy the paper) should have an ending written by the author being paid to write it. Haha, maybe I'm being too harsh and I've got my editorial hat on.
  5. And ours would be Viney, Prestia, Tyson and maybe Oliver, Brayshaw and Petracca? Completely agree btw.
  6. And I felt GWS might be able to pinch a flag this year and certainly win a few finals. This performance is damning of GWS' leadership stocks. No deal this year.
  7. Yeah, Dwayne said GWS' worst loss for the season was against us. Well, losing to Collingwood at home by 6+ goals is a disgusting effort from thess arrogant little twats.
  8. Do GWS have a B plan? They're terrific on the break and when everything is going their way, but they seem pretty downhill skierish to me. Collingwood beating them. Spanked them in that quarter.
  9. I'm not convinced he can tidy that disposal up. His ball drop is ordinary.
  10. Nope. But we always knew that. He's barely best 22 this year.
  11. Agreed. Bugg's a fringer. A very sloppy kind of player too. At times he appears lazy with his disposal and other times he is just inept (see the shot for goal last week - not the first time he's kicked like that).
  12. He's a good writer, but I'm not so sure about this piece. It just ends abruptly when it feels like it should be getting to the meat or a conclusion.
  13. The game is also clearly going this way. It's about team defence as much as it is one-on-one defence. Your defensive systems and team play will win you flags.
  14. It'll be greasy. Smalls will be better in those conditions, therefore it won't be an issue only have one tall target at stages. Guys like Kent and Kennedy have to lift their games, Jeffy has to carry over his Crows form and Harmes needs to be more damaging with his touches.
  15. Expect Jack to play again against the Gold Coast too on the 'G. I haven't been his biggest fan over the journey, but I'm happy he'll get his 100 games in the next fortnight.
  16. Mate, all you do is denigrate posters on here. Most of your two and a half thousand posts on here are you flaming others.
  17. I dunno about anyone else, but I'm getting pretty sick of this 'sieve-like defence' rubbish from every second poster, every second day. It's a fallacy. Our percentage is over 100%. It's not sieve-like. We leak some easy goals, but so do all teams in 2016 football. That is the nature of the new game style. It's such a near-sighted and frankly incorrect viewpoint. Besides, our defence struggles when our midfield does. That's the important correlation and it's why I've been banging on about continuing to strengthen our midfield, rather than focusing on the backline. Though, that's not to say we should focus on one thing at a time. It is prudent to multi-task if possible.
  18. I'd say it'll be greasy. Going one less tall will suit us. Dropping Dawes is partly tactical I reckon.
  19. See, I reckon he'd really struggle at Brisbane (I mean who wouldn't? ).
  20. I think you're underselling him a little bit, mate, but I think he'd struggle in a team with a lesser midfield. If he was 24 it'd be a yes, but with Weed and Hulett coming through, I'd prefer to develop from within there.
  21. Exactly. I'd agree there's been more focus this week, Stu, but you could hear the groans from the members every time he failed to mark or at the very least impact a contest. The wider supporter base seems to have finally woken up to his performances.
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