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Everything posted by DV8

  1. That is because you are only thinking of the now. This current administration is great. This is not about the administrations, but rather about Us. All of Us, supporters. This is about an attitude that we'll just put in place smart people, and all will be right. We vote and then we forget about it all. We have consistently voted wrong! Its not smart people we need, business community people, its smart Footy People we've needed to hold at least half of the Power on the board. That makes footy decisions on our behalf. But the point is we as a club supporter base are too apathetic about the club and we tend to think what can WE do, so resigned to an answer of I don't think I can do anything, we then sit on our hands or we go to the wine cupboard and telly or the PComp. We are to easy on our leaders. I don't mean we should send out a posse,,, but we should be more active as a group in or thinking,,, and talking amongst one another,,, getting a more aggressive nature to our thinking,,, collectively a more entrepreneurial mindset through our conversations with one another,,, to try to aid changing one-another's minds to becoming more adventurously spirited about what we want OUR Club to be/become for Our footy club's future. This administration so far, is doing a great job, no issue with it;,,, but it has largely been built by the AFL's guidance. Not by our votes at Mfc club elections. We supporters need to change our minds, if we want this club to change direction from our past 50 years. IF WE don't change our own mindset, the club will end up back where its been going, this past half century. Attitude is everything. We need a more aggressive approach to our footy at all levels to get stronger. .
  2. Attitude in the supporters. Less passive about the club, and be more outwardly passionate. And spontaneous. To not fall back into a more submissive role when we all just think, "oh they know the way forward", just let them be... This is a balance thing between being too trusting of administrations,,, and being too aggro, and tearing the stands down. I am saying that over the decades, the conservative Melbourne attitude has been too patient with the club, and the way its run. That the supporters have resisted change too much, and this has allowed our 'over conservative approach' to continue to survive, at our own expence as a club. So we miss out on opportunity, after opportunity... we just do not take them... chances. Sometimes we should gamble and risk needing the AFL to pickup the pieces... Sometimes we are just too financially responsible, and so do nothing, but shrink. and the the AFL has to come in anyway. eg: We should have gone after the Olympic Swimming centre when we had a chance, even though we couldn't afford it. Just as one major point, which would have really changed our clubs fortunes. Sometimes you just have to take that "Leap of Faith"... "growth" or fail, & be bailed out. We have consistently feared making BIG decisions at board level for the clubs growth,,, for FEAR of failure. Someone said that, "to keep doing the same things over and over, expecting different outcomes" is pure madness. I say its FEAR. a fearful club, is a beaten club.
  3. Its also party of our development i suspect. In that we want to be a mighty contested ball team so we are still learning to engrave that into our minds as new players continue to enter out team. a constant teaching learning curve at this time. And so backing our teammates to win contested footy or at least halve them. (includes kicking along the line) Also we will need to develop confidence in chipping around to control possession, both in defence (tempo) but also from wing forward, in offence mode.
  4. I'd like to suggest that Lever can play Lewis's role, and sweep the defence, starting from defensive-Wing position. It allows him to sweep the back half and also to help setup our attacking moves. Having height and bulk on the wing, isn't a weakness. More marking ability between the Arcs, is also beneficial. B: Jetta, O.Mac, Wagner HB: Lewis, Frost, Hibberd C. Jones, Salem, Lever HF: Melksham, Pederson, Neal-Bullen ---------------------- Casey > Hunt to get himself right.
  5. That's composure, and experience, both required to overcome nerves, and foot skill level. Most AFL players are not the most disposal skilled players in this country, but its a combination of all skills to make an AFL player. Composure with focus most important, so the ball carrier allows themselves time to focus on what to do and how to do it, helps disposal skills. All the coaches must believe that Wagner can overcome these ares and improve his disposal skills, with more games at AFL level pressure. We certainly need more runners with some leg speed across the team, just as much as we need disposal accuracy. I'm happy that the coaches see our weaknesses, and are actually doing things to teach/develop our players under pressure, to the betterment of the Future Demons team. Frost and Wagner I don't see as competing with one another. I see them as tall and small-medium. So I see that we need 2 tall key backs OMc & Frost, + 1 medium tall Lever (hopefully he can play on smallish types), and 2 or 3 running players including our stopper player/s. I'm hopeful for anGus in defence, but not yet. I don't want him in/under any longer. I think he's a smart footy mind. I would like to see him play off half back at Casey for a month to get the run of the position, when to go & when to stay. Learn to play the role. Half back controls the setups the tempo, the game really. we need some smart players down there for our future and Hibbo has already turned 28, so we have maybe 2 more years in his prime. We are still full-on in rebuilding the team and the leaders on the list. and our young leaders need senior leaders to show the way for them to learn under. This i why I want us to get Sloane, who is also about 28. He can be another who aids the development of Viney who is a young man learning leadership and learning footy still. We are still deeply in a transition period of cellar dweller, to becoming an elite side. Players like Wagner are strongly skilled in some areas. and need help developing other areas. He is worth persisting with for what he brings naturally.
  6. Good. We'll go in as the under-wallaby in this game. And see what transpires.
  7. They're playing Wagner to get more dash, more speed, run, into our back half. He was good a couple of years back, then dropped off. I'm not against giving him time at this stage of the season. The trialing is all about balancing development,,, up against our ladder position. As long as we're in touch for September, we can continue. If we drop behind, we'll have to re-senior our team.
  8. Jack watts was the piece of rotten fruit. He was lazyish, and maybe just a bit too much his own man. For whatever reason. If he didn't feel like chasing, he wouldn't. simple as that. tackling etc. To me that's selfish, in a team game. We just left behind that era of players not wanting to go in for the ball head down, or to tackle, or chase, or do any heavy things. Time trials. etc, etc. We could not have a senior player continuing to only put in when they felt like it. He had to go. talent or not. Last years trade period. Its just a pity we gave up so much last trade period, for Lever. It's already showing how valuable that P10 was from 2017. Let alone next years 2018 1st Rnd pick. I hope it doesn't come back to bite us hard, on the you know what.
  9. Yes, exactly, but also we need our players to be multi-skilled so we have the ability for a Plan 'B' or 'C'. We are further off a grand final than some wish for. But this forming and teaching our players now, with Macca & others at the club is incredibly important for our future.
  10. I think they all started to drink one another's dirty bathwater last year, because the whole place seems toxic. It could be all over, for red-rover ?
  11. of course i have when I was younger and fearful; and I regret them now. Nothing is as good as being honest with the ones you Love. Lies are just further deception. And the poorer our society is with them... white lies, black lies, yellow lies, little, big, politically correct ones, all the same. Deception. It destroys trust amongst all people. relationships. Remember this old beaut....... White Man speak with Forked Tougue. Forked Tongue is a good analogy, because if its Serpents in our Society we want, we're getting our wish. Not a very good place to bring up kids in, these days. I will not sacrifice integrity now, for anything. Life hurts, its painful at times. But lies weaken all of us, & the things that bond us all together.
  12. Thats where i was going, 'with the more attacking setups', as most teams seem to be trialing in some way. Maybe the AFL have said to clubs,,, you guys play a more attacking footy style, or we will have to further reduce the rotations per game. The ball is in your half. Against the cats, it (the more attacking setups) didn't work well for us, and so we changed setups & halted them, but couldn't quite make the difference back up. We are trialing many things atmo, whilst still trying to win the points; Salem, Lever, Wagner. Next year we will probably be without Lewis, and Jones, Garlett, etc will be another year older, as will Vince. We have to develop the replacements now, to get them skilled up. I can see Pedo getting another one year contract, after this one. I hope Lewis stays with the D's, & plays at Casey as a playing assistant coach, to help guide our young players close up.
  13. I just saw the video, a twist on the nipple, would be worse than that. And they charged him $1500.00_ I think he should challenge that.
  14. Bugga the Browlow, we want Silver Cups. Brownlow's dime a dozen, in comparison.
  15. Black, White, White, Black.... Yella. all the same, all soft & smooth inside. Aren't we lucky no one wears Knickerbocker shorts out there, dc.
  16. As McCartney has been suggested of saying to one of our supporters they are trying to teach players in positions. So its a bit difficult to judge coaches on assumptions of what we think is taking place. ie: some players seem out of position, when in reality the players are being taught to play different roles in those positions. so ?????
  17. They lost they're way after they moved out Sheedy. Then started to rebuild under Knights, then they shafted him, for Hird. The rest is now well written. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Knights#Coaching_career The saga adminis-trators even hoisted the old administrators out of the way, so the new admin could implement the things they did do. None of that was to do with the outside club supporter attitude, but simply bad administration, and greediness. And the rest is history now.
  18. They should, and they have to. Its pointless having one dimensional players.better to lose the occasional game now, developing the players to be well skilled players; than to go on loosing in finals matches as we've done not so long ago. The all out attacking game seems to be being tried out by most clubs, atmo, and I wonder if this is an AFL direction. Last week we got the defence balance wrong and we payed dearly. Better after adjustments in the 2nd half. But too late.
  19. I won't even bother opening this video as I am well aware of the Tigers history of sacking coaches, end on end. And the damage they did to themselves. No continuity in a footy club, is as bad as tolerating garbage from the club. Why is it you didn't quote a club like the bombers, cbf? They get very snaky when the club becomes weak. Or are you about just sticking to your thoughts, without having to see change at the Demons, for fear of, 'anything', just change ? The trouble with the club is its not willing to change, to get stronger. It has always lacked the courage to get a home base, (the swimming centre), or to pay players the going rates back in the 60's, or to chase after players we need often enough. It had became a cheap skate club. Wouldn't spend or give anything for better facilities for the players to work-out within. etc. We strangled ourselves. And this club has traditionally tried to put all eggs in one basket. To make a difference (tilbrook). When the real problem was, the club had just lost the real desire, and inner fire to be at the top again, whatever it took. It lost the fighting spirit from the top, to beat all comers. And since (the latter 60's) those attitudes have prevailed, within a majority of remaining supporters unknowing that they had become accustomed to failing ways. Now is it any wonder we struggle to have ruthless ways, as a club, as a team. Instead, we get political correctness. The club is trying to change, but it needs to change more-so from within itself,,, than the playing list, etc. The list mirrors the attitudes of the whole club. KAMA. we get back, what we give out.
  20. I believe it because I know that it occurs. And when someone comes out in this forum, saying just that, via a player's information. I take that with respect. The poster is putting themselves in the firing line. Going out on the limb. There was no malice in the post, nor was there a hint of trying to be disruptive. Just honesty. The more honest we all are, the less this sort of games-playing behind the scenes, will occur. Its not the messenger that is at fault. Its the deceptive games played in business;,, that is the Fault.
  21. No, you've got it wrong CBF. You have the cart before the Ass again. probably taking the clubs n membership hopes as the catalyst. This clubs supporters have been too tolerant of under-performing for decades. Other clubs get highly jacked off when their clubs start to slide, and that is what has made them Power clubs. With this comes one-eyed supporters who are fiercely loyal yet angry, at that clubs failures. These type supporters also put in a lot of money to their club, out of the supporter pride in the colours. We have collectively been too placid, too tolerant and too disappointed and go away with a whimper. Thats what we get back from our players when things are bad. This Is almost a mirror view of the ways of the supporters, left clinging on to a club who is struggling to keep its head above water level. The attitudes surrounding this club have to change, we need to more feral, demanding success. Not self imploding,,, but by putting the leaders under pressure; the admins, the coaches the senior players. What we traditionally do, is put our loved players up on pedestals. And worship them like gods, even if they wouldn't get a game in a Power clubs side. It happens too much. We have to demand More. Just not of our under 22's. As long as they show some fire, some willingness. Some deesire.
  22. Its not just clubs that play mind-games with players & put out feelers, Its also player managers at contract time, to threaten clubs for more dollars.
  23. If they reported every whisper of clubs feelers, at end of season, they would end up with no cred, because most of these feelers end up with nothing happening, because the players club isn't serious; but want to create a little insecurity in lazy player X. Ttrying to shake them out of lethargy. See Watts at end of Roos 2nd season, Watts dropped for last game. Whispers about watts trade scenarios's. Watts 3rd Roosy season is a beaut. Sign contract extension. Goody's first year and watts is back to not Putin-in, again. ta-ta. It happens. every end of year.
  24. Have we really sold integrity & honesty right down the sewer, in the name of professionalism & big bucks.? Isn't it hard to trust people in today's society. why is that I wonder with political correctness taking over everything and lying to someones face an accepted habit. Truth is we should be able to be taken for our word. How has such a positive and beneficial thing, been lost in fine-print, and so-called, being not hurtful ? The damage done in not hurting people's feelings, via Political-Correctness is intolerable. We are wrecking our ways of life. With open honesty comes better behaviors, and a more knowing society, which keeps people in better mental health. Trust is her biggest Key to a healthy society.
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