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Everything posted by jnrmac

  1. I'm not actually sure that Bailey can coach. I like the off field stuff and the discipline stuff but I have yet to see how he wants this team to play. With Knights it was pretty obvious what he was trying to do. Bailey I'm not so sure.
  2. A story in The AGE today says Ball hasn't spoken to Ess or allowed himself to be medically assessed. What gives? One of his "preferred" destinations?? And Connolly said Ball's manager had requested a meeting yet apparently no meeting has taken place. Ball at the very least should be investigated for draft tampering. If you nominate for the draft surely there must be some obligation on you to submit to medical tests etc. I smell Filth. And if he decides to stand out of footy for a year as has been intimated through Hutchy's column then he should be banned for life.
  3. I think Trengove will slide from 1 to 2
  4. He's said nothing and refused to meet with us. What does that tell you? He is trying to scare everyone off and get to the Filth. It won''t happen. He'll be long gone by Pick 30.
  5. Pretty interesting he hasn't spoken to us given that he knows we are very willing. Reading between the lines his Dad seems to have gotten into his ear about spending another four years in a club that's building for a flag. Given the Aints got Reiwoldt and Kosi in 2000(?) its taken them 9 seasons to get this far. Can understand he doesn't want to do that again. But the Filth? They are going nowhere. Still they might deserve each other
  6. Ball will speak to Melbourne because he needs to exert some pressure on St Kilda who can lose him for nothing. It should by rights increase pressure on the Saints to come to terms with Luke. What I found particularly interesting was that on the Saintsational fan site I could hardly find Ball's name mentioned. So it appears their supporters aren't kicking up too much of a fuss whether he stays or goes. That weakens his bargaining position wit the Saints. And of course we have all the bases covered in the ND and PSD. This is a game of blink. As if they would play it out in the media.
  7. Gee, I thought the same about Jeff White when the ruck rule cruelled his run and leap. But he never seemed to make the transition. Had ALL the attributes. And we've seen what happened - become adaptable or become de-listed. By the way PJ's kicking for goal is not good.
  8. If he's seen everyone else and he's seen Trengove and Scully on a number of occasions then he's already done his homework. Give him some credit. You think he should watch him play school football too?
  9. Luke and his manager have requested to meet with the Dees next week. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/demo...f-1225791493885
  10. Luke Ball is out of contract. Period. They offered him a 3 year deal which they withdrew after trade week. If they lose him its their own fault. It IS actually up to us to convince Luke to come to Melbourne. We can do that because we can guarantee to draft him with PSD1. Others can say we will take you with pick 26/34/etc but we are the only ones (asided from the Saints who might still convince him to stay) that can guarantee it.
  11. Its clear they wanted someone who was unlikely to be available at 6!
  12. He struggled as he had a knee injury which he only shook off in the last 6 weeks. suggest you look at his form in the last 6 weeks which was in fact very good.
  13. My recollection is that St Kilda commented after the draft that they chose Reiwoldt 1st because of the pressure/expectation thing and that Nick was better prepared mentally to deal with it. If Jack Watts wasn't mentally tough it would have been difficult dealing with the tripe that was directed at him during the year. I believe the club will consider that part of the equation when selecting 1 & 2. But from what I've read they would both be worthy and would both deal with it well. One small consideration might be Trengove and the go home factor. As a No 1 it might make it more difficult for him to return home given the deluge of press coverage and profile he would get as No 1. Just a hunch of mine.
  14. Because they are the standout players in the draft. Should become elite. We don't have any of those mids. Haven't for as long as I can remember - I'm talking Buckley, Voss elite.
  15. What do we know about Burgoyne's knee? I read that it was a scrape or clean up not a reco or major op. He has taken longer to get over it than is usual but I would be happy to trade pick 18 and Jones for him.
  16. Nah, He was being honest, not disparaging in any way. Juice would admit the same. Hasn't been able to string games together. COnsistency is a problem. You're reading too much into it.
  17. McLean is not right. Too high. And Bate is way too low. My tip is for him to finish 3rd in the Bluey. He was one of our better players in the first half of the season.
  18. I get confused with the Burgoynes. Which one was better? I know Peter has retired. It seems to me that Port are downhill skiers and the defensive side of their midfield is pretty ordinary. I don't think I would want to give too much for this trade. PSD maybe but at what cost. $600k is more than any other player gets paid.
  19. Grimes payed ONE game last year. I'd hardly call it his second season.
  20. Hello??Are you kidding???? Have you forgotten how they stiffed us on Mission Foods sponsorship? Came over the top of a $2m a year deal and did the deal for $1.5m IF we can shaft them its great in my book.
  21. I DO mind the Blues and seriously hate this bloke. COuldn't happen to a nicer team. They know we are coming. Ha ha ha ha ha
  22. But why was he doing it? Impact is irrelevant if you consider Moloney was ouoted for attempting to bump!!
  23. I'd be happy if we can keep our injury list to less than 2 or 3 and get genuine games into young players and settle them into positions. We have already shown we are more competitive than last year for longer periods of games. A settled team will allow players to develop more quickly.
  24. The Saints have a stunning midfield and a strangling defence - they don't need to kick lots of goals. I'd be happy if we can build an elite midfield with picks 1 & 2. Thats what we have desperately needed for 10 years or more. We can build a fwd line out of Watts, Garland, Green, Jurrah, Bate Wona and Jetta.
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