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Everything posted by jnrmac

  1. I am a member of both. Its interesting how they are both quite different. 'Ology has some good sources but a lot of regular posters seem to have stopped. There are a couple of serial abusers on there who seem to enjoy baiting and abusing any view different to their own. There has been an issue I believe in joining the site. The founder has been quite ill and has been unable to give the site his fullest attention.
  2. Really this is becoming a joke. He has finally included a Melbourne player - Aaron Davey at #47 and as the only Demon in the top 50. Seriously, he has Tippet who may be a good player (has had one season and kicked 50 goals) ahead, Paddy Ryder ahead, Mark Murphy! ahead, Craig Bolton at 33. I would even argue Barry Hall should not be there based on his last season yet he's ahead of Aaron Davey. What a waste of space.
  3. Maybe Brad Miller can go back to being his aggressive self without worrying too much about serving time for innocuous bumps.
  4. Give the boys a break. They were about as nervous as a white mouse in a tampon factory.
  5. So are you suggesting 4-5 wins is an 'improvement' on last year when we didn't want to win games???? Hmmm???
  6. Great. See you in 2014. That is if the club is still n existence.
  7. Its a crock. Hawthorn must be mightily peeved that Buddy is out given what has taken place. After that decision the knuckleheads stated that when a player has a choice to tackle or bump, if they choose to bump then the onus in on the bumper to ensure a players head is not hit and no damage is done. Full stop. Whilst it doesn't assist us what happens to Kennedy it will undoubtedly be used by others during the season to get players off for illegal off the ball bumps. yet again they have re-opened their own can of worms.
  8. Why? Have they ever been right??!
  9. Davey to me seemed very heavy around the hips and top of legs on the weekend. He was running sluggishly (and I guess just out there for a run). When he was standing next to Kerr he looked pretty chunky and not at all an 'athlete'. Maybe it was an optical illusion but I remember thinking he looks some way off his best shape.
  10. ST Kilda had a horror stretch a few years back with soft tissue injuries. They then hired the Swans guy responsible for managing them (the Swans are ATM selling their monitoring system to Man United). Collision injuries are unfortunate. Jurrah, Bell, Morton were unlucky. Sylvia was sniped. Wona was his good hammy (and maybe is not cut out for footy).
  11. Jones was one of our best 4 quarter players. He's not that hard to notice with his new tat
  12. Its all about running and taking the first option. I have been banging on about it for years (we sucked under Daniher as well). WTF have they been working on since OCTOBER!!!!
  13. Yeah, I spoke to him as well last week and he is confident his speed and agility haven't been affected. Interesting to note that while Sam is considered a speedy ball carrier, Jack Watts had him covered in the draft camp results. (Note Blease's standing vertical jump result!) Standing Vertical Jump (cm's) 1. Nicholas Naitanui - 78cm 2. Shaun McKernan – 74cm 3. Tom Swift – 72cm =3. Stephen Hill – 72cm 5. Jack Watts – 70cm =5. Sam Blease – 70cm 7. Ryan Schoenmakers – 69cm 8. Nick Heyne – 69cm =8. Bryce Carroll – 69cm 10. Michael Gugliotta – 67cm =10. Ashley Smith – 67cm =10. Alistair Smith – 67cm 20-Metre Sprint (seconds) 1. Ashley Smith – 2.80 2. Jack Watts – 2.82 3. Stephen Hill – 2.83 4. Nicholas Naitanui – 2.86 5. Tom Swift – 2.89 6. Ryan Shoenmakers – 2.90 7. Nick Heyne – 2.91 =7. Sam Blease – 2.91 9. Luke Shuey – 2.92 =9. Taylor Hunt – 2.92 =9. Matthew DeBoer – 2.92 Repeat Sprints (6x30 m) (seconds) 1. Ryan Schoenmakers – 24.82 2. Sam Blease – 24.97 =2. Matthew DeBoer – 24.97 4. Nick Naitanui – 25.10 =4. James Strauss – 25.10 6. Ashley Smith – – 25.14 7. Stephen Hill – 25.44 =7. Jack Watts – 25.44 9. Alistair Smith – 25.48 10. Taylor Hunt – 25.49
  14. The Dees had a camera on a crane platform recording all of the zones etc. I'm sure they have footage if they want it.
  15. I though Bail played OK. As did Jamar Bruce, Green, Scully and...... that's about it.
  16. Beautiful day. Big crowd. Took 1/2 hour to get in once I turned off the Hwy. Dees playing OK. Finshing the usual problem. Stoush after 1/2 time siren Warnock Petter Jamar Frawley all had a good wrestle. Hope there are no fines!Bennell Dunn Jamar playing well. Thought Hughes was having a crack has got pace.
  17. I have seen nothing in Newton except his mark of the year. He is lazy, doesn't run, is poor below his knees, gets knocked off the ball to easily and has missed countless sitters close to goal. Had he kicked those goals (some really important ones too in the context of the game that was being played) then MAYBE he might have been worth persevering with. I agree with GMs comments.
  18. Jst heard DB on SEN with Hungry. Wona likely to play in the curtain raiser game. Nothing else of much interest. Talked about the injuries being mainly collision injuries which are pretty much unavoidable. Players that have improved quite a bit are Strauss, Bennell, Maric and also said Jamar will 'dominate' a few games this year.
  19. Spoke to him last wednesday. Back is fine. His quad is recovering well. Only a slight strain. Could play this week but more likely next week for a half.
  20. Thanks for the first hand update. Always appreciated.
  21. TJ finished in our TOP 10 B& F TWICE in 10 years!!! He won it once and was third the other time. For a No1 pick it was not good enough. Add to that the fact he was lazy and you have a fantastic trade for Grimes. TJ has played intermittently at the Bears and certainly hasn't lived up to their expectations. Grimes is a GUN.
  22. Here's an exercise in damned lies and statistics for you. I have a different opinion about the results. Comparing our side with the Grand Finalists is always going to accentuate a point. We are nowhere near there (and of course no-one is saying that we are). So for us to win a GF we will need to have a list that is around where Stakka highlighted we should be. That theory has been around largely since Mick Malthouse's 'Premiership Clock' which Daniher also tried to model our side around. It doesn't give a true picture of what we should be achieving now with our list where it is at. North and Ess appear to have exciting game plans with young players. They are going to get flogged every now and then. One would expect inconsistency. But one also would expect that every now and them we play a recognisable game plan that produces more than 12 wins in 3 years. But I digress. Since Stakka noted that the 08 Hawks were a bit of an exception I took the trouble to download the official AFL team lists for the START of 08 (which would make a fair comparison to the Dees at the start of 2010). I think Stakka may have used the stats from the end of 08 and it makes a whole lot of difference: His stats for the Hawks were: Age 24yr 7mth Games 87.0 Less than 50 4 50 to 99 3 100 to 149 9 150 or more 6 Their Grand Final team at the START of 08 shows: Age 24yrs 1 mth Games 76.3 (without Crawf as Stakka omitted Junior) Less than 50 6 50 to 99 10 100 to 150 3 150 or more 3 There is now only a minor difference in the Dees of 2010 and the hawks at the start of 2008. In particular 16 players less than 100 games compares to our 18. And they won a flag with that team! I hold the opinion that our players are hearing the company line " we are a young team that's building" AND consequently not performing up to their capability as a team instead of the Voss or Scott line "we may have a young side but we expect to be competitive". People we have won 7 games in 2 years. IF we were competing well then the actual win/loss ratio would not be so important. It's how we are losing that is frightening. And I make the point about tackling, chasing, running, hitting targets from 20m, defending kick-ins, centre square set-ups etc - these things don't necessarily depend on number of games played, experience etc. It's about attitude, basic skills and accountability. You don't need to be elite to do most of those things.
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