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Everything posted by jnrmac

  1. Thanks for the good laugh reading this this morning!
  2. McLean left because Demon fans couldn't spell his name. Let's hope it doesn't happen to Jack TrengRove
  3. Grimes and Maric will both have standout years.
  4. Garry Lyon in his book says 1990 was the year that they should have won. That day at Waverley was a disaster. Should have flogged the Eagles.
  5. What kind of a muppet are you? 19 posts and you're a Demon man? Pig's arrrzzzzzzzz.
  6. They're not doing full on body training with game practice and tackling etc. Its all about building the fitness base at this point.
  7. Gutnick demanded that he not play on the Sabbath. Which wouldn't have been a problem in the past two years having 28 SUnday games.
  8. I reckon Maric. Has the pace and skills. Should feel more at home this year and could well be the breakout man. Agree with Dunny. I rate him and unlike the poster above I think he has real mongrel in him. He showed lots in some of his tagging roles this year. Also has great endurance. And Frawley will become our rock of Gibralter. Will tame the gorillas and become unpassable. Possibly step up to the elite class.
  9. Reading this thread ....... That's three minutes of my life I will never get back
  10. Have seen elsewhere some starting to call TRENGOVE 'Noah' as in No 'r' Or Tapscott 'Paws' as in "Luke..........................................Tapscott"
  11. We would have struggled to justify paying him $500k when our young brigade was improving and fighting off the advances of GC17. It would have thrown our pay relativity out the window. FInancially its a great result for the Dees.
  12. Well there's a reason why clubs have to seek AFL permission for players to train with them. I just don't know what the reason is. But yes it stinks. Should be investigated but won't because its the filth.
  13. Its also not fair comparing a recruiter that's rebuilding a side from the bottom up with great picks to someone who was trying to work with a football dept that saw themselves as being a contender. After 2000 the club worked out that we were never going to win a flag with Bizzell and Robbo at CHB and CHF. Too short. They looked at recruiting talls. And guess what it didn't work. Talls take longer to develop and we got unlucky. Smith, Molan a case in point. The 2003 draft was the worst in memory and we had picks 3 & 5. Bad luck. We picked up the best of an average lot. In 5 years sit back and reflect. That's when the answer will be. Personally I think we are better placed than at any time since 1988-90 but who am I to say.
  14. I have painful memories of getting smashed in Rd 1 by a physical Hawthorn side in the past. Personally I would rather see an experienced line-up with maybe only one of the SA boys being introduced. It will of course depend in how the NAB cup goes. Next year is important for us to start well with 7 of the first 8 games at the 'G. If we can win 3 possibly 4 out of 7 it will go along way to setting up our season (Rich/North/WCE the best bets) with positive vibes. Hence its important we are super competitive against the Hawks in Rd 1.
  15. I find it amusing that posters are get so excited by a raw prospect that is a 188-190cm midfielder/fwd. He may be fantastic but we have a couple already that I rate including a hard-bodied experienced Lynden Dunn. People don't say the same things about Dunny! Dunny has done some terrific tagging roles as well. It seems to me the coaching staff are playing him all over the place when most of us think he should play fwd. It must be 'newer is better' or something!
  16. That'd be one large serving of humble pie?? Cream with that??
  17. Good post. If it was so easy everyone would have picked Aaron Davey. Sometimes there are fads and conventional wisdom. If BP who has probably watched a few thousand hours of junior footy plus interviews etc reckons this kid is the goods then that's excellent by me.
  18. For those worried about our fwd line I have a couple of points: 1. Garland will play fwd in 2010 (his set back is nowhere near as bad as people think) 2. Jamar can pinch hit fwd so can Martin 3. Fitzpatrick is a super fast tall that can play fwd. 4. Wona, Jurrah, Watts, Green, Petterd and Dunn with the talls is a fwd line that will be hard to match up on and will give us a lot of versatility and 5. Neitz and Robbo did quite nicely with pzzzzpoor delivery over many years. We will at last have some elite mids coming through who can put it lace out. Strauss, Maric, Tapscott, Trengove, Davey, Blease and possibly Scully will feed the fwds for years to come. Bring it on.
  19. A quote from Demonology where one poster attended a lunch with Chris Connolly. "Garland had a set back but nowhere as serious as some would have you believe." He will play forward in 2010 Music to my ears as I had been thinking Matthew Egan with the metascarpal whatever.
  20. Tapscott will be a gun going by his UTube footage. Cross between Riccuito and Rich. Outstanding kick.
  21. Looks like a cross between Riccuito and Rich. You tube footage outstanding!! Very happy. Can roost it 60m
  22. What will his salary do to other loyal players like Davey????
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