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Je Roos Salem

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Everything posted by Je Roos Salem

  1. It's not like the fans are flocking to other sports. Footy has just gone down people's pecking order because of the accessibility and standard of big leagues like the EPL and NBA. The AFL can't get too ahead of itself and trump the game into something its not, it should be reasonably priced and played at friendly times because it doesn't have that number of people behind it like those other leagues do
  2. Part of Hogan's talent IS his ability to run up the ground and take marks, like Riewoldt. Do you really think the AFL want it devolved into a scrappier and slower game given the skills and speed that are showcased nowadays? A game without rotations would be interesting but it'd also be a shock to the system and I don't think it'd automatically adapt into exciting footy
  3. Richmond have actually matched up well against the Hawks. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a fantastic contest and people have forgotten about the previous week's fiasco
  4. Well it looked like Carlton were doing it on occasions, and it didn't work! I don't enjoy it much but I do respect coaching and how tactics evolve. I like watching footy but I don't expect to be entertained by it, particularly as a Melbourne fan with Roos as my coach. Nor do I think tired players will increase the standard of the game. All I really want is some decent umpiring, problem is everyone just wants to settle for stoppages. And then the umpire will just pick out a soft free kick like clockwork, usually penalising a player who's gone hard at the ball. If a bit more hardness was allowed you probably wouldn't see a dozen soft ball ups in a row
  5. I still think it's optimistic to think the design can be controlled like that given how tactics have advanced. There's bound to be teams still who'd go completely conservative and just park everyone back and the fitter teams would still use everyone around the ball. Not to mention there'd be a lot of moaning and more infringements too
  6. I disagree that ditching interchanges will bring footy back to its glory days. If rotations are the problem why has the game gotten uglier and scrappier (lower scoring) with the 120 cap? Probably because coaches are wary of it and more likely to conserve energy by forcing stoppages or moving the ball slowly. Coaching is too advanced now. Sure it'd be interesting to see what'd happen but it'd be chaotic and cause an uproar if brought in
  7. Agree entirely. It'd be a logistical nightmare to officiate. Like the interchange infringement except more common
  8. Knee jerk were sub rule, sliding rule, interchange cap, and all have had a negative impact on the game's quality. Not to mention this 'interpretation' BS. It's not so much the rule changes, it's the umpires being fed what to 'crack down on' every 2 weeks, and then softening their interpretation of it 2 weeks later. This changes the image of the game constantly. There's too much knee jerk coming from the top. In theory the zone thing sounds alright but it'd be a pain in the ass with all those stoppages and off the ball confusion. The talent pool is an interesting one, but the compromised drafts coupled with free agency have left a few teams screwed in the middle and looking for mature VFL-types
  9. They should accept the downfalls of gluttonously changing the rules and introducing two new teams
  10. Product-seriously? If anything, tinkering with the 'product' is what has turned people away from the game. Soccer actually respects itself and holds its dignity
  11. Exactly. Two powerhouse teams playing at the G in a one-off is something to be celebrated. The AFL needs to realise footy isn't gonna take over the world. Kids can like both.
  12. Lewis has been amazing for 2 seasons in a row, as has Roughead (coincidentally after Franklin left). Rioli has stepped up his game too, he's impacting more consistently now and being more mercurial (probably because his hamstring's healed)
  13. I don't see how it's shocking for the competition. Would you rather see the Hawks waste 2 hours and not get out of first gear? The result was what it should've been
  14. Jordan Lewis is amazing and probably still underrated. Hope the Hawks don't look at the scoreboard and show any mercy just to smash them into friday night oblivion
  15. Unfortunately we weren't a lot better but at least we laid some tackles on them. Staggeringly poor by Carlton but the Hawks are as switched on as ever, lining up for goals. It's fun to watch
  16. And he's the only boundary rider ever who's 'required' to speak every 30 seconds
  17. I think I'll go, good timing to lead into the Saints match. That Collingwood side looks pretty good unlike the Blues last week, so should be a good contest
  18. The best thing about Bernie is how old fashioned he is, follows the ball around all day and kicks it quickly forward
  19. Should be, in fact I'm pretty shocked he's been given such a long run in the side. I've liked some of what I've seen but don't think he's done enough to firm that position when Toumpas was going alright
  20. I wish the best for Michie, I had high hopes for him but I find it hard to see him firming a spot in our best 22 now. If Newton was playing as well in the VFL he'd be the guy we'd go to, but fair enough to give Michie another shot, a complete waste if he's sub however
  21. Thought we'd seen the last of the table-making elite runner with the skills of an 8 year old girl
  22. Not surprised at all with the drop off last year, more to do with the price of admission rising and scheduling. Also, there's absolutely no evidence an interchange cap will/is make the game better, people just assume a low interchange cap will bring the game back to its glory days, when in fact it's more likely to make coaches even more conservative.
  23. Gawn's kicking is far from the disaster it was when he debuted. I believe in Max. We still need to see more of him though, if his knees hold up he could become a genuine top 5 ruckman next year
  24. I think Howe has at least one of those moments per game
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