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Jack Jack

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Everything posted by Jack Jack

  1. I dunno about that one Jako. Without Jack "The Snake" Watts we'd be without sin. And there are so many wonderful ways to sin these days.
  2. Jack Jack


    MWP has been suspended for 7 games. 1 game of regular season left for the Lakers means the he'll at least miss the first round of playoffs. He needs another name change.
  3. Justin Bieber Twilight The missing toy at the bottom of the cereal box
  4. Jack Jack


    I should really look it up somewhere, but what's happened to Bosh? Haven't seen him play for at least a week now. Miami would want to win it, huge expectation on the big 3. Lebron is in good form and I see Mike Miller is on the court making a few shots. Can't be bad for them. How about the artist formerly known as Ron Artest? How many sandwiches short of a picnic is he? He claims this was accidental, just swinging his elbows around thumping his chest? Is he stupid for doing it or stupid to think that people might believe him? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEG8DOSMMTw&feature=related How many games will he lose for that? And how about the continuing drama that is Dwight and the Magic. He's just had surgery on back, he's out of the finals series, essentially dooming them to an early round exit. Now the rumours of asking for a trade, once the season is over, have started up again. Maybe it's not so bad being a Dees supporter?
  5. Since 2007 we've finished 14th, 16th, 16th, 12th and 13th and we look to be a cellar dwellar again this year. We've won only 28 of our 114 games (25%) since 2007 and only 1 of our last 11. I'm a Melbourne supporter so I'm already a glutton for punishment. But I'm finding it hard enough to sit through a whole game on the tv or radio, let alone making the journey and sitting through a game. If you can find the motivation to get down to the game then you're a better man than I. I'd rather sink to the depths of despair in the comfort of my own living room.
  6. Feeling a bit deflated after today. I seem to be gravitating towards certain songs. This is one. Jack Jack's Jazz 2.2
  7. I've just finished watching Man On The Moon, about Andy Kaufman. I thought I'd seen it before, but apparently not. Funny man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGx94VPb8V8
  8. I think most people recognise that the court case was motivated by pure greed and the decision by the courts was absurd. It's sad that he's gone thinking that would be his legacy. I don't see that blight on his name. Men At Work are one of the most world renowned and iconic aussie bands, I'll remember him that way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swQi4CAzmrA
  9. Haha, I thought it was one of those moments too. But maybe something a bit stronger.
  10. Such is our form over the last few weeks I expected the worst. When I read the title I immediately assumed he'd been busted for drinking, a late night out or the like. It was somewhat of a relief to find that he'd been suspended by the MRP for a tackle. Is that bad?
  11. I've been listening to some 80's mixes, a bit of nostalgia. The thing that really stands out for me in how other worldy Pink Floyds efforts are. Whenever they popup it just blows me away how good they were, particularly comparing them to popular music of the same time. But as I've posted a few of theirs already I'll put up something different (I think it's different, can't remember if it's been posted previously). Jack Jack 3.9
  12. Jack Jack


    The NBA have finally sold the New Orleans Hornets, finally. I thought it was going to drag on forever, I guess they were just waiting for an investor that didn't want to relocate the team. Tom Benson seems like their man, owner of the local Saints NFL team. Anyway the reason I bring this up is that I've heard him mention several times already that he wants to buy back the Jazz name from Utah. I'm not sure I've read an official response from Utah yet, but Benson seems like a fairly presistent fellow. It's a funny ol' world.
  13. Jack Jack


    I'm wondering whether I should revise my prediction of Miami winning the championship, they've been underwhelming of late. They'd be bricking it if they met Boston anywhere in the finals, and Chicago have been great without Rose, getting him back will only improve things for them. For anyone out there that enjoys a good read, there's a great Aussie blog that's worth looking at. NBAMate.com
  14. Some great stuff from Jim Carey.
  15. Maybe we can get Eddie a gig on the next series of Excess Baggage.
  16. If EnergyWatch were, as reported, having trouble keeping up with their payments, the situation would have only gotten worse. There's been a significant backlash from not only the energy suppliers, but one would think their customers as well. I'd be extremely surprised if they could afford a major sponsorship in their current situation.
  17. Jack Jack


    A bit disappointing that Mills didn't get any minutes against the Celtics. But I guess it's still early days for him, It's getting tight for the final few playoff spots in both conferences. With only around a dozen games left in the regular season ti could come right down to the wire. Anyone been following the Dwight Howard Orlando Magic saga? The new rumour is that Dwight has asked for the coach Stan Van Gundy to be replaced. Stan found out from management, wasn't shy about telling everyone in a media conference, awkwardness ensues. He's starting to make Lebron look good!
  18. Actually I think this was Ben Polis' plan the whole time. Paid overs for sponsorship and had no intention of following through with it. Blew it up creating more publicity without having to fork out any substaintial amount of money. It's worked out perfectly for him. Apologies to Range Rover. I hope I'm not stealing your thunder!
  19. I like the idea, but it does sort of smack of desperation. And ultimately I'm sure they could easily sign 2 sponsors for more than we could tip in. CS is just holding out for the right sponsors at the right price.
  20. Someone's got to go through our club with a fine tooth comb and check it's Feng Shui. There's got to be answer for all of this.
  21. Aaawww mannnn. Our sponsorship thread is already 10 trillion pages long waiting for the second sponsor to come on board. What's it going to be like now?
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