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Everything posted by Deeman

  1. Thanks for the heads up WJ. It was truly riveting stuff and I can understand why these magnificent athletes have no need for going on any weight programmes. http://huff.to/1xgmbSl Joey “Jaws” Chestnut Devours 61 Hot Dogs To Win The Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest
  2. No need as they already have Robbo, Whateley, Connolly and Chip Le Grand tweaking out stories on a regular basis.
  3. Any Workcare people checking the contents of the players' water bottles?
  4. No doubt, PJ will deal with this in the usual and proper manner by taking it to the Federal Court to have it declared ultra vires.
  5. The should have sought clarity in writing from ASADA in 2012 before starting the injecting programme. All enquiries with ASADA get allocated a reference number. The correct thing to do was for the club doctor to make the proper enquiry and for the team leaders to insist that they were provided with the same proof before starting the programme. These are not cases where anyone can plead ignorance in view of the education process that applies to drugs and supplements.
  6. The heart of the Demons I don't think many could express it quite like Flanigan can.
  7. On the other hand, the Bombers' ones are easy to read -
  8. The captions underneath each photograph are not very original or accurate. Do they have sub editors at Leader Newspapers?
  9. All three were generals in the Roman army who served under Julius Caeser and then Marc Antony. They were banned from participating in all events at the Colliseum for 2 years from 64 to 66BC.
  10. Is that the Davis we delisted at the end of last year?
  11. Personally, I feel sorry for Stephen Dank. The bloke relies on professional advice and ...
  12. Perhaps the entire crew were a little tired and emotional after a stressful off season?
  13. Hail James, the exalted leader of everything great in this hemisphere -
  14. You're kidding right. It took me 20 minutes to get from the front gate till I found a park and got to the ground.
  15. She has scruples? The same hack who outed Cuddles for telling jokes in the Vault refuses to name players who are going to be charged with taking banned substances? Go figure?
  16. Reminds me of the movie "The Producers" where the lead characters set out to produce a ghastly show that's guaranteed to be a flop so they don't have to repay the people who invested in it. Those blokes ended up in jail. I hope you're not suggesting that Lyon should be charged for bringing the game into disrepute?
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