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Everything posted by Deeman

  1. Nearly collapsed when I first saw the heading and missed the "of contract" bit. Not that I would have any problems with it ...
  2. For novelty value, they should organise a game against Fev's Yarrawonga Pigeons.
  3. I think the question was meant to be - "Will Adelaide finish on the AFL home and away ladder in 2013?". Surprised at the strength of the yes vote.
  4. So it's first the penalty, then the question of guilt is determined and somewhere down the track, we'll decide what to charge you with. Justice AFL style.
  5. Richmond players looked totally uninterested. I hope they display the same lack of commitment when we play them during the season.
  6. Perhaps he can't remember because he was "tanked" at the time?
  7. Dons could face two-year AFL ban: Healy Come back Cale. All is forgiven.
  8. Too right. No more Mouse Divided or Scaredy Cats. We'll even defy Martin the Martian Sheeds and take over the game.
  9. I think you'll find that CC was in Freo when Ray Ellis and John Phillips were running the show. The suggestion about members needing psychiatric or marital help came straight out of the same CC joke book as the line about Jimmy falling out of his hospital bed, the Zulus and the threat to sack everybody if we missed out on the priority pick. It should be Exhibit A in our defence to the investigation on tanking.
  10. And if the findings contradict what Vlad's been telling the world since the beginning of his tenure as CEO where does that leave him? Surely he would have to hand in his resignation immediately?
  11. And well may you ask that question about G Lyon. Also where have George bush and the wiggles been?
  12. Probably because they contain a couple of Barry Manilow numbers.
  13. On the field we were an epic fail but the good news is that we were not http://youtu.be/HvuEFafFhBA'>alone.
  14. Someone should tell the Riv that if he doesn't behave, he'll only get half way to Geelong and end up at Port Phillip Prison where they wear striped uniforms too!
  15. You might want to ask the arrogant sod about this pearler - http://thedailymaggot.com/?p=2585'>DNA testing reveals Gerard Healy to be Naitanui’s father
  16. The Bladder gets Anderson's legacy just about right - http://www.thebladder.com.au/article/397'>Anderson leaves on a high note
  17. Of course, I believe in Karma and it would be instant Karma if Kero received her whack over this in the same way they did over her sisters in Salem all those years ago. The essence of Buddhism is that karma gets people who vilify others unfairly and I point you to her self-serving editorial in which she spitefully and venomously attacked the MFC and others involved. It might well be the start of the end of her career in journalism. Do you believe that people must reap what they sow?
  18. Sorry old dee but I'm a Buddhist.
  19. Expensive flop of the year - Tom $ http://youtu.be/oFGGD_d9GnQ
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