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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. It ain't the boards fault that the team are playing so poorly. After a 0-9 start to the season, Daniher needed to go and PG was quite firm with his approach, which should be commended. Now at a time where we are in the market for the best possible coach, you want to take action leading to instability on the board. Why on earth would a new coach want to coach a team that will unstable in the very short term future. If you really love the club, you will wait until the MFC appoint a new coach, then ask to speak to PG privately (if you're able to get through) What he and Steve Harris have done financially for this club needs to be appreciated, sure we're in debt, but without these 2, we'd be even further in debt with that $ amount growing by the month.
  2. i feel sorry for Jones. At the end of last year he was an absolute tank. It takes a lot of hard work, sweat and pain to get to where he was. It's a big commitment to stay focused and achieve what he did at such a young age, then for Daniher and Bodan to tell him to lose weight (most of which was muscle), would not only be a slap in the face, but for the so called run and carry plan to completely backfire, making Jones give up something that he worked so hard to achieve would no doubt be in the back of his mind. It would sure be in mine, and i'd be extremely pi$$ed for having put so much effort in to achieve something, sacrificing his reward for hard work and commitment, to receive nothing in return, except maybe a lack in confidence going into next year.
  3. Unfortunately, too many MFC players do not fully understand the fact that this is their job. Sure, there are down times in every job, but not one's that last 22 weeks. Maybe all the players should be put on a performance based contract. Lets see where there hearts lie then. It appears that many play for the $, and not the guernsey, which is really quite sad. Not one players salary should be over $200,000 next year, hell they shouldn't be over $50,000 for the crap that they are continually serving up. if i was getting paying on average $200,000 - $250,000 a year, i would make sure that i was damn good at my job, so i wouldn't get the axe. Why do i even bother being concerned, it's not as if the MFC gives a [censored].
  4. One of Bruce or Green need to go at the end of the year. I'm hoping it will be the former, he has greater currency and i suspect is on more $$$.
  5. Point taken, and yes we need some serious time in the gym over summer. Daniher and Bohdan had no idea. Having said that, it's funny that we beat the Crows and were half their size, and that the crows have only won 2 of their last 8 games. So clearly, size is not everything. But again, Geelong went into the season as the heaviest team, and look where they are now.
  6. Don't you know that SA and WA footy callers are the most biased in the business? They're 100 times worse than Eddie 'Everywhere' and Michael Christian put together, and that's looking at it conservatively.
  7. Looking at the top option of going for glory, i had to ask myself "what glory would be achieved if we won all of our last 6 games?" 9 wins from a season is hardly glorious for a team touted as making top 4 that year. i would name the first option as "go hell for leather and do the unthinkable, win 3 of our last 6 games" If it said that, maybe i would have chosen that option.........................nah who am i kidding, of course i wouldn't.
  8. Maybe when the bloke lining his pockets with astronomical amounts of money gets the arse or resigns.
  9. For the same reason that Ottens went for 2 first rounders, and why Tarrant went for a 1st rounder + Medhurst in a very strong draft. Don't forget that this draft has less depth compared to previous years. Bruce would command the highest price, followed by TJ then Green. Which is fine by me, as i think of the 3, Green should stay at the club, unless a really good deal was to arise. And as Jaded said, a team seemingly on the verge of success would pay a high price for the likes of Bruce.
  10. If Sheedy were to coach the dees, he would need to allow CAC to do his job. By all means he could have input, just to a lesser extent that he did at the scum.
  11. Point taken,........... but where do you really stand?
  12. Staker was holding his opponent & visa versa, the ball was just about passed him, he stuck out the mitt and took it as cleanly as a whistle, whilst pretty much being parallel to the ground. Was a great mark as well, but doesn't have the WOW factor of a true speccie. Juice got that one down pat easily.
  13. i really don't care about the priority pick, i just want us to finish with pick 2, in order to Cotchin or Kreuzer. it just so happens that a PP will come with it. BONUS
  14. If Sheedy announced that he wished to continue coaching, i would keep a close eye on the Tigers over the coming weeks!! As said earlier, Melbourne needs to get their arse into gear, in order to capitalise on the situation. Sending a contract over to him this arvo is a bit early. Give him time to see where he's at. Send the contract over to him tomorrow morning, with Gardner delivering it to his front door!!! If the MFC could sign up Sheedy, watch the membership level hit record heights next year, despite this year from hell.
  15. if you were able to get Wojinski, i'd have you on around $750,000 a year!!!
  16. He's gonna cost more than that. I don't know how many picks the MFC will want to make in the draft, but if we are to successfully "re-build", then i reckon our 1st round pick, if we get another 1st round pick through trade, and if we get a priority pick, all 3 should not be traded away. Ife we weren't to get a priority pick, then i believe we would need to keep our second rounder. i do agree though drake, that we should be trying to get Warnock. Hopefully we might be able to trade some players for picks during trade week, but i doubt we will go on a trading spree, especially given the much publicised lack of depth in this year's draft compared to others. CAC will definately have his hands full come trade week. Although many criticise the length of trade week (i am one of them), it looks like CAC will need as much time as possible, to get the best out of trade week for the MFC
  17. i'm not even 50% sold on Pagan. Too right you are condemned, if we are after an experienced coach, it should be Sheedy.
  18. One man is not bigger than the team. It's as simple as that. Even if it was Robbo's 200th game, he will never nor should be bigger than the team. He was pretty much a waste of a position on the field for the majority of the game. He has been doing this for quite a few weeks now. But he has been saved by a goal here and a goal there. Woop dee doo it's his 200th game. Robbo has been playing selfish football, maybe not deliberately, but he does not chase, he rarely stays with his man, whilst he always tries for the spectacular mark, almost always goes to ground. He is hurting the team, and his 1 or 2 goals don't make up for that. The opposition would be scoring more goals because of his lack of interest outside the 50, unless of course he were to be getting the ball (Selfish :angry: ). His lack of offensive pressure requires Neitz to chase Robbo's player half the time. Thank god Sylvia and Newton are in the forward line! At least they chase and put pressure on the opposition. Sure you can say, "he's a great club-man and it was his 200th game". But please.............., wake up and come back to reality. Robbo costs the team more than he helps it. And until he realises this and does something about it, he should not be on the ground. Not 1 player is bigger than the team, especially not Robbo.
  19. Depending on how Juice goes for the rest of the season, and if he fires during the NAB cup next year, i'd start Newton at FF, then rotate him with Neitz.
  20. He almost took another high flyer, but couldn't hold on to it in the last quarter. This is just a thought, but with Newton jumping higher than Robbo, yet not hurting the team anywhere near as much, would it be too ridiculous an idea to put Robbo on the market. Sure, he bleeds for this club, but he is too lazy, selfish and irresponsible. For a so called "leader of the club", he is not the example the MFC should be showing to the younger brigade. i'm not saying that we need to trade him, but is it a ridiculous idea? After all, we might get something decent for him
  21. Robert Warnock would seemingly come at much lesser price. Sure he's young, but with time he should develop into our no.1 ruckman (should we get him). PJ would be more than acceptable as a back up ruckman, and Neaves could do some pinch hitting, from time to time.
  22. Agree with you there Hannibal Rd 22, you have nothing to play for, except 4 points that are meaningless. On the other hand, we could lose, ensuring Carlton don't get the priority pick, virtually giving us pick 2, and either Kreuzer or Cotchin to play for us next year. One blemish frowned upon is worth it, in order to have a better chance in the years to come.
  23. No to Connolly for me as well. Sure he's a great bloke, but with the team he had, they should've been top 4. The same with us, injuries aside, hence why Daniher went. Daniher and Connolly are mirror images of each other. Both underperformed with their lists, great personalities, great relationship with the players, picked favourites instead those who deserved a go, etc............. As the cliche goes, nice guys finish last!!!
  24. SEN and their rumours can rival those of big footy. But even if Connolly was to be appointed, the amount of uproar from the supporters might see him sacked as soon as he's appointed. Either that or the MFC might go into damage control next year with membership only reaching 10,000, if that. Paul Gardner did the right thing in changing the coach (however rough it was). He shouldn't go and throw it all away by appointing someone that is an exact replica of Daniher.
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