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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Garlett had a brain fade there. [censored]. Good to see Thomas cherry picking.
  2. He just had a blinder at the start of the season. Now putting up his more regular performances.
  3. Great game that one. Down by about 20 at half-time and ended up winning by 40. Here's hoping!!!
  4. Good quarter for us. Need to come out after half time though. Someone tell Jones and Vince to wake up!!!
  5. During a long lapse without goals, if we give up one we give up a few quite quickly. Hoping we don't do it now.
  6. Well as it turns out after all these years, the classic meltdown over us drafting Grimes instead of Rance has turned out to be bloody accurate!
  7. Would anyone want him if we were able to get him for a similar price to Garlett? I'm not sure i would
  8. I reckon we should try and go after Gorringe from the Suns. He isn't getting much opportunity up there and he could rotate with Gawn in the forward-line as resting ruck. Howe + first round pick for Prestia + Gorringe?
  9. Nope, he's a Matthew Bate clone (and i don't mean looks)
  10. Said it before and i'll say it again. He is everything we hoped (for 10 years) Sylvia would become. Masterful list management by all involved.
  11. Agree. You know what you get with Jones, Bail and McKenzie and it is not very much. At Least with Lovett he is an unknown quantity.
  12. How many of our players would say they enjoy playing football at the moment? Very few i would have thought and that is the problem. I agree that Roos needs to relax his game-plan that he seems so hell bent on and let the boys play enjoyable football.
  13. Would that make it the re-build(Goodwin's) of the re-build(Roos') of the re-build(Neeld's) of the re-build(Bailey's)?
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