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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Disposal efficiency = 61.5% efficiency inside forward 50 = 25% Good to see we are working on our deficiencies ?
  2. Makes Brayshaw look like Usain Bolt
  3. Yesterday was just his 32nd game. He still has a heap of learning and development to go through before he reaches his peak. Just needs to learn how to use his big bodied presence more. The 2018 EF & SF shows he can do it.
  4. There comes a point in time when health after footy becomes more important, and Paddy has well and truly passed it. It's not worth it for his sake.
  5. He should be designated as our #1 up forward, leading our attack. I reckon he will come on if given that kind of responsibility.
  6. The only way it hurts the perpetrator is in the hip pocket. $50,000 fine (and yes, i'm being serious. If they can't pay then off to prison you go).
  7. The way he has fought back to his best recently, given the nightmare he's gone through.......................absolutely inspirational
  8. Out of all our midfields, atm his head is first on the chopping block. Maybe we all expect too much because of his 2018 year & 3rd in the Brownlow, but he is in an absolute rut at the minute.
  9. 1 down for most of the game, good effort. Rankine is going to be some player though
  10. Trust Hannan to do SFA all night, then bob up and nail one. The type that pisses of oppositions supporters
  11. Get the hell out of here Stigga, no need for that kind of optimism around these parts.
  12. Half time and we're in front, but could be playing sooo much better, they on the other hand gotten most of their goals cheaply. Clean up our act and that stops. Much harder said than done.
  13. it's all about spatial awareness, we have none. stupid, stupid, stupid
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