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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. @old dee I had the same problem. https://www.afl.com.au/matches/2039
  2. Good to see Rivers doing well. Luke Jackson will take time...............we all know this.
  3. Good for Brown's accuracy & Weid's confidence levels (he's shown what he can do, now he just needs to back himself week after week). Great to hear AVB got through the whole game (and hopefully unscathed)!
  4. Makes sense. The fewer players we have on the ground to stuff it up the better!
  5. I think it's more to do with the fact that we were born out of the MCC. We are not tied to any one suburb like all other clubs, we are effectively the MCGFC. But i agree, if we aren't able to train on it, there's little point besides the romanticism to keep us within a stones throw of the G.
  6. They may or may not. Either way, it won't be because Kozzie (a 1 game veteran) isn't playing.
  7. Small sample, but as the game wore on the lethargy was really apparent. Here's hoping DB has our boys still in good knick.
  8. One things for sure, i'd take Watts over Weideman everyday of the week.
  9. Totally agree @Sir Why You Little. He needs to want the ball and then bloody demand it. He ain't gonna clash with anyone else in our forward line at the moment (Petracca aside). Sought of like trying to kick a goal after the siren to win the game, some want the responsibility & others don't want a bar of it. I fear Weids is in the latter group and needs to adjust his mentality pronto.
  10. Jeez i hope that is not the attitude held within the MFC. Sure we're not going to get any bums on seats for the short-term, but wins will do wonders for signing up members, if not this year then definitely next. We are in no way a powerhouse club, more like a shack in a shanty town. Wins + winning = the most important aspect for MFC's short, medium & long term outlook.
  11. Those launches at the ball during the 2018 finals series seem so long ago now. He needs to get angry and throw his weight around. We've all seen what a presence he can be. He's gone so far backwards like the rest of the team (or did we play that far above ourselves for those 4 games from WCE-SF?)
  12. For all we know, Richo could be saying that Goody has gone up a notch in his book. Putting him at notch one.
  13. You make a good point RG. I'm not 100% up to date on the benefits of compression apparel, but is there a rule preventing HB from playing games in them? If that constant pressure applied to the calves even helps out 1%, why not wear them in games?
  14. Unfortunately for everyone involved at the MFC (even the fairweather members), this have proven to be all too hard on too many occasions.
  15. I think free fallin would be more apt D_s
  16. Dominance in time of prosperity is one thing, dominance in times of extreme hardship is something else. Robbie the greatest demon for me.
  17. pets don't live as long as humans KoD ?
  18. If it takes that long so be it. 2000 doesn't seem that long ago.
  19. Hoping his dedication to getting serious about his football rubs off on a lot of the playing group.
  20. Trac has always been ripped. The problem in the past has been that he has been carrying too much muscle. He's never had a fat issue.
  21. Going by the contracts thread, there are 17 players OOC. I'd have Fritsch as the third most important to sign behind Trac and Vines. He ain't going anywhere. But nice try Ralph you muppet.
  22. from what i remember, John was a 2 fingers type of guy. Toby's not mucking about and gone with the 4. Poor Harmesy.
  23. I would temper your astonishment DD. Having seen him in person recently, he is still quite rakish and skinny. Sure he's toned with little to no puppy fat (which enhances the illusion of size), but he's got a fair ways to go yet in having a body ready for AFL.
  24. We should have exclusive rights to the indoor hall, 13th. Anything that is built for us as a training facility should be ours and only ours (from a professional organisation perspective). Happy for it to also be used as a community facility, except for all those [censored] NIMBYS (they'd be the first to want to access it too i reckon)
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