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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. So one of Clarkson, Barassi, Matthews, Parkin or Sheedy.
  2. As ideal as that would be, i feel it would potentially open up a pandoras box of then having a build up of pressure to play subsequent GF's at the home ground of the highest qualified team. I would argue for the GF to be played at the largest stadium in a neutral state. With the rest of the country opening up, at least supporters would be able to travel and attend the GF.
  3. Should've asked him to step out of retirement and help fix our backline issues
  4. Agree @Lord Travis. PW displays very little aggression and intensity. I'd rather go after a Darcy Fogarty type who likes to throw his weight around, give backman second thoughts about backing into packs. PW would fit in very well in our current line-up, which is the exact reason why we should not go after him.
  5. He had a falling out with McChins at the filth on particular beliefs. The way they are going under his 'leadership' at the moment leads me to believe that we have a half decent fella in the CEO position at present.
  6. Sorry @TeamPlayedFine39, but whatever pick we could’ve ended up with at the this years draft is surely going to become the greatest player of all time, MFCSS would no doubt see to that ?
  7. “I quit” is what I would like to hear from him
  8. Pressure acts is directly related to giving a phark. Clearly the players don’t care all that much and are happy to be on a holiday up in NSW. lazy, lazy, lazy. I’d say they’ve checked out, but I seriously doubt that since 2018 they have really wanted to check back in.
  9. I thought Stafford had taken on the role with his ruck duties
  10. Give him the rest of the year SONS
  11. Well if it means Goody's head, not to mention some serious changes to the FD, i'd argue that the positives of bringing about some much needed changes would outweigh an 18 year old kid coming into our system to stuff up. Bringing in a decent coach with half a clue would far outweigh a #1 pick IMO. In fact, i'd also give up next year first round pick if it resulted in ousting our several of our coaches.
  12. Let's just assume that Daniher gets over all his injuries and mental demons. Why in the heck would he want to go from a much bigger club that has a much more exciting game style to a club with a coach almost as incompetent as Dan the Man?
  13. Why not have Preuss play as #1 ruck and move Gawn forward? Sounds ludicrous i know, but we are now getting rather desperate.
  14. This team can stay up in NSW for the rest of the year for all i care. Playing group is a joke, footy department is incompetent, and if our board allow this to go on for much longer then they are asleep at the wheel. Fun times at MFC.
  15. Agree MFM. He's got huge tickets on himself and is just about our laziest player. He could be a much better footballer, but he chooses not to be.
  16. The coach doesn't had a [censored] clue and the player's are devoid of confidence and skill are dumb and not to mention soft. Get rid of the entire coaching group they are useless.
  17. That's an easy fix. Just cork his left leg. That will nullify his influence. Bloke wouldn't know his right foot from his @$$h0!e
  18. Any chance these boys feel like having a second run today?
  19. only problem is that there hasn't been much by way of rain today, nor does there look to be much coming in the next hour or so (going by the radar)
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