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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. kicked a goal. The way we're going, i'll take em any way i can
  2. @pineapple dee lol, they'll boo you for not understanding the word effrontery, pineapple.
  3. Coz if we nail it, it looks better on the highlights reel.
  4. Dees just need to accept the these umps are crooks and aren't gonna pay squat tonight. [censored] them, do it by sticking up the Crows, their fans, and the umps who obviously had a friend of a friend place a wager for them.
  5. Too bad he's wasted his remaining years with an imposter of a coach.
  6. So they've replaced his heart, but not his brain. Great.
  7. The muppets probably think it's coming from the Melbourne supporters at the game, and subsequently rewarding the Crows for it
  8. Good on him. If Goodwin has courage he'll be asking some questions of them too.
  9. Or a team that gives a [censored] about its coach. He's lost the players'.
  10. Getting rid of Clarrie makes as much sense as trading Trac. Just no. I'd trade Gus for a 5th rounder before ever contemplating moving Oliver on.
  11. Noticed he had 19 touches, all kicks, with DE of 73.7%. Didn't catch the game, so curious as to his foot skills.
  12. I'm worried we won't make the top 14, let alone top 4 Nelo.
  13. What are peoples thoughts on Witherden?
  14. Lloyd is hoping to shake Oliver out of the tree only for the bummers to pick him up cheaply in a trade ("if MFC want him out, then he is only worth a late second rounder").
  15. Chaplin needs to go. Our whole FD needs a complete clean out, with the incoming coach (hopefully one with previous AFL coaching experience) being able to bring in any assistant coaches they require.
  16. Yeah umm no. The last time he was involved seriously with the club, he brought Mark Neeld in. Garry is a passionate MFC supporter, but he should be nothing more or nothing less.
  17. Early in the second (I think) Shiel not only gets tackled high, he gets tackled to the ground when not in possession of the ball. The umpire was only 2 metres away right behind the action with perfect view and calls play on. FMD, as much as I loathe the peptides, pathetic umpiring riles me more.
  18. Coach is delusional, and the video above now confirms Mahoney is equally as ignorant. Both need to go. Pronto.
  19. he also contributed to the 3/4 year extension for Goodwin. Agree both the GM and coach need to go. Bring in a couple of people who know what sustained success is all about. The CEO has time on his side, as he just entered the building, but once (if) we get new facilities, he may as well leave too, taking the board with him. That way we'll have sparkling new facilities, with no inept board, CEO or coaches to ruin them. Then we might have a chance of teaching the few half decent player's we have how to properly play the simple game of football.
  20. Agree. I’d see the removal of Goodwin and installing a half decent coach as a worthwhile investment. How many millions will be lost if Goodwin stays on?
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