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Everything posted by Demonator

  1. so your membership doesnt get you a ticket?
  2. It's our home game so it's treated like any other! Well.......as far as I was aware?!
  3. Maybe if someone knows of a local pub near the ground, we could meet there for a drink before/after the game?!
  4. I'll be there. Me and a few of the boys up here in Brissy are going along so there's another 3!
  5. Can't they take Miller and we can be done with this whole discussion!?
  6. It leaves him playing for Mt.Gravatt next year!
  7. As the only footy show we get up here in QLD (even though it doesnt come on til 11.30pm), I love it! I tape it every week and can't wait to watch it! Maybe I'm just starved for any sort of footy/show up here - who knows?! I think Sam is great and without him, the show wouldn't be around. Garry and James need to jump off the fence they've both been sitting on for years, and the interchange thing they have going with Billy and Crawf isn't too flash either! What happened to the good old 3 player panel?! Aside from that though, I think it's a great show and something a little different to everything else?!
  8. Possibly, but I don't even think he turns that quick?!
  9. Ohhhh, a totally fresh thread on an unspoken topic?! go back to sleep.....
  10. Which is why it's best served down at Casey.
  11. Haha, speaking of great Avatars, that's sweet!
  12. Absolutely spot on Nasher! If she isn't going to enjoy the footy, make sure she still enjoys 'some part' of the day so she at least goes home with a smile on her face and can forget the footy til next time. I used to do the exact same thing during the 80's with my dad! We got the @ss flogged out of us most weeks, but I used to get so excited throwing my number 2 long sleeve jumper on, getting the train into the ground, grabbing some hot jam donuts and laughing at dad scream his head off for reasons I can only understand now! I can't wait for the day I am fortunate enough to have some kids and one day take them to watch the Dees. Hopefully they are winning games by then, and hey, if they aren't - I'll just try and make the day fun for 'them!'
  13. so is it only going to members who haven't renewed!? I remember 4 or 5 years ago Neita ringing me on my mobile around about this time of year wanting me to renew. Was the best phone call I'd ever had - despite the fact I told him to go jump cause I thought it was my mate playing a bad joke
  14. We won't get beaten by more than 10 goals! I'll put my life on that...
  15. Who the hell is Andrew Tate anyway?!
  16. That's quite funny - because I can't see how anyone can judge after 3 senior games, if a player will be able to "cut it" or not?!
  17. Maybe its the fact that we dont have any superstars?! Yes, he hasn't played a game yet but is showing signs that he could definitely become one! If we had a huge number of stars or even a few for that matter - we wouldnt be talking about this very subject!?
  18. And the reason I love this site is because up here in Queensland, we still hear bugger all regarding AFL football, let alone the Melbourne Footy Club. I come on here (mostly just to read) to get all the latest goss that i might not be able to on the herladsun website or mfc.com.au and the likes. And when a lot of posts turn into negative attacks on the club, players or even fellow posters, it becomes a little frustrating. Debate is one thing, but bullsh!t is another!
  19. how unusual that a thread on here turns out like this
  20. That's what getting to the pub at 11am beforehand is for...
  21. I like it better as the "Thunderdome" as stated in the Melbourne Storm membership letter!?
  22. We have been no good in this area for a very long time! I'm nearly 28 and it has been shocking for as far back as I can remember. I'd like to see the stats on effective kick-ins, clearances from defensive 50 etc over the past 10 or so years, because I think without a doubt, we would be close to being the worst every time.
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