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John Dee

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Everything posted by John Dee

  1. Settle down. Alex is a great bloke and an ok footballer. He is a just senior player who will do a servicable job. We haven't 'lost' anything.
  2. Richo was their talisman; and he is gone and not in any way replaced. How have they improved since last year? Simmonds first ruck, they're kidding. Riewoldt a key forward, give me a break? The only thing they have done correct is to not select our saviour Jordon McMahon.
  3. I am as [censored] off about the injuries as anybody, but I have to point out that all of this year's serious ones have been collision injuries; and they happen in our game.
  4. Can Jack Watts now be referred to with the sobriquet 223?
  5. Well, all I got was my self-addressed envelope with a rip in the bottom left corner and naught else. GOTO, if I see you any time soon, I will buy another one of you.
  6. With a fit Garland, we have one of the best backlines in the league. With that in place, we should move on to other areas, midfield, forwardline, ruck etc without dirupting the one decent area in the side.
  7. By whom? Just because other people do things wrongly does not mean that we all should. Practice is a noun; practise is a verb. You go to football practice to practise playing football. It is a simple grammatical rule in basic English, and there are quite a few other words where this rule is used. The best way to remember it is to remember that ice is a noun and is is a verb.
  8. As Dennis Cometti is want to say, "Never moon a werewolf". McLean is renowned for being shut-down be a taggers; Kirk would have just said quitely to himself "See how many kicks you get now, mate".
  9. I believe that that match will be on Saturday afternoon which is the main reason I want us to win; I play tennis on Saturdays.
  10. I am looking forward to the game and want us to win, but winning will be far less important than the performance. If we both play like hacks and we fluke a win, I will be far less impressed than if we perform well and still lose.
  11. The big rumour doing the rounds is that Tapscott has a niggle in the hip cartlidge that will need to get cleaned up via an arthroscope. No big deal, but it means that he was never going to be in the squad.
  12. I would imagine that Fitzpatrick is a tall option to give Spencer a hand on Sandilands. This is not quite what he was recruited for, but it won't do him any harm.
  13. Both of them will be seriously short of a gallop; the Hawks can play them at their peril.
  14. In an abstract sense, McKenzie is the one I would upgrade. However, with the fitness of Jamar, PJ and Meeson, Spencer must get the nod first.
  15. I notice that Casey has a large number of Saturday games this year; usually only the ABC game was on Saturday and the rest of the round was on Sunday. I can't see the ABC doing all of Casey's Saturday games, so is this a change in policy by the VFL?
  16. This probably says more about what we don't know about the brain more than any other highly subjective conjecture. As I am an atheist, are you saying that I have lost some brain capacity?
  17. Jimma was great; the best bit was him standing back to back with Gawn after he pesented him with #37; Gawn is one big unit.
  18. Cam made a slip at one point which has led to some confusion here. It is the Olympic Parke deal that is reviewable every 5 years and is nominally 21. The proposed Docklands deal would replace Olympic Park.
  19. Not that it is causing any any problem necessarily, but why are you still running Apache 1? If you upgraded the message board software, why didn't you upgrade Apache?
  20. I heard TH on SEN a while back discussing the decison to move Newton and Meeson onto the rookie list and he said that with the changes to the draft whereby elevated rookies count as draft picks meant that with the GC and GWS restrictions, it made sense to load up the rookie list with readymade players rather than real rookies. The expectation is that the club will use the system to elevate rookies rather than be forced to use a bottom-end draft pick. We currently have Spencer, Newton, Meeson, McKenzie, Hughes and Healey as rookies. Spencer is a third-year rookie and must be elevated or released; I believe that we will elevate him. McKenzie is a real goer and the club will keep him as an elevation or third year rookie. Healey is a complete mystery to me. I wish Hughes well, bit I don't think he will last beyond this year. The status Newton and Meeson is interesting; I would like to hear from anycody who understands the rookie list completely and can encapsulate it succintly. I don't know whether we can keep them on as rookies beyond this year, but I think not. I would love for Newton to surprise me and kick on, but I can't see it. Meeson is interesting; he surprised me by playing a couple of more than useful games before he got injured again. Whether we persist with him beyond this year will be interesting.
  21. I saw this at the time; and was impressed that the MFC was taking full advantage of the everchanging AFL rules. I expected that all of the other clubs would follow suit and exploit the rule change. I know a couple of them did to a small extent, but I am amazed that many more clubs did not do what we did.
  22. All parties must agree for the diversion programme to be invoked. If the taxi driver does not agree to the process, then it will go to court where, if found guilty, Hurley will get his comeuppence.
  23. I know that this shows my age, but Gary Hardeman for CHB.
  24. The main reason that the club should give Bailey an extension before this season is to ensure stability and consistency within all aspects of the club. I listened to Sean Wellman last night in a long interview on SEN and he was very upbeat and highly supportive of Bailey. I know that as an Assistant Coach he was always going to say the sort of things that he said, but one thing he stessed is that Bailey is very much a developer of players and his message to the playing group has not wavered from the first day; they all know what is required. They might not be fully up to speed yet, but they know where there are going. Bailey has had the backing of the board in the goings on of the last two years and now we are the best placed of any of the existing clubs to ride out the introduction of GC and GWS. We must assume that Bailey has also got the board's backing in the next stage of the plan, so an extension is just sound business practice. For me, I would give him a two year extension through to 2012.
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