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John Dee

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Everything posted by John Dee

  1. Deep down, I had hoped that I had the tact to not point out you should have said 'the tack that CC has gone with'.
  2. Molan was a bust, no doubt about that, but he didn't fail because of lack of talent. CC's comments post debacle also seem mostly self-serving. He just had the capacity to get injured in every way immaginable. Doing your knee after being knocked unconcious and falling after marking the ball, and that was just for starters. The debacle was mostly a result of extreme misfortune, rather than the fault of CC or Molan. Every draft has stories like this, just nowhere near as bad.
  3. It just shows how the next two years drafts are going to be an abslute bust for the existing clubs. The draft concessions are bad enough, but they will have already picked the eyes out of the best kids before they even get their concessions.
  4. If the age stipulations stay in place, the 17 year olds they take will be from the 2011 draft; Gold Coast's 17 year olds that they sign this year will be from the 2010 draft.
  5. It was one of the worst games I have ever seen. Third quarter, we haven't kicked a goal; and we are still a chance of a win. Why sully my memories of the win against the Shockers and remind me of this.
  6. I was there with my two kids. We all come from different directions these days and I was the first one there. It was a cold day, but I had had a look at the weather channel and was hopeful that it would clear up by match time. Our seats are in the open, our choice, and I got wet several times before my daughter showed up and said that she would prefer to go upstairs out of the rain; we adjourned to the standing area, out of the rain to await her brother. By the time my son arrived, the game had just started and the weather had cleared up and we took our customary seats to watch a glimpse of things to come as MFC knew that this was game they could afford to win.
  7. Scott West, did he re-sign with us? I know we offered him a full-time position.
  8. 6 Picks + elevating Spence = 7
  9. Spencer is the only one I would promote; sorry about that Valenti. 1,2,11,18,34 and psd1 will be used. 7 spots must be available, at least. 3 more to go.
  10. This is a very important subject that requires full thought and consideration from us all. It all gets back to the difference between natural numbers and ordinal numbers. Pick 1 is the first in the ordinal sequence and is therefore a high draft pick. As it is pick 1 it is also a low-numbered pick. Pick 18 is the start of the second round. I would consider anything in the first round a high draft pick; pick 18 is on the cusp. While I am on a roll, and cricket season is upon us, I would also like to point out that, by definition, a medium-fast bowler is faster that a fast-medium bowler someone should tell the ABC that.
  11. 08 Valenti 09 Bail, McKenzie, Spencer
  12. Watts' image is reversed; the logos are on the wrong sides.
  13. No, no, no - a thousand times no!!!
  14. Whelan wasn't tipped out, his body is no longer up to AFL at the top level and he and the club knew it. The club bent over backwards to get him the two games nescessary to get him to 150. IMO he did not deserve his spot in the team in either game, but I also do not begrudge him getting the two games.
  15. Everybody gaga at McGurk revelations The football world was in turmoil last night following the startling revelations that Melbourne forward Marty "No Name" McGurk is a hermaphrodite. Secret tests done by the AFL on McGurk following suspicions being raised in some quarters has revealed that McGurk has both male and female sexual organs. Many supporters who have known for some time that there was something different about Marty; now they know what. Little has been heard from McGurk following the revelations; it is rumoured that he is going to give up football and take up athletics. McGurk is also said to considering emigration to South Africa; at a confrontation with the media outside a Melbourne hotel this morning he was heard to say "They know how to treat a lady".
  16. Johnson wasn't traded, so, technically, shouldn't be mentioned in this thread. Not withstanding that, I reckon that CJ actually bought us Jurrah. Prendegast is on record as saying that he really rated Bail and would have taken him even if it meant filling our last list spot; nobody hand any idea that Jurrah would be available at that stage. They took Bail and passed on the next pick as there was no one left they were interested in, the rest is history. This can be used to great effect when talking to Carlscum supporters - thank them effusively for taking CJ of our hands so that we could free up a spot for Jurrah in the PSD.
  17. Thompson should not be in the poll as we did not want him to leave. He had a serious family issue and needed to get back to SA. He requested a trade to either SA club and the crows were the ones that we came to an agreement with.
  18. My mum was from the country and my dad was from the city; they were dairyfarmers. My dad was a dedicated Carlton supporter. Football was a big part of our lives, but local football only. As football season is also milking season, I never saw a VFL match with my father just countless matches of country football. The first grand final that I can remember seeing on TV was 1964; it seemed a reasonable thing then to support a team that had won six out of the last ten Grand Finals. I took my kids to the football as soon as they were able and they are rusted on demons, as am I.
  19. I have a battered old red and blue teddybear that I bought for my son and which he dragged around for quite a number of years before passing it on to his sister. Robbie Flower's wife used to teach at the local primary school, so the teddybear was always known as Robbie; he is under the stairs at home.
  20. Yes, I know, strange types those Rugger Buggers. Having said that, once the BubbleDome is up and running, they will sort themselves out and I do not doubt that there will be a Melbourne Rugby side.
  21. Yeah, he has been a rookie for two years, as have been Valenti and Spencer. Spencer is a must keep. Hughes and Healy will probably be retained as rookies. I love little Valents, but, sadly, his time is up.
  22. The MOPT development is fine in the short term, however there is not enough room already for the complete MFC staff roster. There will inevitably be a Melbourne Rugby Union team playing in the Super Whatever and they will require space in the MOPT. The State government and the City Council can see that the users of the new rectangular stadium should be the ones in the MOPT development. We committed to the development as a condition of its getting of the ground and must take residence there or pay a prohibitive fine. If the AFL, the State government and the City Council have to build a new facility to free up the space we are occupying, great. If they want us to move somewhere before the new facility is ready, we are in a very good bargaining position; possession is nine tenths of the law.
  23. The rule has been changed; you no longer have to use picks that you get in trades.
  24. The figure on the website is a jpeg image, it is not interactive. It will only change when someone creates a new image and copies it over the top of the old one.
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