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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Jack Watts attitude sucks simples !!
  2. these words have been brought to you by DOVE , Sorbent and anyone else portending the softer side of life
  3. There is something wonderful about this club , that it wont lay down, that it wont concede, even when all seems somewhat futile it will rally and raise the flag. I applaud those in a position to help not just because they can but because they believe there will be a better year ahead. What has been may yet be again, go dees
  4. merge lets be on the same page
  5. Jack doesnt even understand the line... its coming on the next coach apparently
  6. dont underestimate the Sammy. many take him for a bufoon...but think ...is he. He can spot a spud a mile away.
  7. hes not too bright... proof positive we really arent too clever ( recent history ) with draft picks. hes happy to mouth off. Im annoyed
  8. I'm sorry...i thought he had something. I was wrong .
  9. again this guy is waiting for someone to solve his inadequacies.. do I really need to utter the words Jack?
  10. Jackie..Jackie lost me mate weak as custard... excuses excuses excuses excuses !!! Captn Snooze should sign you up...soft as and I thought you had promise. I f''d up big time
  11. denial ?? hmmm thats what you do when you really dont want to believe. They just dont want to accept ( responsibility )
  12. can we hold you to your word ?
  13. preface NPI This isnt Rocket science regarding the nature of whom we would target for drafting. Ask just about anyone, their dog, cat budgie and the reply will be MIDS MIDS MIDS. Jason Taylor and crew Todd Viney and co will all be evauating every viable draft possibility that fits the Mids Mids Mids philosophy. Recruiting often circumvents the coaching dept in a way . Granted theres no doubt MN sent up the flares re Gillies Rodan and Pedersen but that mistake wont be made again WILL IT MFC !!!
  14. Yep...thought so too.. it might be what happens but I really wanted them to play a year for nothing.. This has only really started. Powder still relatively dry in both camps and we await the Guerilla attack of ASADA on the players. I dont think the armory at windy Hill will be able to hold out.
  15. and Garry Lyon gets the Bailey's ladder award in perpetuity !!
  16. Neither can I... Thing is...Demetriou and indeed the league , on behalf of most sports cant afford to back down let alone lose. Drugs aside its a Mexican standoff lol.. AFL's coffers are deeper than Messendons Little may be in for a very rude shock. Albeit much currently might just be postering. Wars have been fought over sillier things and invariably it comes down to who has the last bullet etc. That will always be the AFL...they make their own !!
  17. A fit Clark with Hogan, Dawes and Howe makes for little room up the sharp end for Watts. As he seems not quite able to morph into the super sweeper we'd like at halfback hes just made himself very tradable. but with 2 for Swallow , someones having a lend of us surely .
  18. might sow the seed of an idea though
  19. well Messendon with 0 points would be one
  20. but then hes only generating his own pay. Nett gain ?? I would imagine Choco or Eade would be more , lets say, economical but then mightnt generate the membership to the degree of Roos. But its all a guessing game really as unless you can actually effect both scenarios we'd never know. Tbh...Im more concerned with developing the list, than the membership. The fomer would undoubtedly help the latter though
  21. Ralph in the Hun is suggesting the notion of an Eade(senior) Voss (assistant ) combo I wouldn't say no
  22. Im tempering my optimism though.. We might just climb out of the bottom 4 ...might I repeat ..lol ( Ive learnt..Im slow I know )
  23. I suppose if we dont take the stance of optimism we might as well just take that one more step back and plummet off into the abyss. All things equal we ought to start getting somewhere.... got this strange sense of deja vu ...
  24. Roos coaches the Swans academy team
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