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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. be still my beating heart... I just dont like the "vibe"
  2. i dont want to listen OD lalalalalalal lol
  3. aint over ...yet....but I dont like it ...I dont like it..lol
  4. my spy tells me they saw someone on a plane to Brissy at 5.30 am
  5. he probably finds it more appealing
  6. its hard to counter this... sad as that is
  7. ahhh Did I ever tell you guys about my youth and the many nights spent solving the universe's problems at the end of the pier along from the breakwater ?? Full esky of green tinnies... NO ?? ahhh Apollo Bay
  8. awwwwwwwwwwww altogether...... poooooooorrrrr Brownie !!! DOG !!!!!!
  9. hang on...cant even remember what this thread IS about any more
  10. there's getting Boned...Now there's getting Beam'd !!
  11. ahh I see I wasnt quite up to speed there ..lol
  12. you do understand why I suggested it ??
  13. what you say Willis !!! Hes not a huge lad but nice guns . He had half the league jumping at shadows at one point , scared pantsless they would be all but dacked by him as he commanded the forward region looking for victims. He was THAT good. Now heres the thing.. he WAS...WAS that good and now isnt and hasnt been for quite a few years ( Some cynics might suggest a corrolation between when he got his good deal and when things went a bit quiet ) Would i suggest that I hear ya with tha Brudderhood thing but I really wonder if people are want to overplay all this. Its about the football
  14. thats right...good pickup BBO Lets trust the Gods are keeping an eye out over him
  15. fair enough Occam's razor ??
  16. Call me old fashioned ( go on you know you all want to ) but I see Howe in what would be mid way between the HFF and Wing..( we remember the wings dont we ?? lol ) . That area. Space to play in, largesse to run on etc. This allows him to play on towards goal if opportunity or to do as many might like smack it on the chest of our forwards. Hes not a mid and hes stifled in the forward line
  17. If one is unbiased and realistic this is pretty much the case. Lets not gt too mushy when looking back with those rosey revisionist brand goggles. Often things are what they are.. Aarons star shone brilliantly but not for a particularly long time before all but disappearing off the stellar map. I for one thought he could aspire to great leadership at the club but it never seemed to materialise. I can only assume for a very simple reason, it just wasnt there. I agree with RR in that its not really the players decision as to which game, but I can also see that given our precarious location at the lower end of the ladder its not going to matter a great deal if he is afforded one last hurrah, at the G. Let's be magnanimous.
  18. a certain irony in that !!
  19. Good for you. So give us the way out from left field less obvious suggestion as to why? In the meantime I'll just stick with we have no bottle come this sort of thing. Cant wait to see the list of examples over say even the last 5 years where we've taken it up to them. Be a very very short list. Make no qualms of this we'd all like to think there's some hidden reason, its just that so often there isnt.
  20. I think his paper was fairly front loaded. Might not have quite as much to add to the kitty.
  21. A rudderless ship and no one manning the guns!!
  22. Im sorry, are you insinuating theres something untoward here ? Can't see it myself. Am sure it was totally above board. Now Im sure if youll just look at it all through a pair of these youll see how it really is !!!
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