ive been on Cols case a long whiles but he got into the spirit of things and loved it when he remonstrated with jack.. Kinda pot and kettle but it needed to be shown. Love to know if any follow up after the game, if any REAL Demons might have had a quiet word !!
very interesting way of summising but im not sure Trenners really impacted. A much better game but Im not too carried away yet. A for effort though I suppose.
I can never understand how someone manages to kick all but straight to the opposition., or into them !!
so for mine
6- Viney
5- Viney
4 - T Mac
3- Jordie Mck
2 - Kent
1- Trengove
and no I havent made a typo !!
I think youre onto the common flavour about all this.the Bloody Pathetics !!
I thought for a whiles that Jordie wasnt going to really find his niche but I think the team's #1 negating tagger is his. Its a thankless task often but hes doing it rather well of late.
Red...I would give Terlich a little rope ..( not to string himself up with )
I think hes got something to work with just needs better coaching as to technique.
Ah Watts' a matta you, hey
Gotta no respect, Watta you think you do
Why you play so bad?
Watching you makes me mad, you donta use your pace
Ah, bugga off this place