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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. The rest of season might see some evaluation style changes. Not many but a few. Some might put hands up.. who knows. Given Roos preferences though for players to earn that selection though some might already be packing bags. In reality only injury/fatigue or suspension might trigger much in way of changes.
  2. The football dept need to take on a mercenary demeanour and be rather ruthless and if need be merciless in attitude towards our list. Some objected to my turn of phrase , Cull, in reference to how the playing group must be 'revised' and so i'll say it again. It needs culling. There are players who just are either just not up to it or just dont deliver what they have. If this is them, if they are incapable of stepping up then what do I care of so called sensitivity. Its a business. Those that can...stay...those that can't get rid of. Trade them delist them Im not fussed. Those that show intent but lack polish keep and improve but we're a team of far too many NQRS. We'll get nowhere while we are. Doesn't matter who the coach is. Cmon FD...get serious.
  3. nuppHavent for a long while 25% list is vfl grade only...another 25% ebb and flow but inherent poor deciders. 50% keepers.
  4. you never ever should. A game called football requires players able to kick. Not elite basketcases..athletic runts nor any shying of a contest.Fundamental building blocks eschewed for far too long.
  5. Theres something about the boy ( kent ).....something waiting to erupt
  6. A goal or two might be might handy
  7. Beware the Sun has risen !!
  8. Disclosure will take away most of any surprise factor I'd imagine but is quite possible they have underestimated the veraciry of what ASADA have in store. Only Essendon understand any value of their stance as the rest of the football world..Indeed public consider them dog food.
  9. AFL seems quite Gillable currently
  10. Call me silly... I think itll be a dowdy game of lock down defence. Not expecting to triumph but not sensing a shellacking either. Go Dees
  11. At what point does even the patience (for want of other explanations ) of the AFL expire
  12. Im with you Red. Dont want Thompson (hypocrite) anywhere near us. Hope the "thrown" book collects him also on way through.
  13. Perfect doublespeak We dont know what they were injected with but its perfectly safe.
  14. These are the acts and doings of desperate people
  15. Theres the old expression...hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes. Essendon and Co have been letting fly willy nilly with anything and everythng rational or otherwise. Their timing is inept i would suggest. Most of ASADA"s powder is still dry and as the gormless march towards their 'glorious' day in court the muskets are being primed and aimed. Little by little ...step by step...onwards, deleriously onwards Going to be a Turkey shoot !!!!
  16. Lawyers representing James Hird suggests Essendon has case to reclaim 2014 draft picks, players’ identities protected Might be hard for Hird to comprehend but he wont be at the Helm in 2015
  17. and yet theyre winning lol
  18. apparently hard to flush him out
  19. I think part of is is just dumb luck. These bastards simply have some supporters in influential positions
  20. good news... and we can all move on
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