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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Agree A of B Also gets the "debut" monkey out the way.
  2. Friday may prove interesting. Its quite fascinating on a few levels. Grace arguing that anonymity is a prerequisite for the players joining. The view taken that naming will give association in a negative manner. They are as such currently deemed innocent. Where else might an accused garner such privilege ? Many are named and appear before courts and stand or fall at that hurdle. The players, even served, are still currently afforded the badge of innocence and will keep such should they be exonerated from their Show Cause status. What makes these lads think they can (still) continue by stealth ? Yes Friday looms.
  3. next it will be Aliens made me do it !!
  4. get up to speed Jack....we enjoy your valuable input well...you can make sense of it ..lol
  5. just quietly.... am pretty stoked The club gets so many slaps in the face and heres a young lad, obviously talented who WANTS to be part of the resurgence. Attitude is a lot in anything and that sort of outlook says a lot about where we're heading. and Im still looking forward to his first game !!
  6. yes and no. These decisions were at crucial moments of the game. Quite easily have gone the other way for us You simply have to move on but you have to wonder. Red, was that dodgy or doggy goals ?
  7. good pick up DC....the mongrels !!!
  8. but I am....looking forward to it
  9. looking forward to his first game
  10. This is my stance exactly.All other things aside Frawley's true worth is in the midfield both in terms of a Pick ( whether on traded or not ) and/or salary cap room. Whatever we can exchange Chip for effectively gives us a greater leg up than anything he can actually contribute on a day, in a game.
  11. think they might find out fairly soon
  12. if players join an action then their names must be listed ( my understanding ) How can this not be then public ?
  13. I must admit Im not au fait with how a lot of this works but there seems to me to be a continued desire for these 'parties' to have their cake and eat it too. I would have thought that if one was desirous of taking action then you had be up front , not under a cloak.
  14. But wasnt the interim supposed released by the AFL ,with all but no consent from ASADA. Hes throwing stones at the wrong blokes..lol
  15. WJ..Im curious as to how any party can be involved in such an action and still be allowed to have anonymity ?
  16. I think the Ess game still depicted that criteria. Roos is trying to get the message through that you need to be "on" 100% of the game. Sometimes we're "off", sometimes 75% , occasionally 100% ( and we play really well) But as you suggest maybe the Ess win was anaberation of sorts
  17. not a crack at all theyve only joined forces with themselves. They are ACTUALLY coming away from letting the club be their voice. They are on a road of self determination which will soon become survival. to further Its a crack because theres now division of those affected. The next crack is whomever is first to see the light and make a deal whilst its still on the table ( if it indeed is ) The most disgusting aspect for mine about this whole lamentable debacle is the players have been hoodwinked into the old" loyalty to team and mates rubbish " above their own health. That same team held no such concern nor cares about the players in so far as it was all about success 'whatever it takes etc" The players have been doubly conned. Someone will see the light.
  18. Strangely Ive said no such thing.. Youre no better than a troll arent you Go take your piddly crap elsewhere
  19. in a previous lifetime was mine too ...lol
  20. would be normal practice to field offers and talk none the less. Thats not the thing, its if its gone beyond
  21. Im guessing but it shows self determination as opposed to allowing the club to speak totally on their behalf.. crack........crack
  22. Please tell me how you envisage the brand growing from an exercise in joining in on some level regarding research and education of players ? Disregard the Hun's fabricated hyberbole and address what is at least aceded to. How does this grow the brand ? How would you measure such growth and how would it benefit the club ? Of course theres no ability to answer this as theres no design within this course of action by the club to do so.
  23. or just dumped a non fiddleable ( if a word ) image. Just dont use explorer.
  24. hes really pizzing in the wind isnt he. Will be interesting to see if he even gets past go strikes me as clutching at straws WJ WJ is it usual for so much to rely on things unsworn ?
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