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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. am not fussed...the karma faeries will smack his bum big time soon enough. Let the cats get excited for 5 mins....misery can last a lot longer. Im glad hes gone...couldnt care one iota really what he does or doesnt do. He joins a list of persona absque conscientia. wont waste another pixel on the bloke Go Dees
  2. at least dont forget the ensuing litigations also Will keep us amused for a while I think
  3. yep...bank on it
  4. A tad all captain obvious really. Nothing new about any of that. Time to nudge the scoreboard.
  5. All eyes possibly on Hogan , though id be content with a "good solid year" as opposed the heroic saviour scenario. Its actually Dawes im thinking might be due a really good season. Great reporting btw..cheers
  6. Yeah......nahThey wanted the "good stuff" Just the act of trying to procure it is a no-no....almost irregardless of what they got, if that was an argument. They were very naughty any which way it goes.As you rightly say. They are accountable.
  7. La D It was essentially in reply to the notion of being Unconcious. They plainly weren't. As to the other. Ive invariably had to read 2 sheets of paper and sign numerous locations. Yes most stuff is clear...but even I can read. And being notoriously suss about much, ask
  8. ASADA ....so player *&^%$ , what were you doing whist getting your jabs ? PLAYER ........ what do you mean , doing ? ASADA. Were you watching the procedure, paying attention ? PLAYER....am a bit squeamish........was Facebooking ASADA... Are you known for Facebooking when not awake ? PLAYER ... What are ya....an idiot or something ? ASADA... Dont think that would be us....
  9. I have just a sneaking feeling there may have been 'some' enquiries, but after the fact. Too late for sure but might account for some latter hesitations etc. Still not an 'out' , theres no excuse... Does add to the 'plot' though. Gotta be some worried boys atm....and I couldnt give a rats.
  10. Yes...they weren't paying aTenTion to the costs
  11. byo snag ?? hey...just a question
  12. came with its own photo I believe
  13. Will be interesting to see where he is played
  14. LH... Its only a lay opinion granted but theres been quite a fog or mutterings regarding players taking umbrage, and seeking damages etc should they be found guilty.. Theres a certain irony in all of that but if they do get say 18 mnths to 2 yrs then for some thats there AFL career over. Lifes a blame game these days so of course its not their fault and someone else ought to pay , well that will be the line offered by an eagerly awaiting throng of suits. Whilst Work Safe is independent it will parallel to some degree the investigations and would probably be interested in the outcomes of the WADA findings. Its common for the directors to be held accountable in such instances. It doesnt take to much of a stretch to see where all this will head once the first domino falls. imho
  15. but waited til the 11th hoyr ( literally) to make a decision (of change)Sounds like bullshlt wrapped in paper for mine. They must have known in other words. Those trotting out the public holiday excuse re club....many ways to manage around that. And are some serious about suggesting things are left THAT late ?
  16. NO, its when some one plainly misrepresents facts in order to prop their position. By your own admission , it was different. Was a different time. There was a different purpose and this is borne out by the clubs advertising f the event and solicitation of attendance. it was promoted, which most training sessions arent. There was indeed some attempt to sate those that attended with a bit to eat. Its not a whinge... that might take form of suggesting there were not enough snags or the wrong kind or took too long. Any of which might also happen to be true but given the attempts of the volunteers ( if forgiving their lack of foresight ) then to harp on that aspect would be a tad unfair.. They did try. Its all the other areas that the club seemingly couldnt be bothered thats the issue, not the least of all is getting person A to have sorted it out with person B and for all to be on the same page. Is that hard, its 2015 after all, theres no end of comms avail , but a simple thing is a bridge too far. For those wanting to assign the 'pedant's' dismissal of this then the big picture is obviously being overlooked. A handful of half baked excuses are trotted out by an organisation that can put together a training camp i/s but cant get a little thing like a public relations training day to work !! I rate Jackson but if the club really thinks it can box that clever it can alienate its potential for want of a effectively small amount of money then it, like you are very much misreading the mood of a lot of people. Its not for nothing that the notion of "from little things big things grow"....... and there'd be a handful or so of Astronauts that might have a thing to say about not looking after the little things properly. Even if it had worked out as a break even exercise it would have been work the effort. Maybe the club needs to talk to event management people , gain a different insight.
  17. Bombers must be in major damage control ( aka PANIC ) Bombers willing to end bad blood with Smith and Wilsonahhh...just keeps getting better....grovel grovel... Bombers want to patch things up......dont want to admit guilt....just want to rake it over.
  18. so it was normal...but it wasnt.......
  19. All rest aside. this is plainly incorrect TDI. It wasnt a normal training day, anything but. It was on a public holiday. It was promoted heavily ( in conjuction with a current membership blitz ) There was some expectations beyond the norm for most who would have attended. The die hards are the die hards but there would have been a lot of people there that wouldnt normally get to do so. Imho the club looked a gift horse in the mouth and fluffed it.
  20. Its a valid concern. its one indeed the AFL need to keep very much in mind lest they fall foul themselves. A great many people are viewing this as some sort of AFL only , inside the box affair. It's much more than that. This is how I see it .........
  21. Thats altogether quite possible. It has however already been reported that there are no ongoing investigations into other clubs and Ess is THE one well and truly in Wadas sights.
  22. What I dont quote get is there must have been a couple of meetings regarding this day. Surely the timing of things would have come up.
  23. OD...World Sport may need an example made of someone !! Thats the point. its not about Ess in an AFL context its them as a sporting team in 'any' code. Im given to understand the vast majority of coaches alone , let alone rest of the various clubs admins etc are not overly protective of ess in their current plight.
  24. The logical alternate therefore is there are none. Given the players ( WADA ,Work Cover, other ) and the Pandoras Box it would breach should there be no more sanctions/penalties I cant see how there can be none.
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