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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I'll put a buck or two on that idea.. I often think Danners plans get a little too regimented...and possibly changing up a bit to a more fluid game plan..and by fluid I mean allowing the role to move with the need. Sometimes defense is more about the man than the paddock he patrols.. Bell is an 'intelligent' player.. he should be given the largaise to go with the role. yep id be happy to see Belly on Chapman... i think he would eat him :-)
  2. being perfectly mater of fact here.... tis going to be interesting to look back at this point come the end of round 8. Hope for all the world the sky lightens up a bit and the storm clouds dissipate. Have to agree Geelong without real ammunition is a test. By some miracle get over that and much can still be salvaged. Falter...and ...well lets not think too much about that, suffice to say Danners might pick up a copy of Old Moore's Almanac and start planning his next year !!
  3. the major problem facing any majr form reversal...is the cattle.. .. the game makers are slowly writing them-selves off !! with our best onfiled and a change of fortunes...we have a glimmer... with some of our best and normally most reliable sideined...its not looking all that chirpy !! If the Rev has any blessed favours in reserve...now would be a really good time !!
  4. BBP...was only lookig at the fixture myself earlier with exactly the same sense of dread. Im not even quite so sure we will get Port.. if Tredrea hasnt clisked, then possibly but if his curent form in the SANFL is a guide he may be in for a pearler of a year. The worry is once we lose a few then a win becomes harder mentally to atain. If it takes till round 11 to start firing its all over to be honest....thats a lot of catch up footy. But I agree...its not looking too good is it !!
  5. thats because a LOT of bad does HAPPEN !! :-) No..the problem right now is a team that plays like a bunch of hacks ..i.e 'not-a-team' !! well actually they do...you see we dont take to the ground.. they do..its ALL up to them!! something I can agree with... good job we dont have relegation eh ?? lol AAsh... like Vic we're in a bit of a drought.. for ooooh... bit over 40 years now... lets just say the novelty has well and truly worn off... can we borrow your coach please...pretty please !! :-)
  6. do i dare say it !!..lol sharpen the skis !! hehehe
  7. lovely sentiments...and if this was ....say....talking about the Dees after our first couple of Nab games ..or practice amtches then this would sit ok.. But the season has started..... and we havent !! :-(
  8. stategist /tactician.... point understood Id be happy with gnarled... doesnt have to be old per se...just that older school of thought....i.e ...we take no sh!t here !!...as they are oft to say..all the good ones are taken.. we may need to look at anup an comer !! maybe that style of attitude might be infectious !!..well we couldnt do worse !!..... often when the cameras pan to the coaches box after some silly play or such and you see Danners thumping the desk... I have this strange co-vision of Homer Simpson exclaiming D'OH !! ... it happened.. and it will happen again ...you just know it with Homer...and you just know it with Neale !!
  9. pretty well spot on Astro.. . not sure I could differentiate between good strategest/ poor tactician though :-) Voss is a ridicuous suggestion... but there is a crop of assistant coaches we should definitely start feeling out. But the note about npt standign for any [censored] is right on the money....imagine our line up with Mathews... now stop drooling people... but for many that would have got the blood a little excited.. You just cant help but feel many of our players have the rev worked out. Thats NOT what you want in a footy club...well not at the elite level.... They ought to be playing for that jumper each and every week with the knowlwdge that its not automatically handed back the next one !!
  10. alas you hit upon a point.. we do seem to lack players with that week in week out "certain something" . On a good day we have anywhere to upwards of a dozen stars buthose days are rare and far apart. On any given day the few that really shine are indeed Brocky and Jared.... lurking in the shadows is Junior ( with Bartram as a sort of protoge ) and the up and comer is the Jones boy !! we have a fair share of honest workers... but we have I feel too many passengers for a freight train !! as for everyone else it seems to rely on some alignment of the stars !! Stars !! ?? where do they come from, how would we know..... I have thought for some time that one of the biggest problems with the MFC is its tendency to play players too long, to not be mercenary enough. We have seen some genuine talent leave this club out of frustration. They were not allowed game time whilst certain powers that be persisted with the " I believe in their ability to come good " policy.. to have" undying faith in them " style. I'm sorry rev whilst his may well be a 'lfe' method and a genuinely good approach to people in the bigger sense, there is unfortunately a great er sense of urgency in football; it's a week in week out proposition with everything hanging onthe play that is happening THAT day...no good waiting til someone comes good in a week or two. Get the non-performers out ...bring the 'wanna plays" in. we are two and zip... on form and injuries only a real die hard would give up much of a show in the next 4-5 weeks.. dare I suggest...we restart the season.. think fresh.. give some kids a run...lets see who has a twinkle about them....
  11. no thats booked for next month ..:-) sage words Jaded
  12. surely game plan and implementation go hand in hand..? they are really two sides to the same coin..... part of the plan IS its implementation, or its ability to be implementated. If thats failing then its all failing ...simple really.
  13. when it comes downto it I dont give a damn as to what Danners portrays to the media.. for me he is the coach. Its only important what he says to the players, its only important that what he says is effective and invective. Ought to be good when that starts !!!
  14. it begs so many questions doesnt it. I personally think that whilst Danners adds much to the constitution of the MFC and its intelligencia..he is simply a level below the better coaches. He seems to have been sucked into a vacuous place whereby he thinks he needs to emulate all the good hings that others do withot recourse to what our players can actually offer. I wait with expectant fervour to the wise words of our beloved guru as to what went wrong this week...as opposed to what went wrong last week ..and the week before that etc.. .. I mean...there surely cant be a pattern to all this ? .. We probaly played a couple of quarters of dumb footy,we probably had a few players who were a bit off colour, we probably were a bit slow to react to this or that!! but its ok coz i'll pop up on befoe the game , crack a few jokes and all will be right with the demonic world. Hows the farm treating you Neale ? hope its a happy reunion
  15. youre dead right Jaded....tis only round two... shame on all you Dee folk.. where are your loyalties... where is your optimism.. where is yor belief....for mine they all caught the number 18 tram .. and who knows where they will be after that. Roll up rol up all yo deluded fools ..those tha beleive that we will yet again prove might and contest the elimination final only to bow out the week later.. ahhh they are the days...such lofty heights .. if only all our years could be such!!! Today is simply summed up in two elements. firstly we arent as good as we think !! and secondly..the hawkers are at leat honest and going to give it a red hot try we're in for a long season...much rhetoric.. a lot of cr@pping on..and probably at least 1001 plans to rejuvinate the mighty Dees !! the irony is at least 775 of those are better than our current game plan!! personally I have infinite faith and will not give up the season till round 11:-) well...you either laugh or you cry.. performances so far arent worth my effort at even tears
  16. aww c'mon...Danner s is a top bloke.. great club man.. his coaching knows no equal..lets sign him up before he gets away !! no for the intellectually challenged....some of that was true...some of it was sarcasm. end of day...doesnt matter one iota....does it.
  17. i think this is great...but not for al the lets bash Yze reasons we normally have..lol.. but or the simplicity of getting that monkey off his back...its gone...cant be got back !! Now he can concentrate on playin glike he can..which when he puts his mind to it it marvellous. Mayb ethis will instill a new lease of life , a new sense of urgency...a new found mortality.. Now Neales doe it once...who's to say he wont agin in you follow my thinking. I expect Adem to have a new sense of earnign his place in this team. glad it s over...get cracking Ooze.. we do like you ...really .. well when you play the graeat Oozey footy that is :-)) I see this a s a great positive
  18. maybe.... Would Mathews put up with the waxxing and waning of certain Dee's game ? Would Mathews allow a personal journey to a record, despite any real week in week out display of obvious talent ? and the best til last.. would Mathews persist in a game with a tactic that was so obviously crucifying his team??
  19. with apologies to whomever posted it... the 'matter' is in a way to remove the monkey.. get this record sh!t out of the way !! he doesnt deserve to outplay Stynesy anyways. then he can ( maybe ) go back to what he's actually good at..he CAN play footy..the qulaifier is...whn he wants to....well lets get him 'wanting' to !!
  20. couldnt agree more we need a team capable of playing all season.. but surely that includes tha start as well as the end ? crisis time was ages ago !! you cant give away games...they will haunt you
  21. ah...Dees64 is on the scent !!!! :-)
  22. can only be team instructions.... and at risk of sounding like a broken record... they only come from one place !!
  23. i think a lot of people have to learn there is a vast difference between a nice bloke...and an effective one. Quite honestly i think Neale has done a lot of very good things at Melbourne.. ...but creating a successful team is not one of them.. I dont consider top 8 finishes a success. Thats like getting just above 50% in an exam...you havent failed... but youre hardly setting the world on fire and when the top prizes only go to the really successful and ambious students...well the analogy just continues...again Danniher comes in at the barest shade above 50%...light the fireworks and pop the champagne...we passed !! compare to Roos @ nearly 63%, Sheeds at near 62 % Worsfold at 64% Craig at 66% even Rocket is running at 55 %.. ND has some catching up to do..... I ask one simple question of those who think criticism of Neales effectivenes is unwarranted.... what is your evidence that he IS ? I cant see it.
  24. the great irony is we wouldnt even really be discussing him in negative tones much if it were'nt for the fact he is a very very good player....when on song. he's like that straight A kid who doesnt apply himself coz he can just cruise...and still get by. he getting drinks on past glories at present... and the keg may run dry any minute now !!
  25. whatever works...I'll take 6...:-)
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