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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. whilst we happily nail away...others are screwing us over !! me thinks he has the wrong method
  2. Neale Daniher, 211 games coached 106- won , 104-lost 50.47 win/loss a little more than just the one loss I put it to you !! he's the coach...he's responsible...thats what he's paid to do... Coach, Inspire, Lead !! and I just dont see a hell of a lot of it going on!!
  3. and Mike Sheahan knows nothing about football ? he too is a frustrated Melbourne supporter
  4. He's just rolled out all the same ol' tired stats and stuff. With the right spin we could make a case for Grinter being just a misunderstood shy and retiring soul !! No ones can dispute he's played a lot of games....... but were they all top quality?..or more the point...to the true potential he gives glimpses. No one disputes his many posssessions..... but again ask what did he really do with all those disposals. ..certainly not what he COULD have done with them. He's played every game since Danners got there.... well well isnt that an interesting stat !! because ND has been such a winner !! Its put up that he was best on ground in R17 last year... so in true Dave Allen logic.... how many games WASN"T he ?? a damn site more. Youre right ..the times not up for him probably this week.... he's bloody lucky we dont have a full list to pick from...and thats teh only statistic worth keeping in mind going into this weeks game. The fact that he's likely to play says more about the team than anything to do with his deserving to be in it presently. He's a lucky boy... he ought to repay it.
  5. only 70 ?? i'm worried now ...you're sounding pessimistic !! :-)
  6. Balme had a plan ?? interesting :-) I propose we ban any further Neil/Neale 's from coaching Melb
  7. well there ya go.. Byron probably off the menu .. We may luck out a little in that we have a couple more days compared to the normal weekend to have someone come good....... or it might be reshuffling the deckchairs. Im still clinging to the idea that a different instruction to play wil lhave more effect than too many changes to the team per se. still theres an Idea for this week Danniher out...Williams In !!
  8. Think i'll wait to see who's fit and healthy come thursday before getting too excited about this bloke for that etc. Youd expect Jared and Byron to almost be walk up starts, but not if not underdone. We may not have as many choices as we like going into the Hawkers game.
  9. A few of us have commented on this very fact elsewhere. Something certainly isn't gelling. I would have thought after all these years Danners would have had it worked out as to how to get his charges to listen to him. Its as if he warants that the overuse of handball is all their (players) own idea. But this style has been apparent in all the games this year. Do i dare say if all the fancy stuff aint working...go back to basics and reconstruct your game from there. Alpha ..youre right in thinking its an interesting read.
  10. nothing hurts or scrares/worries an opposition like scoreboard pressure !!
  11. put another way...are you going out to play argy bargy? or play football ? you can play football hard...and play smart... but i tend to think if all youre really doing is to rough up the oppo...then it more often backfires.. but only an opinion
  12. the danger in playing a style of footy where your gettig all angry and such and then smashing and canoning players left right and centre is that becomes your focus. Its not the smartest footy as the opposition will soon pick it and play up to it. Before youknow it you're way down in the frees etc.. Its not smart footy..its just agro footy. The Dees need to channel their aggression wisely and play a smarter brand of football than displayed so far this year. I for one wouldnt be encouraging Miller to return to his old ways too much
  13. you must be kidding. someone can quote another..and thats trash?? get real.. Apparently its verbotten to comment upon any inadeqauceies.. all comments must apprently alud our performaces ?even when they are sub-acceptable ?? Finks..tone it down ?...im called a troll by some 5 sec wonder..and am not allowed a retort?? please ..live in your delusions that all is well with Melbournes on field performances. Some of us dont feel its quite up to scratch...even now
  14. it simply seemed an awkward style of play, as if the lads really had no heart for it. Like a house of cards.. it only takes a few to become ineffective resulting in some messed up forward thrusts and it becomes contagious. Nothing seemed natural which is what makes me think it was a team instruction.
  15. lets get something quite straight here fool...you've been here 5 secs..and acuse me of trol llike behaviour, when its yourself thats doing it. Someone has quoted me on that site...not me writing it.. or is your diminutive sconce incapable of undestanding the diference. im not trash talking dees.. im making a comment based upon events..its called opinion...repeat after me..O- Pin- yun !!...i didnt go out and play like sh!t.. 22 others ( less a few ) did that all by themselves. Most of us here abide by the game...that is ..a persons word is up for grabs... but you play the ball not the man... since you are incapable of this why dont you run along lil boy ( read TROLL ) and go play in anothers kindergarten and leave the commentary to some grown ups !! now back to somethig a bit more worthwhile... the Dees
  16. lol...no sense of humour.. lol must be above your intellect
  17. occo....alas...a little lucifer is a little peeved. Over what who knows..who cares. you see apparently a true Melbourne supporter has no wits about them, no capacity for apprasial, no obligation to reality. They just have to jump up and down and wave things red and blue. Still its amusing isnt it
  18. he said we "played dumb football in the 2nd and 3rd " so what d we take from this... we have a rather ambiguous game plan thats easily miscontrued ? they dont listento him? he didnt realise in time ? he didnt make the right corrections at half time ? he didnt reiterate and explain the misunderstandings at 3/4 time ? HE HASNT A CLUE about how to fix it ? or G) all of the above granted he cant run out and play for all 18.....but he can make his ideas plain and known. this apparently doesnt happen. that is a concern.
  19. I dont think any particular plan works..or doesnt.. elements of plans may be handy etc but there are 2 teams on the filed; and it depends on who's in the accendancy onthe day as to how you play the game. Its interactive. One team cant play a particular style in isolation. It has to modify it on the run ( literally ) to adjust to it seffectiveness at the time. This THIS is what we dont do... we keep on going blindly when its obviousl a particular style is failing. And it comes back to teh bloke at the helm...he's not adjusting anywhere near quick enough. He is oft to say he has faith in his charges, quite applaudable; but pointless if they arent going n the right direction or method, thats what he's paid the big bucks for...to orchestrate and coach..EFFECTIVELY
  20. this is 2007 you DONT adjust to the game you play.. you PLAY it from day 1..this is what professionals do...its their craft and thats what the preseason is for...to iron out the bugs and hones the gameplan etc. .to hand your opponents..all of them a 3 game freeby is suicide.
  21. yes Grant kicked the shocker..but is he to blame.. no way.. he should never have been there.
  22. children deserve unconditional love I expect a bit more from the Dees
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