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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. how strong a team are the blackbirds fielding ?? who of their lot of note is missing ...if any...cheers go Dees
  2. rhino...i thoroughly understand that point.... However they didnt...they simply placed bets as we all can. Betting on yourself is hardly conflicting. I do agree that they shouldnt as it may 'appear' a conflict. The point i was making is that in itself isnt ILLEGAL.. many things others have done IS !! The AFL has a strange pecking order.
  3. curious isnt it.. From an AFL standpoint you are apparently able to get away with illegal acts...or leaving scenes of crimes. Bringing game into dispute is almost a sport. .... you would almost be forgiven for thinking that drink driving is a prerequisite for some players and apparently drug taking is the too hard basket but doing something which is perfectly legal for 'anyone'..i.e .. placing a bet is a big No-No !! Unless I missed something there was no accusation on impropriety. well done AFL.....you have simplified the message to the public...you really are a bunch of buffoons !!
  4. ahh didnt take long did it.. the thorny Miller debate.. all those for line up on the Left....all those against ....on the Right people...we are never going to see settlement on this are we really ?? A player that promised so much, effectively has delivered little. And no matter which side of the fence you sit on thats the essential truth of the matter. The reasons why, almost matter not.. Footy isnt a charity, you have to have merit and represent some form of effectiveness to be considered part of the line up. You have to add to the team , not be carried by it. In its simplicity the forwards add to the scoreboard, the backs stop the other side doing same. Can Miller perform either job well ?? Lets forget all the reason, excuses...extenuating circumstances, postion of the moon and state of the weather and just look at it quietly and simply. What does he do for the team? For mine...not a lot. Miller time ?? me thinks the beer's gone flat!!
  5. yes I'l lI'll do a me too...that is..its a wonderful development. Probably one of the benefits , aside from all things financial is that of perception. Despite we all knowing there was a decent supporter base for the good ol Dees it s been perceived by many for a long time that we were also rans in this dept, cellar dwellars. I think it wil become very healthy for the club to be able to strut the stage as it were and tell the world..look..Melbournes a good team, looka t allits supporters. This can only encourage others to fillow suit, to take up the Demon cause that is. Im very glad that after all this time a reasonable and fair deal has been struck.Well done MFC,MCC,AFL Our true representationwill now be seen. go Dees
  6. toughness is irrelevent and wasted if you are unable to actually do anything constructive with it !!
  7. Surprises me he hasnt been cited before for some silly plays.. many will of course disagree but or a talented bloke he commits many lazy cheap shots at opposition players. He doesnt need to. This has always niggled me about this guy.
  8. something i was wondering about was the sharpness at the sticks ? sometimes hard to tell in these sort of games but some observers may have got a feel for how good the use of opportunities was. anything encouraging.or a bit scrappy?
  9. lol...that really ought not be as funny as it is..pmsl!! Go dees...I means GO DEES !! :-)
  10. be quite happy if Frawley wears the jumper and number as well as ol' Yeats !!
  11. great news for us...and hopefully Aaron also :-) am wondering to any who are privvy to time watching.. now with the Guru Bodhan in our midst has there been any obvious improvement to Davey's endurance ?? whilst no one ever doubts the lads ability...it did wax and wain a little on days ..apparently the tank getting empty. any news on this ?
  12. good for you...seriosuly...no slight inferred or meant... you follow them. I dont...many dont..may couldnt care less if soccer grew or fell over... they are entitled to do whatever they think good for their cause....but they have to be fair and realistic in these endeavours.. If Victory want to honour an original committment to be part of a consortia at the new joint..al wel and good..if not...I really couldnt care less. keep in mind they would have known what was on offer from the start...why didnt they work behind the scenes to get he spec changed from day one ...but no they have to parade around like prima donnas..feeling deserving of anything and everything onoffer and more... and they have beem around.what....oooh...5 mins !! ( in the grand scheme of things). I dont see them coming up with millions for this project...its all take take take...they can get stuffed !!
  13. we've managed perfectly well with e G and TD for any FIFA events..argument moot .. Melb's claim to fame as sporting mecca is hardly at risk for the sake of 10000 bums on seats !! we dont need Victory at all....Vic Gov is building it anyway...so who cares really what Victory does..or wants.....except Victory!! do maths..how many soccer clubs representing Melb? how many footy ??.. get real
  14. not looking through it with red and blue...not at all...its not just Melbourne that has a vested interested...so does storm..even phoenix in current state of co operation... Simple..build stadium open in stages..yes contrived.. that will get around TD.. see that wasnt hard !!..you think that simplistic..yes it is isnt it.. ..could be done so has 25000 cap...with temp seating ability...that becomes permanent.. probably other permutations .. Its not a Soccer stadium...it a multi access sports facility..its NOT Victory's alone...though they ponce around as though it ought to be. By time they get around to redesign.. contract letting etcetc..building ..commisioning..itll be 2010 anyway..so TD thing becomes moot always more ways to skin cats. im happy if they keep it at 20000 and Victory becomes Loser...or maybe they can convince Princess park redevelopment to come up with something ?
  15. something that occurs to me...is where really is the track record of victory and large numbers.. yes....they are doing ok this year..and numbers fairly healthy.. its not long after the world cup...soccer is on a bit of a roll.. but history...ahhh history wil tell you a whole different story about the state of this code.. its been anywhere from basketcase to the next big thing...with the former occupying many more years than the later.. So what happens next year or year after..when another team has its time in the sun.. the love affair with soccer wains... numbers go back to more reasonable expectations ?? you ask..mine only a supposition...and it is.. and only as much a one as the business case put forward by victory at present... there are no real runs on the board for a resaonable time frame.. and they base all their rhetoric on this?? I'd also be thinking its b pretty good business when you can fill your stadium week in week out...that wont put ppl off...only gets them keen to secure tickets...a marvellous position to be in. if Victory had 3-5 years of continual growth etc.. and undeniable claim to real estate.. then id listen to them..otherwise build a revised stadium to 28000 as can be ..and be done...if after a number of years crowding is a problem.. then they REALLY have a case til then I really couldnt give a rats about Victory's whinging
  16. if that is part of the package to build a new stadium.... then that simply comes into teh total cost of ownership realm.. only problem then is who pays what share No one has the monolpoly on bums on seats really !!..would Telstra be compensated if game was moved to teh G or Princess ( hypothetically speaking ) doubt it !! .. is Telstra compensated because of added capacity to tennis centre etc.. no..so what real call does Telstra have on a New Soccer stadium...am genuiney intrigued :-)
  17. the answer isnt that hard.. an optioned stadium to the capacity of 28000 is quite easily feasible apparanetly without too much heartache.. This would satisfyall on most occasions.. on the other odd accasions when a larger venue is requied... quess what a little place called Telstra is down the road... if the AFL can work it so games are moved to suit occassions...im sure little upsart Victory can amass some of its grey matter and do similar.. ..otherwise it can bugger off and work out its own solution. If a rework can be accomodated to a capacity of say 35000....then that ought to be looked into, with a rectangular construction ....elongating all faces ought not be a real stretch ( so to speak ) . adding another couple of tiers etc, increasing sanitation to cope ..so on so on.... nothig hi tech or clever neede... just a bit bigger !!..... any which way Victory ought to shut up...its getting a shiny new Stadium to play in.
  18. as i understood the original proposal for this structure...it was a multi use stadium configured for playing rugby /soccer...with admin and fitness facilities...thee latter were ideally to be shared by teh "TEAM MELBOURNE " members.. so I also was understanding that if not built...we dont get the new facilities.. happy to be corrected !!
  19. I think personally that yes the stadium ought to be of the 30000 ilk anyways...why build it smaller?? its not that much diference at the start...horrendoulsy expensie to change 'after" you do sort of get the wiff of.." how can we get out of this now " from Spring st... they'll probably want to move it to Geelong next !! they are crapping on if they now say its X Y and Z to build ..they must have known all along.. to increase 10-15 % of capacity is not directly 10-15% increase in costings...much of the cost is non linearly related to the specific size... . Obviosuly if its bigger ..its more.. but even if you take their ( gov ) worst case escenario...thats well within the scope ofevery other stuff up they have been involved with. It s really not about the money...as to the desire to build it..or to complete something they comitted and promised. I hope it still goes ahead in some similar fashion to original idea. If it needs to grow and change ...so be it ..
  20. http://www.theage.com.au/news/soccer/new-c...621.html?page=2 Interesting, but where does this place the plans for MFC to relocate? Plan B anyone ?
  21. Isn't that saying exactly the same thing i.e if you're not competitive ... you are struggling? Glad you agree.
  22. i suppose in a nutshell....you can be as gifted as hell in football terms, but if you cant catch that other bloke who's streamign away from you ...what does it count for ?? ..... as WJ alludes...the game has moved on...at a bloody quick rate
  23. jb....you nailed it.. many wil still figure white to be in same league as others at the centre...and he's not...hasnt been for years...handy around ...but not at middle.....and we are stil unsure of a solution.. struggle in the middle and you lose. back to heads in sand everyone
  24. well the pre requisite of putting more than 5 words together in anything other than a monotone may render this question moot !!
  25. just as irritating perhaps as those that get tied up over minor typos !!. we all have our opinions...some get that concept..others are just full of own import!!
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