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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I just have the gut feeling that the wobblies might be more concerned now with shoring up their defences. Clements departure may have derailed the Juddernaut to Filthland
  2. This very true. Robbo is a sideshow, not the main event. events surrounding Robbo may or may not become part of teh overall dealings of the club in relation to Judd but they are not because of it.... Only real similarity or connection is they are both possible trades in trade week..Thats about it
  3. Probably one thing that will help us is a good ( as far as it goes) history with dealing with the WCE. I cant see it being protracted or anyone really hanging by their toenails in this. Both parties know the other, both know the 'reality' of whats on offer etc.. Should Judd select us it wil be all over inside 24 hours. Too much other business to get caught up in the minutae !!
  4. Ok ...I'll bite.. this has me curious . Can you expand ? please
  5. My preference would be to retain Trapper rather than lose him...but its only a preference, not a must have. I too think he might be a different lad under Bailey ( I think a few might be...pmsl !! ) . Now Robbo.. leading goalkicker. well isnt this a classic case of context. Who was he competing against ?? ..a bunch of walking wounded and some who cant kick straight to save themselves !! Juice came into it late otherwise he would've shown Robbo clean set of heels in that comp !!
  6. what were the nature of the Octopus's injuries that put him out ?
  7. is it confirmed that the Baggers WONT use pick 1 ?
  8. Must admit onhearing that I thought...hmm.. the larder is getting thin!! Also tthe wobblies will be more inclined now to look for a defender than a midfielder...well, you'd think !! lol . Clement was VERY good., he's not going to be easy to replace.
  9. this is how it is...or was.. Danniher and Riley played a very conservative and dull game. ( with built in time delay regarding any necessary moves ). The game was all but telegraphed to the opposition before the first bounce and little changed after that. They played a very conservative hand re bringing on the kids. If ever there was a now or two more weeks time type dillem of a decision.. it was nearly always the wait and see. wait and see...wait and bloody see !! Always waiting for the game to come to them, never taking the game head on and deciding its ( demons ) own destiny In a way I agree with YM.. this will now change.
  10. The one thing thats going to happen this year that didnt last..is trades!!!!! One wayor another...peoplel are moving..picks are changing.. Judd is the catalyst for it. Whether we are his new home or not.. we wont look quite the same next year ( and thank ***k for that too ) 2008...is going to be a happening year for MFC
  11. Delusional ?? why ? Judd has only nominated 4 clubs. we're one of them !! Essendon looks to be a dud card... Westies dont want to deal with the Wobblies !! only two teams really have decent early picks they can offload. Only one team calls the MCG home !! Now none of that adds up to a dead cert for sure... but hardly ranks us as delusional !! I'm not fussed one way or other. Gladly have him as not.. I mightnt bet on us...but certainly not against us !!
  12. well thats it isnt it.. at eh end of the day getting Judd is a nicety not a necessity!! Its not as if we wont have a team without him. Far too much is being placed upon his arrival as beinlg like some magic bullet that will fix all and everything. it wont. It certainly wouldnt not help ( delibertate dou neg..lol ) . Going back to the original title of thread.. Id put it this way.. The choice of club wont so much define Melbourne as a club but Judd as an individual .
  13. The only thing I can really add to all of this is.. whilst out to get some milk, .... I stopped by to speak to Madame Rue....you know that gypsy with the gold capped tooth !! she whispered something to me before offering me some potion of sorts !! As the mists cleared in her crystal ball , she spoke.... A headline.. "AFL in shock as Judd stuns football world by selecting the Melbourne Demons to continue his illustious career....... " the rest was just murky.....lol
  14. try http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story...5012432,00.html
  15. you sort of get the impression there an no reverse gears in a Bailey car !!!
  16. If Judd opens it up to 2 clubs.. then we will beat Collingwood
  17. Trapper...Pace... Trapper...Pace.. ... they talking about our TJ ??? lol.. Clever he is. .masterful at times.. but quick ? Maybe just me never would have put speed as his primary assett
  18. Its fair to say that none of us have been in a room with Bailey ,Connolly CAC , Gardner and Harris ( let alone the others ) London to a brick there's a new Spirit at MFC !!
  19. Its quite amusing to see all the puffing and posturing by everyone surrounding the Judd situation. id be intrigued to know what point of law could actually be leveled re restaint of trade as any person/s is/are entitled to the best result obtainable. Why would Judd be obliged to settelfor anything less than he' can simply to appease aclub or agent.. Again I think its THEY who are threatened. They can see the whole basis of "ownership" of players slipping from their grasp. Connors is correct. Free agency wil come., and it may well be the stuffing around surrounding Judd this year that brings it to bear. Might things get very messy and exhaust time constraints...very likely and possible. Is it Judds fault ? No !! They..the various parties are acting as if they really have some sort of control over it all; again I profer that they dont. They darent let this "reality" become too REAL !! Other wise their gambit falls to dust. Everyone wants a result that best suits them. WCE are trying to realise equity on somethoing they dont own or control. Agents are concerned that deals wont go through in time minimising their returns. The league is probably in hiding with head in sand as usual. Apart from any interest as a Meblourne supporter thinking it might be a tad more than Ok should Judd choose us ( though he stil lwont be the be all and end all many suppose ) I find the whole thing very entertaining and amusing. Irrespective of the player result one thig is for sure. This is the last year that players, clubs, and trades are done by these rules and guidelines.. It will all change nex year
  20. we're flying under the radar...lets stay that way :D its generally accepted that Judd revered both Lyon and Stynes..
  21. Eagles are scratching deperately for a plan Z.. There are two sides to the coin of Juddy coming home. One is ..simply he wants to come home to family and friends Second.. he's had a gut full of the Eagles [censored] He's not playing in blue and yellow again.
  22. Lyon was just on the panel that helped select the new coach..not involved ?? Stynes is an ace up our sleeve. Personally I would have been annoyed had they NOT been there
  23. I disagree. Stevens isnt Judds bootlaces. if Collingowod had had got their act together , Stevens would be in black and white today.. It was an ugly example of moving clubs. This is as transparent as it possibly could be. Its not last minute. Everything wil be in place BEFORE trade week even starts officially. I understand what youre saying.. but Judd id going where Judd wants to go.. WCE can just suck it in!!
  24. Once Judd picks his team of preference its reaaly nothing to do with him. Forr mine....many misrepresentations of influence and power have been put out there and simply accepted as 'read" Firstly. WCE has NO say in where he goes. A t best they can operate in a reactive manner.. Its not as if Judd is going to ask ..."is it Ok if I go here...or there !!". Secondly. WCE can jump up and down and ask for this or that. Its irrelevant. They will dealwith what ever cards are available , they cant invent them. Ive mentioned this before but the Eagles are playing a very clever game of bluff. On the one hand Judd is going all in..on the other they are holding NOTHING. Judd may of course ideally want to see WCE not come off too poorly ( else it may reflect on him also...dont forget that), but if Judd was really concerned about the Eagles he wouldt be leaving; to me all thats just moot. Keep in mind.. when it comes down to the argy bargy..WCE arent driving this. If they balls it up...they get NOTHING !! All I read is WCE want this...or that..they want want want...But its really about what they Get get get !!
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