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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. but in all fairness to that we Didnt have juice on the park..and now Bater is settling into the roving CHF role. Robbo only really contributed in a major way on a couple of days when playing absolute crap !! essentially Robbo is good to keep...not end of world if leaves.
  2. Yes...quite arguably Clement was not going to be around too much longer..but he would have been expected to go as you rightly surmise probably the end of 2008. Which means the filth would have been tackling the "Back" problem through out 2008 and bringing someone on , or looking to do something this time nex year. Now they have a gaping hole NOW !! There's an old expression.. Its not how you make it, its how you spend it. Without a solid backline they are spending like a sieve. That will cost them games as this will effect games more than Judd feeding or kicking goals will !! Its just my view though
  3. carefull...thats bordering on logic hey I essentially agree. I think the Clement resignation changed much. But I feel all alone in the wilderness hehehe
  4. calling... Marples... Poirot, Holmes even !! lol.. the thick plottens
  5. I must admit..this is very much the case. Seems mainlly founded on the wants of Collingwood folk !! lol This is something I have been trying to fathom, why would any self respecting Melbourne boy want to play in Black and white... I ask you ?? lol But what if this club of filth was added to the list in a clever way to guarantee the booty was as high as possible ?? If yu knew that this club would want to weaselits way into the whole thing anyway, why not include them, and play them?? Conjecture I know.. but this has all the flavour of an Agatha Christie...lol
  6. bias based on history We have no animosity nor they from trade deals. Collingwood on the other hand.....
  7. It may be simple bias but I have the feeling we are weagles club of choice re dealing. If thats the case and Judd / Connors would know it, then we are more than likely to be in any 2 club choice. and going back to original theme.. if its us and wobblies...then ...well....
  8. Youd have to think that if , hypothetically , that was the case that having jourrneyed this far down the road of self determination that a pragmatist will look for he next best fit and not allow himself to to be fated by the gods again. the very nature of nominating four clubs up front seems to indicate there is some flexibility in his course.
  9. Eddie everywhere is already on record as saying he wont do this. that is.. decimate his team to get Judd. It does get interesting doesnt it.
  10. I know what youre'saying.. but you only need be respectful...not obliging ?
  11. Well you do raise an interesting aspect to al this that i was indeed wanting to put out there. Many have thought this too no doubt. This is a game being played on a number of levels in a number of different ways. Bit like 3 dimensional chess, except not everyone is even playing chess !! lol. Some are playing a look alike game, but with differing rules. The main game.... get Judd !! sub plots..... all parties jockying to make best position to either snare Judd or reap the ripe crumbs. associated sub plots. No involved ( directly ) parties circling and posturing to provide fodder/ amunition to main parties whilst accentuating their own lists. Bluff and gambits. Now probably only those directly involved.. Melbourne, Carlton , Essendon and Them (lol ) will have any real idea of how they are placed at the moment. But if a team felt it may in all reality dip out it may continue to preen etc in a bid to pickup a clever swap or trade pickup. but too your idea of trading #4..well.. if we miss the main prize...then decent consolations are acceptable. But for me the real question here ...is.. For some clubs what is the MAIN prize ?? This is all not as it seems !!
  12. the aspect of this article I liked was it put back into real perspective the notion that Collingwood has fires on two fronts now. 1) what can it in all reality offer and 2) is this now the main concern of lexus land . Iit would be then How high the cost if its Judd at "all costs " ??
  13. not having a go at anyone...but I fail to se really what interet Judd will have in appeasing the eagles too much. he was ripped from Melbourne and sent to Perth without a 'how do you do " etc. He has given good service ( understatement ) he owes nothing. This is Judds game now. Having said that ..Id happily be totally wrong and have Judds imput be just that...play fair. That can only work to our advantage. I just dont see this as "the" real deal breaker though; probably just me ..lol
  14. Theres a distrust and dislike from the Weagles towards the Filth that has been festering for some time.. Would the WCE cut off their nose to spite Collingwoods face ? I reckon it would come very VERY close !! Not all in footy is rational !! If the filth couldnt come up with something tenable then the weagles may opt to inflict damage..Yes a somewhat contrived and far fetched scenario...but hey..this is footy !! I just got the impression the article was a nice piece of subtle scuttling !! :-) What I do expect is Collingwood to pull off some swifty of ingenuity even if it doesnt get the main prize, it will be like a vulture to the left overs and anythign left un attended with doors open whilst the game centres on the main prize !
  15. http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/footy/com...5E19742,00.html Ah..cant take the red and blue out of the ol boy !! :-) In a sea of black and white musings comes a little rationality in the whole matter Nice work Mike B)
  16. Possibly a tad unfortunate for Robbo but this instance to me shows that the club has changed. Last year we would have caved. Things are different.
  17. Something I find absolutely fascinating is judging by comments amongst weagles fans you'd reckon we didint even exist !! Hardly any mention AT ALL about Judd coming to us !!...Some see it as more probable apparently that he may even end up with the Toiges !!...all quite laughable really
  18. Juddy had the right answer ................. " I dresed myself "
  19. well done mate !!! fantastic . The first of many
  20. I actually find a lot of what she writes quite interesting for the most part. Its often a different view than that taken by many of the "know alls". But occasionally she annoys me by offering up twaddle with absolutley nothing to back it...other than her "feelings on the matter' We ( MFC ) dont rate amongst much of the media ( except of course any that have at some time come in contact with us...funny that!! ) and as such we're never seen as a logical path for ...well anything !! But the facts bely this.
  21. almsot feel sorry for her....the poor richmond tragic !!! lol surely she's aware of Murphy's Law !! hehe
  22. maybe this is just me.. but everyone in the press etc are all thinking the "logical' approach to all this. he oughta go here because...or he might go there because of this and that; and to me nothing about this is straightforward in that respect other than he wants to play in Melbourne mainly at the G.
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