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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. This is I think a pretty good evaluation of the trials and tribulations that are one Lynden Dunn. He is still reasonably young given his games.. He is however the dreaded 192.. Seriously though he needs to get with it at senior level or he is destined to be a very good VFL player...and no point him being ours !! I cant se him for love or money being capable of filling Sylvia's boots ( in the manner Col has been playing of late ) but he may well get a call up....or more a put up or.............
  2. Dan..we can go on ad-infinitum.. but I do wishg however to adamantly say that its NOT a bash. In order to bash I would have singled the guy out and rubbished him. That I did not do. I simply chose to not include him in my thinking going forward and left it at that. It seems all others can then add words and thinkings into a vacuum and label it a bash. I dont accept that. I can see that not all agree and thats fair enough. Strangely all dont disagree either. It is more than likely that the club will use a later pick to grab another 'project' ruckman much in the same way it did Spencer. In this manner you effectively have a time line for bringing him into the fray. I would imagine th eclub will do this on some sort of conintual basis every other year or when a 'likely lad' pops up and is available to be drafted. We Have Jamar, who's proven a better player than we ( many of us and I put hand up ) thought he could /would be. Meesen has also shown a littel and hopefully with a solid preseason will add to this in '10. Spencer is getting better but still needs cooking a bit more. Martin can pinch hit. There are only so many spots on a list. If you arent looking a likely prospect at 25 after more than a handful of seasons then youre probably not going to get there. Im not bagging th eguy just saying he ins tin my opinion quite at the elite level of footy. A club aspiring to really lift on the ladder needs better than average in the rucking dept. If PJ hasnt a role there then I cant see where else he will fit in to the team , not in any sensible and balanced fashion. It would then seem to me he is taking up a likley spot for a newer and younger recruit. Again..its not so much what PJ does or doesnt bring to the party its that I reckon others bring more. It was they I was concentrating on. is that less subtle
  3. see..youre the one inferring its a PJ bash.. I simply chose not to include him.. A great difference. Again possibly a subtlety too far for yourself. Others seem to favour commentary as a form of debate.. you just want to rubbish. As many postions need to be vacated come seasons end ( approx six ) I would expect any that have been given more than one fair shot at stating a claim and having not attained that will be delisted. I was all for PJ after he showed a bit in recent years. He has however only showed us that bit without really stepping up. Experiment is over...next Its not a bash to simply observe.. Nor do I see it as a bash simply because YOU choose to see it that way..last time I looked you didnt run this place
  4. He (PJ)was deliberately left out as I dont imagine he will take any real part in the Dees future in 2010 and onwards.. Perhaps I was too subtle
  5. a positive...as a very much pinch hitter..martin can do a job. its good going forward me thinks
  6. my thoughts refer to starting position 2010 I dont know why players arent rested ( so to speak ) up forward anymore..some work well in a pocket ..others on flanks.. ..beats me If youre hot..just stuffed,,,why come off the ground.. just dumb for mine .
  7. Ive been swayed.. ..out of Siberia ( inferred or real ) has come the Russian... read Jamar= Da I think we might have a back up in Meesen....yes.. I sense he may actually be that #2 and then the apprentice in waiting.. Spencer at 3 who else thinks this position has sort of been resolved ? Should we get lucky and pick up someone along the way via a 3rd round draft pick or a strange merry go round trade then all well and good. But I think we may actually become competitive in this position.
  8. I think Jurrah will relish a littel space.. so a pocket or flank migh t better suit. Give him an inch and he wil be dangerous.. give him some acreage and he'll be an opposition coach's nightmare he will go looking for it.. hes very confident in himself and probably rightly so. So good to see someone understand what they are really about. Very refreshing. Col on a flank.. as a sort of 'stay on field-resting role' ..for sure.. But they just dont do that these days ...stupid coaches
  9. OK.. Yesterday gave me some ideas of how things may look going forward Wonna Watts Maric xxxx Martin Jurrah the "x" is obviously undecided, for me. Some will put Davey there..I think thats a waste..but suffice to say there is something there to get really happy about. Swap Jurrah and maric is you like, but in this day and age a forward line is really a total unit and must work as one. The back line is sorting itself out.. Warnock, Cheney Garland, Rivers ,Grimes, Bennel etc etc.. The middle..well................ theres a draft coming Point being..I think martin might be that missing link of a kpp CHF we've been after..and to think hes been there all along..lol. your thoughts ??
  10. ironically ...he's warranted
  11. Travis OUT Grimes IN win/win is all that needs saying really
  12. Jack Grimes.. well thankyou Travis :) :) Heres a guy putting other more experienced Dees to ....well..not shame.. but certainly serious scrutiny !! Poise, calm, decision making and a sheer ability to find the ball ...or let it find him and then do something very constructive and invariably intelligent ( footywise) with it. He really came of age yesterday. Has potential Captain all over him. Why.. because he simply leads by example and others lift around him. Surely the Nomination of the week..if any justice
  13. Im not sure whether or not many were simply wearing rose coloured glasses or simply refuse to subject some favoured sons to the same scrutiny as others. Over all Rivers game was a vast improvement, but Ill go as far as saying his game was very nearly very costly. His decision making is the key, not just his kicking. It is non sensical to have done many of his plays going forward.. kicking to ridiculous contests and he must have been watching the Cam Bruce school of handpassing at times as it was woeful. No one, certainly not I questions his gutsiness..but it means very little in the grand scheme of things if you keep giving it to the opposition.. Having said that he ( JR ) had only to look at what Grimes was doing to understand good footy.
  14. nudge nudge wink wink...say no more !!!!!!!!!!
  15. I think you did Am not a real Miller enthusiast but was prepared to ackowledge his effort and seeming change of style but its disappeared. Perhaps there is a concern he could help us closer to a win and so is "managed" . I suspect itd more simply he's gone off the boil but either works for me. Ol' PJ, I really thought he might amount to something but the holes in his repetiore are gaping now. Might be for the DCM list come end of season as some space needs to be found
  16. had a conversation ( a couple actually..but this one ) was in a strangge locale and wont elaborate but in it he convinced me he was absolutely fair dinkum and deserving of a shot. He had no plan.. but he had a plan to get a plan !! He is honourable...he has the club ( as with many things dear to him ) close to his heart. Thats all I need .. Good luck Jimma
  17. watching the other week he is not one to sit back and wait for the game to come to him, this lad likes to find the footy and if its all up the other end he goes a wandering ( and good luck to him too) I think this guy really has so many strings to his bow hes going to be every ( other ) coaches nigghtnmare... what a bugger huh ?? lol
  18. or is it...which came first the chicken or the dinosaur ?? lol for we have some of the footy variety...you figure out which .. :D we have a forward potential.. it has no structure as yet but the materials ARE there.. we have an underpowered vehicle.. bit like a Sunbird with a 2L donk just put putting around.. same car.. beefed up..bigger grunt and its an SLR5000 ( yes ..showing age I know !! lol ) but if you know...then you WILL know !! Not a lot needs to change oither than levels. the chasis IS there..just needs tweaking.. Get two mids.. .. heres the thing.. mids CAN score goals...KPP forwards cant do middle.. not rocketry is it ??
  19. 19999
  20. ok...schucks !!! 31508 !!! v my 31500 would rather have won lotto actually but hey !! prediction for 2010 is 33333
  21. or just a wake up !! get well Jack ...say in about 5 weeks
  22. thanks for update there
  23. ahem !! Davey is 26 ..and been all but inspirational as a leader and the one looking like any sort of a captain on the field
  24. interesting in a fashion that Trengoves worst game was actually when Scully was on him... wonder how theyd go together...not against ???
  25. Draft falls short of tall prospects just adding this link to Emma Quayles article in The Age. Note Butcher playing with a distinct niglle I would say. I rate Quayle for her observations and insight. Thanks to those that attended and their insights too...very informative
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