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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Appreciate the idea there Paddy...but I dont think were in the market for any more 28 yo's just at present !! Not our time frame
  2. Bizarre to think we effectively beat them for two quarters Not a lot of polish in our game, still need to find better shoes to nugget
  3. emphasis on her words "It is important to also note that tanking is a completely different thing to responsible list management: getting injures players operated on once the finals are beyond reach, giving young players game time and so on" This is essentially the theme in the thread i posed.. differently converyed possibly..lol I must confess however that having said that Emma Quales further comentary is possibly moot. I distinctly think she has missed the simplicity of reason in her own opening words and then for what ever reason gone on to tow the company line. I rate Quayle; and much of what she does say has much validity but she, i think, dismisses too easily the notion that calibre of ability is brought in at that opportunity. I can agree with Emma that simply picking high does not guarantee a Champion team as she would have us beleive but it does bring in the chance to have champions and thats something we sorely lack. Its around a champion or two that others lift and the beast that is a 'champion team' forms. To Emma and those similalry minded I suggest we ( MFC ) still desperately nned these picks in order to get more and better talent from which to carve our future. I think she is erroneous in ther thinking that we want high picks for trade currency. I think we need high picks simply for better players. Its as simple as that. There are ways to have measurable improvements without throwing out the baby with the bathwater !!!
  4. I hope so !! I dont think it really matters in many respects whther we talk about it in here or attempt to stay mum as the obviousness and sense of it all must surely be readily apparent to the powers that be. its my concern however that the pressure exuded upon them by external forces who themselves have their own agendas can cause an unwanted result. I fervently hope or club plays its game for only one purpose, the benefit of the MFC. Yes there are fine lines to walk, and cliches to be espoused where needed but if we dont heed the principle that we're it it for ourselves and the rest can look after themselves then then we will have shot ourselves in the foot.
  5. Have been thinking very similar thoughts. He has exuded "Captain" this year.. simply by way of deed. He has led and inspired.
  6. There are times I feel incredibly proud to be a Melbourne supporter and indeed priveldged to take part in ways in its journey. Well done to all involved. Plaudits WJ et al
  7. Apologies.. goes on a little Its a bit of a heated subject, tanking that is. It certainly polarises supporters and observers like few other elements of the game. Many find it simply abhorrent, others a means to an end and probably most are tugged by heart and mind somewhere between the two. Most however simply fail to understand or place it in a context with accuracy. Tank, tanking :whereby teams near the bottom of the standings have sometimes been accused of throwing games at the end of the season to finish as low as possible — thereby gaining the first/earliest pick and or/pp. Just for the moment I'll leave it there and move on to a greater perspective. Lets for a moment consider what point of competition ( at elite levels ) is all about. Id suggest results. Not necessarily winning but results. The ultimate prize invaribly is to win the main event. You compete in the Olympics you will be aiming to stand on the podium and arguably at top, to win gold in other words. here we come to a curious forking of the roads as we have individual sports and team sports. Its possible to argue that any result if your best is an achievement in itself and to be appreciated and admired, respected even. No argument at all fromme on that. Team sports are a different kettle of fish. The journey is not always clear cut nor the methods cut and dried. The goal is however fairly simple, to win. Some would suggest if youre not playing to win then youre either not fair dinkum or not motivated correctly. The journey of a team: Is the path taken from start to finish, the finish being whatever goal is aspired to. For some teams it might be just reaching the final 16 of the World Cup, or the Medal rounds of teh Olympics or similar, some even just to get there. In AFL the first aim is to be in the finals with the second being to be in some sort of position to make a fist of it and in so make a tilt at the real prize, a Premiership. In many sports the path taken is to employ whatever participants ( team members ) you can , and at approriate times in order to move forward along your course. E.g. In swimming often heats are swum by team members who may well not swin that event should the team be succesful in moving on later heats/finals etc. In so doing we establish that a team game is being employed for a team result. The prize and path are pretty clear in such a sport. In AFL football it isnt. The prize is still the Cup but the journey may be over a number of years. Maybe these could be the argumentative substitute for heats, in a fashion. The goal is to be there at some point in order to play off for the prize. The neccessity to win all and every heat along the way is moot. You win what you need to when you need to for the correct advancement. Clever teams will endeavour to field teams so that even if the result is not a win there is still victory in experience and efforts applied. Some racing teams when knowing they cant win that round will simply try to finish that race intact. They may substiute that part tfor another to take advantage of an otherwise waste of time. So clearly there is a vast difference between Tanking and Asset/Time /Opportunity management and the distinction ought to be made and explained.Tanking, throwing games for deceitful and illegal purposes is and ought to be frowned upon. In the game of chess everything is viewed from its relevance to the end result, sometimes even Queens are sacrificed if the moment requires, i.e all things in context.Proper use of opportunities and team assets in order to forward your own cause and ultimately place yourself in proximity to claim the prize is not only prudent but surely exactly what the whole process is about, to win, when it counts.
  8. well obviously...but possibly not as an expensive exercise as compared the probable benefits.
  9. Strangely I did read what he said...and I do per se just take it as footy speak drivel. And again what , in his position is he likely to say.." oh yeah we really want some more talent at the club ..so stuff the last few games...or just a couple..you know..wink wink !!" Of course not. I have played competitively across a number of sports. Not at that level but the priniciple is the same. No..never went out to lose ALL games...but a few we took the foot off the pedal..yep !! See...we werent just dumb bastards..we understood the bigger picture..we understood the real prize and that the journey to your quest isnt always the shortest or most obvious. Ye we contrived to have certain teams possibly play each other in finals as we knew another team A had the wood over a particular team B here we didnt. But we had it over A.. its called playing smart. But maybe if he's got nothing really valuable to add to it all then he like some coaches just keep quiet or skirt the issues. Luckily I dont think CB is a major decision maker at the club..Some may say that of me too..doesnt matter. As long as those that ARE.. see it all for what it is.
  10. enough said.. says it all.. yesterdays man Our future is of tomorrows.. something he seems to be failing to understand. Shame..he could be part of it.. but he has to know why. Might be that bridge too far perhaps !!
  11. reality is...theres only two games that inverse chess skills are required. We probably wont get across the line in the others anyway, but a decent effort is required..
  12. theres wins...and theres WINS some know the difference.. some dont. Battles v Wars ..call it what you will but in this game there is only really one day you want to win...its in September..everything else is somewhat irrelevant !!
  13. if he's too silly to see the bigger picture and temper his comments.. yeah !!
  14. geez.. I wonder how many country memberships will come out of the red centre next year :)
  15. Melbourne can still make the 8 ..yeah can see it.. Now would you like to watch that from the wonderful vantage point of your new bridge ?? ..have one for sale B) Gotta love the confidence though
  16. Its not arrogance is it.. its just simple self belief and expectation. He has that wonderful knack of knowing when to go ...and when to stop and let all others pass. Davey does it too. . I tell ya..there are some very good times ahead when all this clicks together
  17. actually...many schools of thought exist about Whitnall, but I hear you. A clever coach will place players in a way so as to maintain the challenge for them whilst removing the risk should they succeeed
  18. honestly...what else could or would he say ?? Keep in mind the media is always fed Footy-speak... whether its the one week at a time or some other cliche. Quite frankly I really couldnt give a flying... what Bruce says or thinks. He wont be holding up the cup..Better thinkers and more accomplished players will.
  19. thought it warranted another bump... possibly mods could consider a sticky for a few weeks ??
  20. I can see Freo as our only real and probable win. There will be too many Toiges playing for their very existance to lets us beat them. And the Roos.. somewhere pride etc must kick in. They will want to taste as much blood as they can these remaining months. The caretakers have to show off their wares etc. we can yet squeze the PP..but possible we will forfeit pick 2 to 3
  21. really...thats very interesting.. and inexpensive..lol well what the hell...give them all a go especially the Freo and Richmond games.. what...who said that !!!
  22. probably...not sure if theres a pro-rata involved now...but even so.. 80000 as an Investment ( of sorts ) in a Premiership is scheckles well spent
  23. to say nothing of strangely vague and persistant niggling worries to various players requiring a lighter run in the magoos
  24. What if the priority pick was awarded into the following season ? i.e a time delay of a year. Then theres still some real benefit for bottoming outl but its a less attrative one and might disuade deliberate efforts to lose. Just thinking aloud...what if for purposes of PPs it was taken on results from round 12 to round 11 following year.( bit like the tax year etc.). In order to get the very early PP youd still have to suck for 2 years (but effectively over 3 seasons ) but youre not penalised for suddenly finsing a bit of form when it matters not. just ideas..
  25. I too would like to see what Hughes can do.. Not sure if Jordie is quite ready but are you ever?? You just taake opportunities when they're there. Grimes came in late last year and was a bit rough around edges and we of course know how he has come along. Maybe a littel time on the padock can serve well for a couple of guys whilst not actually harming the result, so to speak.
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