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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. Nasher you and other moderators do a fantastic job. I was not questioning that but i do find it odd that you take into account someones skin colour, sexual preference and or sex in determining if they understand persecution. My poor disabled uncle, who had a stutter and patch on his eye would be rolling in his early grave. If I started a thread on demonland "new supporter group" Seeking white, hetro, males only. The thread would be locked and I would rightly be facing suspension. If it is offensive to generalise on race, sexual preference or sex it is offensive no matter where the perceived power is.
  2. Dee-luded you a further left than my hook and I haven't landed a fairway in a long time. Not gonna bother with your replies.
  3. Absolutely he was not to know at the time and he wouldn't be the champion he is if he was busy watching the crowd. He has, however, had ample opportunity since to recant his comments on the young girl being the face of racism and has't. Agree with my opinion on how Goodes has handled the situation with the young girl or not I want it to be known that I boo(ed) past tense for that reason and it had nothing to do with the colour of his skin. I say past tense because I saw an interview with Goodes on the weekend where he talked about being booed and I liked what he had to say. I wont be booing him going forwards unless he wrongs a Melbourne player.
  4. As you can see by my username, for over a decade I have posted on demonland as Wrecker, which as everyone knows is (was) Whelan who came from aboriginal heritage. What you don't know is I was born in 1980 and have seen greats like Flower, Lyon, THEOX, Tingay and Neitz, however, I hold the wiz, Jeff Farmer as the greatest and most dear to me player I have seen. I am passionate at the footy and boo where I see fit: the umpires when we are being dealt an unfair hand the goal umpires when they get it wrong (don't care if male or female) Milne for his off field discretions Eddie for always wearing the wrong hat (If I wasn't already I would boo him for his racist comments to Goodes) Michael Long after the 2000 GF incident Anyone who stands between Melbourne and a premiership When I boo Adam Goodes make no mistake it is for his attack on a 13 year old girl. 17 year old boy goes to juvenile detention for rape or murder and his name is rightly surpresed. 13 year old girl, clearly from a lower socio-economic family says the wrong thing and is branded the face of racism on national tv with a follow up interview. Goodes is not completely to blame the television networks should be ashamed as well but I don't know who too boo there..
  5. Could the above be the most ignorant thing I have ever seen posted on Demonland? It's always the [insert skin colour], [insert sexuality], [insert sex] who say things like this? Astounding it comes from a moderator.
  6. It's funny I get sh1tty when posters criticize McKenzie for his disposal or Watts for his effort and the list could go on. I see our players in a glass full kind of way. We get a player who is a combination of Jonathan Brown and Wayne Carey and I am worried his kick isn't penetrating enough. It's tough being a Melbourne supporter.
  7. Does he have speed issues? I'm pretty sure I read over the pre-season he is in the top 3 over 20m at the club.
  8. Spot on. In other years I would desperately hope for a nomination. With Hogan I don't care. We know he is special nomination or not.
  9. We are more likely to play finals this year than get a priority pick.
  10. I thought the burden of proof at CAS was "balance of probability" rather than "comfortable satisfaction"? Apologies if this has been explained before.
  11. If Essendon were running a deliberate and elaborate programme they would have had 2 sets of records. One to be destroyed and another for ASADA / WADA. No matter which way you look at it they didn't do whatever they were doing well.
  12. I'm in the opposite camp. I was pretty sure that Essendon would get off with ASADA. After re-reading Demon2014 post today I am comfortably satisfied that CAS will find them guilty on balance of probability.
  13. Ash if WADA can't prove to CAS on the balance of probability that Essendon (34) took performance enhancing drugs I think you are entitled to feel exonerated. I like that you will accept the umpires decision either way. I have a feeling most on here and bomberblit for that matter will only accept the decision if it falls inline with their previously held view.
  14. My thoughts are more in line with yours than most other demonlanders but there is not a snow flakes chance in hell their were no records. It is more a case of who made them disappear as to how guilty Essendon are imho. A big issue for me in all of this is they almost certainly would still be around if Demetriou didn't tip them off. What happened from there is anybody's guess. Wouldn't surprise me if Demetriou ordered they be destroyed himself. Dank and Charter hardly seem the types that would have a moral problem destroying them either. Hird, Bomba "I don't have a lemonade or fanta problem" Thompson or any number of them on the board might or might not be involved. It still amazes me that the AFL's forensic experts turned up nothing on the confiscated computers. I am more suspicious of that than a predetermined ASADA outcome through the AFL's panel.
  15. Pick holes in some of the models?I would love it if you showed me any model that predicted a 17 year hiatus. You could also do me Favour and point me to anyone in the science is settled crowd, who know truckloads more than me, who predicted a 17 year hiatus whilst carbon (dioxide) kept on rising. Climate change where the future is certain but the past keeps changing.
  16. Admittedly I spent the first half in the blazer bar watching the fight but I would like to see Watt's tackle count today before dropping him. I thought I saw him stick a couple. From reading all the training reports that is the area of his game they are really working on. If he is improving on that we have to keep him in. We know he uses it well when is and running.
  17. I missed the dees better half only to watch that load mouth win on points.
  18. Are the players employed by the AFL or the club? Contract is between player and club but I have a feeling the ultimate employer is the AFL. Can someone clarify? If the AFL is the ultimate employer Worksafe will go after them.
  19. Lance Armstrong had a whole bunch of pele with intimate knowledge and involvement give evidence against him. Essendon have no such thing.
  20. The thing I really took out of the interview was Jones talking about how just getting the footy was not having a good game and Roos has been disappointed with some of his higher possession games in the past. They even used to disagree about if he had played well or not. I had heard as recently as early last season that Jones was one of the poorest at the club at blocking for others as per the stats our internal statisticians do. Obviously this has been rectified and he is leading from the front and Roos is building a culture of good habits.
  21. I reckon I saw that bloke in the bullring after the game and he opened up his shirt there and was showing off a small Melbourne symbol tattooed on his chest.
  22. Gee he looks good. My query is on the penetration of his kicking. For those who watched him at Casey and I did can he kick it 50+ metres? I can't remember thinking there was an issue 2 years ago.
  23. The you in the above quote is not directed at me but if I could reply; blind Freddy should be able to see AFL corruption in this. Firstly Demetriou tipped of Essendon on this and you are delusional if you think otherwise. The AFL continually leaked to the media i.e. Caroline Wilson anything and everything to destroy Hird. It was and still is their prerogative to have a scapegoat rather than the whole football club which ruins the AFL's brand, tv rights, fixturing and raft of other things we haven't even begun to consider. Now the AFL appear to be holding back the decision on Dank until it is too late for ASADA to appeal the AFL panel's decision of insufficient evidence. And finally you say there is nothing but circumstantial evidence of AFL corruption. Do you not see the irony in that?
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