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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. Judd on 16 after 8, has polled in every round so far. Never done before.
  2. bruce has our only vote in round 2 i think.
  3. Agree, but the old man does not like show ponies, he likes footballers to just play the game, oh and punch the opponents.
  4. Its not the speccies, but pretty much every markign contest he goes to ground, never holds his feet and if he does not mark it, his opponent runs it out, hence why clement always spanked him.
  5. HAHA i think that my dad would love having another to sit with to complain about her with.
  6. My dad does not like him due to the flying early, falling over and watching the ball run out, would rather not lose him but if we give him 3 years i will spew!
  7. Well choco has been saying that Bailey is a great coach, i actually could not believe how much he was pumping up this guy when we were going through our process.
  8. 1 Ablett 2 C Cornes, j Brown 3 Bartell, harvey I can't see junior or jones polling well, even though they were our best 2, i think white or green will poll ok for us.
  9. Bollocks to co captains. Seems a cop out to me, I think Bailey will have some one in mind and over the early months of pre season will decide, Besides the best player does not always become the best captain. If J.Brown does not take over the captaincy at the Lions, then Mathews has lost the plot.
  10. I think Thomas and Pendelbury together would be better thing for collingwood than Judd or Buckley at 24. I would rather the 2 at 20 now with the promise thay have shown.
  11. No, but if there are 2 of similar quality they would choose the one from their own state, but i think it will weigh into all equations, if it didn't already
  12. How does one spill his pants???? :lol: I highly doubt that this was true, if he really wanted to come to melbourne he would have just nominated us from the start and not bothered with the rest of the crap.
  13. Bruse is not soft, i do not think he is as hard as others but when he must throw himself in he does, but unlike a jones who throws himself in any time there is half an opportunity. Bruce's kicking in the last season and a bit has been average, but that can be fixed and should be if we had half decent coaching staff, who pointed out his drop of the football is all wrong. It will be interesting to see who Bailey choose's, as he will do so with an outsiders point of view, my preference would be brock, but agree i'd like to see him have an injury free year. I think Green and Jmac have the front running.
  14. HAHAHAHAHA But if he does come to us, every injury after the sugery will be his fault!
  15. Don't freo have a top 10 pick? trade that for trapper, even though i really do not want him to leave, Judd is much better.
  16. Don't worry about Brownlow Bruce, he took it quite bad when people were bagging Bruce about his kicking and since then has taken to bagging McLean at every chance as a petty way of trying to get back at those who bagged Bruce. It seems to him that if he bags McLean it will make Bruce kick better or stop people picking on him. And the fact pretty much everybody said Bruce is not a better choice of captain than Brock upset him too, and this was months ago. Like a dog with a bone, its still gnawing away.
  17. Bohdan would have been there more for the medical side of the Judd injury than anything else, i think Harris has been doing a lot of good of late, never really had a problem with them of late.
  18. Agree, there was plenty of mistakes, but G. Ablett is simply great, people bandy the word superstar around waaaaaay too much, but this guy is a star and he will become a super star in the next 2 years.
  19. I don't think so. But hey who knows in this world we live in.
  20. I have thought he was a decent player, i have watched a fair bit of saints games and thought he goes alright
  21. Well with the filth being beaten, they can now speak to Judd this weekend. God i thought the cats deserved more free's of the umps, Ablett was awesome tonight with Ottens and Bartell. Go Cats!
  22. And essendon will firm when they meet him as will the Filth.
  23. well they showed 30 seconds of footage of the meeting with the demons, did not speak to lyon or any one else either. At least not on 9 or 10
  24. Don't be sorry, much appreciated for each tiny bit of information that i can lay my grubby hands on.
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